Lettice chewed on her thumb as she watched the longboats row closer and closer towards the small cove. Her head was hurting from the war raging inside of her, her calculating mind and her throbbing heart tearing each other to pieces. Each time she would begin to walk towards one of the men to frantically warn them of the curse, a picture of a pale and lifeless Will would fill her mind, leaving her heart as cold and unbeating as the image that plagued her.

'I have to warn them,' her mind screamed, 'this is wrong and you know it'. Swallowing the image of a lifeless Will, she marched towards one of the important looking redcoats, however before she could reach him a hard closed around her forearm, stopping her.

"Miss Evans, I'm afraid you'll have to retreat to the Captain's quarters – Commodore's orders," he said, already pulling her along the deck towards his destination. Lettice immediately recognised him as one of Norrington's men from Port Royal, Gillette, if she was not mistaken.

"Sir, I really must speak with you this instant! The men don't stand a chance, the pirates, they are-" she began, however was quickly cut off.

"If you are going to say 'cursed', Miss, I can assure you, Miss Swann has made sure we have been informed of that,' he said as he continued to drag her towards the cabin.

Lettice's eyes widened in confusion for a moment before she realised she was quickly running out of time and pulled her arm from his grasp. "Then why aren't they stopping! I find it hard to believe that Commodore Norrington would knowingly row his men to certain death' she shouted, her patience quickly ebbing as panic hit her.

"Oh, I don't know, Miss Evans – maybe a sea monster is pushing the boats to shore – no, no a siren must be calling them!" he chuckled, grabbing her arm and once again pulled her across the deck before roughly pushing her inside the cabin where an angry Elizabeth stood dressed in a Naval uniform.

"You must warn them! The pirate's are cursed, they can't die!" Lettice screamed, clenching her hands into fists as he smiled mockingly at her.

"Commodore's orders. So sorry," he said smugly before he slammed the door roughly.

"This is Jack Sparrow's doing!" Elizabeth screamed, throwing herself against the door and trying in vain to open it.

"There's no point wasting your energy, the door will be locked and if not we have nothing to get past the guards with," Lettice said as she watched her. She scanned the room before sighing quietly. "There must be a different way out."

Elizabeth turned from the door and leaned back on it as she surveyed the room quickly, her eyes lighting as they took in the ample cloth and material in the room. "There is – the window." At Lettice's quizzical look, she continued, walking towards the bed. "I knew they wouldn't listen so I made sure there would be a longboat under it, if Commodore Norrington didn't send us here then I knew my father would."

She pulled off one of the bed sheets before ripping it in half and tying the ends together. Lettice regarded her with surprised respect before she quickly walked to the windows and yanked the curtains down, ripping them in half and tying the long strips together.

"I never properly thanked you for helping me on the island, I couldn't have done it without your help" a small voice said from behind her.

Lettice raised her eyebrows in surprise, not used to hearing the woman who was often so full of pride talk in such a soft voice to her – let alone to thank her.

"You're welcome. Although I fear we would still be sitting on a deserted beach in the middle of the ocean if it wasn't for your idea," Lettice replied as she turned her head a bit to regard the woman who continued to tie fabric together. "That was quite remarkable, you know," she said, not used to the amiable conversation between them both, before gesturing to the long rope of material in her hands, "as is this."

Elizabeth raised her head slightly to grin at her, her hands still moving quickly. "I can assure you, it didn't have much on your orders on the Interceptor," she said, surprised at how sincerely the compliment flowed from her lips. Suddenly, her father could be heard through the door.

"We have to hurry," Elizabeth whispered, turning towards her father's voice. Lettice nodded and tied the two, long fabric ropes together before carrying it to the window and tying it tightly to the wooden beam outside of it.

Lettice stood back as she watched Elizabeth lower herself onto the makeshift rope, shimmying down it quickly and lowering herself into the longboat. Lettice quickly followed and they began to row to the Pearl.

"Just how… acquainted are you and Mr. Sparrow?" Elizabeth asked, her mind on their night on the small spit of land as her voice broke the quiet of the two oars pushing the water behind them.

"Captain Sparrow," Lettice corrected before she could stop herself with narrowed eyes. "And I do not believe it is any of your business nor is it the time," she replied as the boat softly bumped the dark hull of the Black Pearl.

She began to pull herself up the dark wood of the Pearl, holding her breath as she slowly climbed past two pirates discussing the food laid out temptingly in front of them, there voices enough signal to ensure Elizabeth would be silent too. She clung on to the top of the ship as she reached the deck and cautiously checked it was clear. She pulled herself higher onto the railing before she clambered onto the deck, her dress restricting her from moving properly. She eyed Elizabeth as she joined her on the deck, jealous of the comfortable-looking breaches she was dressed in.

She turned and looked around the deck again, not quite believing they would be so lucky to be faced with a completely clear deck. Lettice gasped in fright as a skeletal monkey screeched in her face, his eyes bright against the dull-white bones. Elizabeth grimaced before glaring at the monkey, grabbing it and throwing it overboard, the clang of metal making them both cringe. Their location would not remain deserted.

They ran to the rail and watched as it slid off of the canon it had hit, both women jerking back at the sight of the two crew members mirroring them below deck. Lettice tried to control her churning stomach at the sight of their rotting bodies.

They ran down the stairs, hiding as the two watchmen ran onto the deck prepared for the intruders, their war cries echoing as they rushed past. They continued to run down the stairs, neither woman daring to breathe as their minds raced.

"Miss Elizabeth!" Gibbs called in surprise, "and Etta!"

"Mr Gibbs," Lettice grinned, nodding her head at him before rushing to the wall and pulling the rusty keys off of the hook they hung off. Her hands shook with the adrenaline fueled-blood pumping around her body however she found she easily managed to keep her hand steady as she turned the key in the cell's lock.

"I suppose lasses on a ship might not be such bad luck on this occasion," Gibbs said as they hurried up the stairs of the ship, causing Lettice to grin to herself.

She knew it was far from over, but the quickly forming plan seemed somewhat feasible as the crew's heavy footfall up the stairs merged with hers.

Wow, it's been a while! There's been a lot of family stuff going on and my final exams start Monday so it's been a bit hectic, but seeing your reviews reminded me of how much I loved and missed doing this (and you!). It may be a bit of time between updates but I want you to know this story will be finished and I'll probably be doing the next film as well. X x

power ranger fan silver: It was more that she had heard of him, whether it was through Gibbs and his stories or general talk in Port Royal of a pirate so evil that Hell itself spat him back out! Sorry for the confusion.