AN. This is my first Soul Eater fanfiction. It is in the anime universe. I am currently reading the manga. It will take a while for updates to this story. Be prepared. So... if you like this story, my writing, and Ouran High School Host Club, then I'd suggest checking out my other stories during the time between updates. I'd also appreciate your feedback through reviews! Reviews allow me to know what I'm doing right and what I need to improve on.
Disclaimer. I own no rights to Soul Eater, the anime or manga. I'm not artistic... at all.

Everyone was down.

She'd succeeded in saving Soul, but it didn't matter now. He was hit, out of the fight.

Protecting me again…

She was alone, utterly alone.

Asura's still here! He's the reason Kid and Blackstar are wounded. He's the reason Soul is hurt. He's the reason!

She suddenly noticed that Asura was talking once more. She glared down as the creature continued to move his lips, spitting out his disturbing voice and cruel statements.

"Shut the hell up." Maka growled.


"I thought I told you to shut the hell up!"

Maka swiftly rested Soul's head down and charged Asura.

"...fear of loneliness..."

Asura sent one of his appendages to uppercut Maka. She flew into the air and was immediatly slammed back down by another.

"...fear of's effective enough against someone like you."

Maka gritted her teeth as she gathered her hurt body upwards to stand.

"I am a weak human, but this pain is nothing! I've felt far worse pain than this!"

Asura grinned. "Let's test that little statement. You can dodge, but your friend will die."

His long ago, swallowed weapon partner came to his mouth. His eyes gleamed as he saw Maka raise her arms wide, shielding her fallen comrade.

The weapon fired.

Once the dust cleared, Maka fell.

She was on her back. Every part of her body hurt. She was already tired from defeating Medusa and from visiting Soul's mind. Now, she wanted to sleep... just sleep. She couldn't fight any longer. He would win. Asura would win.

No! No, I will defeat him!

That was her last thought when she lost consciousness.

Something was happening.

Her body was moving... but how?

She could feel things emerging from her body. What the hell was going on?

She was in the middle of fighting the Kishin right? Wait... where was the Kishin?

On second thought, where was everything?

Well two things were certain, it was pitch black and she couldn't see anything.

Was she dead? If she was, why did she still have this odd feeling of being solid and... in motion?

Death was strange.

Maybe she just dreamed everything. That's it. She was actually asleep in her bed back in her apartment. She'd wake up and everything would be perfect. Blair would be in Soul's room right about now, and any second she'd hear her weapon partner yell out in shock.

She tried to convince herself of that, but her denying ended instantly when she felt it.

A hand, but no ordinary hand, was digging its way into her right side. It squeezed, clawed, and ripped at her flesh.

Everything froze.

Then, Maka woke up…

And screamed her lungs out.

UPDATED 5/29/2013