INTERVIEWER: So, I've heard you guys are from Idaho. What's it like there.
SAYA: Cold.
FUJI: Only in the winter. She just remembers that the most because it's what she hates most.
INTERVIEW: Well, I can't disagree with that. Is there something about that area that defines you?
BACHIKO: No. Unless you mean my room, which is kind of like Saya's messy brain.
AI: Messy? Your room is total chaos!
INTERVIEWER: *laughs* Is that how you'd describe her? Chaotic.
AI: More like idiotics.
INTERVIEWER: Really? What about the group; how would you sum yourselves up?
SAYA: Eh...I guess we just try to combine the elements we like in the things we see.
CHO: Monkey see, monkey do. Especially Saya-monkey.
INTERVIEWER: Oh? And how did you come up with your names and the name up the band?
AI: We actually based our names off an acronym and stuck an "S" on the end so there would be enough letters for all of us. Fuji actually just got stuck with hers though...
CHO: The band name was my idea.
BACHIKO: Yeah, she used to write it on our arms in Sharpie. That stuff's hard to get off!
AI: That's because it's permanent marker, idiot.
INTERVIEWER: Well, how does it feel to be in a proffesionally signed band?
FUJI: I think we're all still getting used to it...And it's kind of hard, because we're all trying to go to college. I hate to say it, but the band is more of a side thing.
AI: Especially since Saya goes so far away! *pouts*
INTERVIEWER: I'm sorry to hear that. What are your hopes for the future?
SAYA: Well, once we all finish up with school, we're planning to focus on our music. I don't think any of us could really live without it.
INTERVIEWER: Do you have anything else in your lives that's important to you? Maybe boyfriends?
AI: Well, we have boys who are friends...
BACHIKO: No, they're stalkers.
CHO: *clapping a hand over BACHIKO's mouth* Ignore her. Some people were dropped on their heads as babies, but as you can see, she was thrown at a wall.
BACHIKO: Mmn, m mzz nzzd bm zkmms!
INTERVIEWER: What was that?
SAYA: She says no, she was raised by squirrels.
INTERVIEWER: You understood that!
SAYA: It just takes time. I understand half-asleep and full-mouth too.
INTERVIEWER: Wow...Alright then. Well, we're running out of time, but I wanted to ask about the time you guys recently spent with Cinema Bizarre. We all know they were a big inspiration for you guys. What was it like to meet them?
SAYA: Chaotic.
FUJI: Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
AI: It was great though. We have a lot of the same interests and stuff like that, so we could talk about things like manga and different playing techniques.
INTERVIEWER: Nothing else? I mean, there was a lot of speculation about relationships. Are you telling me it was all the imagination of your fans.
CHO: Well, maybe not all imagination...
SAYA: I think all you could really say at this point is that we're close friends.
INTERVIEWER: Well I'd love to hear more about that, but it looks like we're out of time. Good luck with your career, and your, uh..."friendships." *waves at the camera*
INK3D: *waving at the camera* Bye, guys! Keep supporting us please!