Peekabooo: Hey! Wow my title sucks! Ha, anyways. This was based off a story that my health teacher told me that happened to her son. it involves a bit of paralysis and is extremely rare. I instantly thought it would be a good story, and of course I made it about Reid...All my stories are about Reid...because he is just prone to accidents. It's a pretty interesting thing that is gonna happen to Reid in the next 1-3 chapters :) It is definitely going to take a lot of medical research but it's gonna be worth it :)
Please review! It would really mean the world to me :)
Reid's phone buzzed on his nightstand, waking him up. He reached towards it and a text from Hotch lit up the screen.
Be in a little early. Child Case. 8:30.
Reid sighed. Child cases were never very fun for any of them, however he knew the urgency of it. So he sat up to get out of bed, but his stomach twisted into knots that were almost unbearable. He automatically laid back down and became still as a stone, hoping it would pass. The light from the window on the right side of his bed poured through and brightened the whole bedroom up, while also hurting Reid's eyes. Reid looked at the clock on his small bedside table. It was already 7:57. That meant that Reid had 33 minutes to get out of bed, shower, get dressed, refill is go-bag, get to the metro, and walk inside the BAU by 8:30.
Reid groaned as he attempted to sit up in bed again. The knots tightened and Reid felt the bile from his throat rise up. He swiftly hopped to his feet, his hand covering his mouth, and scurried over to his bathroom. He kneeled down in front of the porcelain toilet and he threw up. The mixture of food from the night before and acid came out, burning his nose and mouth mercilessly. Reid hated to throw up. It was one of the things he tried to avoid and prevent at all costs. So he counted, waiting for this grim beginning of his day to finally end. It went on for one minute and twenty-three seconds total. Afterwards Reid pulled himself up off of his bathroom's cold tile floor and walked unsteadily into his kitchen, already feeling a headache brewing inside of his head. He dare not eat anything, but drinking was okay right? Reid didn't want to risk it but he had to get the torturous burning sensation and the horrible acid taste out his mouth.
He desperately wanted coffee but he knew that was out of the question. So instead he gulped down a tall glass of water, but automatically regretted it afterwards. He got a little dizzy and sat down in one of his dining chairs. He didn't think he could stand in the shower, so he didn't take one. He just grabbed a brush and sat on the toilet, lid down, and brushed his hair. Afterwards he slipped into some dark slacks and put on a white shirt, then added a navy blue cardigan. He filled his to-go bag with a fresh change of clothes and then put on his dark sunglasses.
Reid really did not want to go to work that day, but he knew the team would worry if he didn't. And yeah, he was sick, but he had gone to work sick before. This would not be a big deal and he could make it through the day. Besides, he hated it when the team worried about him. He hated feeling like a baby. So Reid grabbed a small container of tums from his medicine cabinet, stuffed them in his bag, then headed out the door. His stomach churned as he walked slowly towards the metro. The ride was quick, but very loud. It was one of the busiest rides in the morning. But it only accentuated Reid's horrible morning when the ride got delayed due to the metro having issues. They technical problems went on for awhile and Reid had sighed multiple times before it finally went on. It was 8:38 when he reached the doors.
He shuffled into work very slowly, not trying to stir up anything inside him. He noticed that JJ and Emily weren't in the bullpen, and sighed. That meant that the team had already gathered to the round table. He walked as quickly as he could up towards the briefing room. As soon as he stepped inside, everyone's eyes turned towards him. He blushed slightly before he gruffly apologized and explained his problems on the metro, briefly.
"That's alright Reid. We haven't even started yet." Hotch reassured him.
"Oh good," Reid said, half out of it as Garcia walked in, handing everyone their tablets and Reid his standard file. Reid was grateful that the conversation had dropped.
"This is Melissa Adcock," A picture a little girl with Brown curly hair, green eyes bright with happiness showed up on the screen, "She was kidnapped two days ago from her home in Denver, Colorado. Last night the five year old's body was found in a school dumpster. And this morning six year old Kobi Johnson was not in her bed."
The next picture showed another girl with long brown hair, smiling happily and brightly into the camera. The two girls looked so much alike it was scary.
"He obviously has a type," Emily stated after seeing the pictures.
"Are there any witnesses?" Hotch asked.
"Notta," Garcia Said.
"Do the parents have anything that could be useful?" JJ queried.
"Not that I know of."
"Was there sexual assault on the first victim?" Morgan asked.
"The Coroner is still determining that," Garcia answered.
"Does the coroner know what the cause of death was?" Rossi questioned.
"Also still determining."
"There are bruises on her neck. It could have been strangulation," Emily examined.
"If there isn't any sexual abuse then it obviously isn't a sexual fantasy. Which probably means we don't have a pedophile on out hands." Morgan added, noticing that Reid was being unusually quiet.
"Alright everyone. Wheels up in twenty."
Reid sighed and got up from his seat, his stomach jolted and the acid was coming up from his throat. He managed to swallow the disgusting liquid back down, without anyone noticing his sickened face.
