A hot breath against his ear.

"So, are you bound to give up yet...?"

Hands struggling to break free.


Another breath ghosted on his neck.

"Now, now...you're so brave, ne? Putting up a tough act like that..."

Heart beating fast, every beat laced with fear.

"I don't know who the fuck you are but if you try doing anything stupid, you're fucking dead."

An annoying grin on his face.

"You can't kill me and get away; you know it very well and you're still resisting?"


"Go the fuck away..."

The white haired stranger leans forward towards his victim's neck, listening intently to the blood rushing through the veins then stared at his victim's face. His cursed hand reached to touch it.

"...how beautiful..."

The desire to keep on living.

"Fuck you..."

That lustful gaze for blood and pleasure.

"...tempting as you are right now, I can't...not now..."

His heartbeats had gone erratic.

"...you're not going to kill me?"

The smell of such pure rich blood is like an aroma and the blood rush is like music...to him.

"You're too beautiful to be my prey..."

A part of him wants to live, a part of him wants to be taken.

"...is that what's stopping you?"

He needs to get away and fast.

"I'm not like the others..."


"...just let me go dammit..."

The stranger disappeared but left a whisper in the midair.

"...I'll see you at the school, Kanda Yuu..."

The fear never left the raven.

'He knows me...'

He still shudders and looked around.

The Japanese just noticed that he...

...in desperation of getting away from the stranger...

...was in the middle of the moonlit forest.

And it's just the beginning of something more unthinkable.

A/N: this just popped in my mind I swear and my hands started typing on its own QAQ"'