A/N: I am sorry this chapter is shorter than the rest, but it was the hardest one to write so far... Yes, more angst. Reviews, as always, are well appreciated. And the shallow being that I am, I admit, the more feedback I get, the more inspired I am to continue :)

The nocturnal being she was, she awoke at the threshold of dawn. She could feel sweat standing on her face, on her upper lip and forehead. Wiping it away, she closed her eyes, opened them and looked around her bedchamber and then back at the man lying next to her, as if she might still have been dreaming. Every inch of her body was tensed in sexual frustration the restless dreams had only made worse. She looked at her young protégé again and licked her upper lip. Stretching her long limbs, she sighed. Cues from past evening flooded in clear and vivid; the fact that she'd almost ended up riding her protégé. Her arousal hit wholly new levels and her eyes widened in the darkness. It had been so close! Helen clinched her thighs tightly together and hissed almost angrily through her gritted teeth. The blood in her veins was gushing, burning. Her feet were trembling from arousal and anger as she stood up and walked towards the door.

So close!

And the door behind her slammed shut loudly.

Jolts of pain shot through her veins as her fists hit their target with deadly force. God, it felt good! All that had been bottled up and suppressed in her for too long now steamed out, raging.

Adam! That filthy, filthy bastard!

Another row of deadly force tore her knuckles open. She didn't care, now unable to feel the physical pain. Her awareness had been overrun by nearly animalistic anger, blurring the lines of sense and time. All the chaos one man in his lunacy had caused! He had been too stuck in his own obsession to see past it. She had tried to help him, she had! And god forbad the bastard, she did know how losing a child felt! Sweat was now gluing the thin black fabric on her skin. She hit that sack over and over again.

And John then? Bewildered growl escaped her lungs. She bit her lip, tasting her own bittersweet elixir of life. She was now almost clawing the boxing sack, hissing his name, completely oblivious to anything but the pain that was tearing her insides. Hadn't she given him everything? Everything! The man was far too self-centered to realize she had feelings too, far too stuck making a living martyr out of himself. She screamed, yet heard nothing but the aggressive throbbing of her heart. The black of the boxing sack had streaks of red all across it by now. Her heartfelt pain.

The thought of Ashley brought her to her knees, one hand instinctively pressing against her stomach. The air got knocked out her lungs and tears burned on her skin as the final blow was given. Ripping pain on her abdomen, the loss, the pain.. Oh, the pain! Ashley.. Ashley..

"Ashley!" Crying out loud as she curled up in a fetus position, staring into nothingness.

Will had woken up to the slamming door and his gut instinct had told him to go after her. He'd wandered around for a while, until eventually finding his way to the Sanctuary gym. The sight greeting his eyes froze him still in silent respect. The sight that was his boss might as well been a force of nature in her mighty power. The sight of her made him… Humble, almost. Will quickly understood what he was witnessing, and all though he'd thought of interfering, he intuitively abandoned the thought. It only made perfect sense for his boss to finally.. let it all out. So he stood still, even though each of her punches felt like someone was stabbing him. By the time Helen was hissing out loud the Ripper's name, Will wanted to kill him. With. His. Bare. Hands. More than anything, he wished he could take away her pain, carry it on his shoulders. But he couldn't, and all he could do was to wait it out. By the time she was finished, Will had tears on his eyes as well. He silently walked towards the perfectly still, lifeless figure that was Magnus.

He swiftly lifted her to his arms, whispering soothing words to her. Silently, he made his way to the infirmary. Then, just as gently as he'd lifted her, he laid her down to the bed. Carefully, Will took her palms to his and kissed the skin that was torn open and bloody.

"Gosh, Magnus, I'm so sorry.." He muttered with a broken voice, but he was quite sure his boss wasn't in the state of mind to hear anything. He turned around, trying to figure out where the hell the bandages and gauges were. Eventually, he found what he was looking for and started mending her wounds.

The antiseptic still stung a little and Helen blinked in awe. It took her a while to make sense of where she was and why she was there. Will… She blinked again, surprised. Now that her mind wasn't awfully blurred with wine nor anger anymore, her thoughts were spinning wildly. How had he known to look for her? Had he been witness to.. well, whatever had caused her knuckles to tore open? She didn't remember much apart from the blind rage. The aching and throbbing on her hands told her that she'd used quite a lot of power. She closed her eyes again, gasping for air. Tears were falling down her cheeks again, but this time, it wasn't of pain, but gratitude. For at last, she felt in peace. She locked her eyes on her young protégé, and a silent thank you was spoken with no words.