On the way to Colorado, Reid's stomach didn't feel much better. After the team had gone over the case one more time Reid attempted to sleep, hoping to escape from his miserable stomach ache and the acid that was stewing inside him. He had a massive headache, -which wasn't really unusual- his joints ached, he felt weak, and he was so tired, although he had gotten a good night's rest. After they had talked about the case even more and dismissed, The plane jolted and that was all Reid's stomach could take. He got up as soon ad he felt the acidic Vomit coming up his throat. He managed to make it into the bathroom in time, but not without gathering a few eyes.
After two minutes and thirty four seconds of piling JJ knocked on the bathroom door.
"Spence? Are you alright?" She whispered. Reid was grateful that she hadn't broadcasted it, although everyone probably heard her.
As soon as Reid had finished he got up and unlocked the door.
"Spence. You look awful."
"Gee. Thanks," Reid tried to laugh and put a lighter side to it.
"Were you throwing up this morning?" JJ questioned, going into mother mode.
"Yeah," Reid admitted after a moment.
"How did you feel last night?"
"Uh. Okay until dinner. I kind of felt unsettled after dinner."
"It's probably just the stomach flu," JJ said before feeling his forehead.
"You're burning up," JJ sighed.
"Sh! I don't want the whole team to know," Reid hushed his friend.
JJ laughed, feeling his forehead again.
"You should probably just rest the next day or two," she diagnosed.
"No. I'm working the case," Reid protested.
"If Hotch will let you."
"I can rest when the case is over," Reid stated.
JJ sighed and pushed the door open, and her and Reid walked out.
"What's wrong?" Hotch queried.
Reid glanced at JJ.
"Spence just has a little fever that's all," she lied, for her friend.
"Do you need to sit this one out?"
"No. I'm okay," Reid assured. He kind of felt relieved that they hadn't heard him throw up.
"Are you sure?" Hotch questioned hopefully, one more time.
"Of course. I'm fine," Reid said again.
"Okay. But don't push yourself. If you need a rest, please don't hesitate to speak up."
"Alright," Reid gave a small smile before sitting next to Morgan. Everyone went back to their own business. Well partially. Hotch kept stealing glances, as did Rossi and Emily. Morgan just looked at him, concern deep in his eyes.
"Kid. Nobody would think less of you if you rested at the hotel," he told the younger agent.
"On December 6, 2010 you had a cold while we were working a case in Oklahoma. You didn't take a break," Reid said, while looking out the window.
Morgan sighed as Reid used his own actions against him.
"Fine. But take it easy," Morgan exhaled.
Reid almost said, "Then stop treating me like such a baby."
But he knew Morgan was just worried about him.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Emily asked, clearly worried about her friend.
"I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me so much," Reid laughed, looking back to the file.
As he pretended to Read it, Morgan glanced at Prentiss.
She mouthed, "Should we buy it?"
Morgan pursed his lips, then mouthed back, "We'll keep an eye on him."
The plane landed and the team set off to work to find the missing girl and bring justice for the one who had passed on.
After two days of no sleep and working his butt off, Reid was leaning over the toilet- again.
This had to have been the tenth time he had leaned over the porcelain god. He could not keep anything he ate in his stomach and he felt like he could lay down and take a nap anywhere. But Kobi Johnson was still missing and her life was far more important to him at the moment than some stupid stomach flu. The team had speculated she might already be dead, because the last girl had been killed in two days, but they still assumed she was alive.
Reid finally crawled off the Police Department's bathroom floor, his stomach empty, and washed his face and hands, all out of energy. He walked out of the bathroom and suddenly felt really dizzy. Purple spots started to cloud his vision and He barely made it to a chair before his legs gave out. He put his head in between his knees and inhaled and exhaled deeply. Emily and JJ walked through the double doors, back from interviewing a possible witness. That's when they saw him.
"Spence?" JJ exclaimed as she ran over to him, Emily close behind
Reid sat up, still very dizzy, and JJ felt his forehead again.
"He's even hotter than he was. Go ask the someone from the department if they have a first aid kit with a thermometer or something."
Emily immediately went to find someone.
"I'm fine," Reid mumbled, going to stand up, but JJ pushed him back into the chair, and Emily rushed back moments later, a small box in her hands.
"He said there should be one in here," she opened the kit and rummaged around before swiftly pulling out an electric thermometer. She handed it to JJ, who put it under Reid's tongue. Three seconds later she took it out.
"We need to get Him to a hospital." JJ gasped, as she read the temperature.
"What is it?" Emily asked, alarmed.
"His temperature is 103.6," JJ told her, "Call Hotch while I help Spence get to the car."
JJ helped Reid up and guided him outside to the car, while Emily dug her cell phone out of her pocket. She dialed Hotch's number and he answered on the first ring.
"What do you have Prentiss?" Hotch asked.
"We're taking Reid to the hospital."
"What? Why?" Hotch asked, shocked by this sudden announcement.
"Well we just got back from interviewing the possible witness -which was no help by the way- and we came back and he was sitting on a chair with his head between his knees. And he sat up and looked really out of it. JJ felt his forehead and it felt hot and I got a thermometer. His temperature was 103.6," Emily explained making her way out to the car.
"Okay. Uh. Call me once he's checked in," Hotch said, sighing as he hung up the phone.
Peekabooo: To be continued..or not?
D: I'm scared now..