Title: Caught

Chapter Title: Prolog

Author: Rasei

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Detective Conan.

Couples: all canon couples

A/N: This story is something I planned over five years. I start writing and planning this before Akai died, and before Okiya, Sera or Amuro appear. I have brought these characters into my story but their background may or may not be different. I also complete rewrote the story so far, and hoping to put up a new chapter everything three or so days. There is new plot threads, new characters, romance, and more BO than before.

6 Months Before

He stared into the gray eyes, and felt a rare smile grace his face. Who knew when he met this person just five months ago, he would be totally in love? He would have to thank Kudo and Shouma for introducing the two of them.

"I haven't seen you smile before. What are you thinking about, Manabi-san?" said the low, almost shy voice, raising him from his thoughts. Daisuki smiled, still studying the person.

"Nothing much. I was wondering..."

"Here is your order, one lobster meal and one steak meal without mayo," said the waitress, interrupting Daisuki. Daisuki glared at her, as she slips the meals in front of the correct person.

"Manabi-san, you should smile more. Your smile is brighter than the sun," said his date, as they started digging into their steak.

'The blush was more beautiful than the eyes,' Daisuki thought. Daisuki smiled again, making the blush deepen.

"This is a date, isn't?" Daisuki finally asked, making his date drop their fork.

"Mana... Manabi-san, I... I... Hell, yes! I mean... if you don't mind. I mean... I..." The blush overcame their face, making Daisuki laugh. To both of their surprise, it's wasn't Daisuki usually mocking laugh, but a truly happy laugh. Daisuki finally stopped, smiling again.

"Yes, I would really like this to be a date," Daisuki said, sliding his hand onto the table and taking the hand. The two smiled at each other. This was love, and the start of a beautiful relationship.

2 Months Ago

Emi Hiko stood still, smelling the forest around her. If only that man wasn't here, this would be perfect. Emi stopped and shook her head, tears gathering in her eyes. No, this would be perfect if her parents were at home, laughing at jokes or arguing over something stupid. Perfect if they were alive, not swept away by the ocean.

Emi wrapped her arms around herself, and sanked to the ground to have a good cry where no one would see her. She didn't hear the person approach behind her, as hard as she was sobbing. It wasn't until she stopped, that words were spoken.

"What distasteful manners, acting like that in public," said that man. Emi stood up as fast as she could. She looked into his dark angry eyes, and the smug look on his face.

"Why are you following me? Why can you just leave me alone?" she asked, angry. Her body starts shivering, as she glares at him.

"Of course I'm going to follow you. Your dear DEAD parents left you to me in their will. As your guardian, it's my duty to protect you." Her body shakes harder as she listens to his nasally voice.

"Why did they even do such a thing, Genji Zubaki? My mother hated you, and my father..." Emi stops as Zubaki laughs, and shakes his head.

"You don't get it at all, Emi. They wouldn't," he says, smirking. The smirk made Emi step away from him, her eyes widen. Was she finally getting proof that Zubaki caused her parents accident just three months ago?

"What do you mean?" She asked, shivering. Zubaki just smirks.

"It's easy to fake a will when you are a business partner. I know you are on to me. Did you know that the lawyer that drawed the well up and the two witnesses that saw the will being drawn are dead? How strange, right?"

"You... you murdered them! How... What makes you think that you will get away with it?" Emi took another step back.

"What makes you think that anyone would listen to you? After all, you are a depressed teenager that lost both her parents and then runs away from home. Who would listen to you?"

"Kazuha-chan would! And her dad is a police officer. And..." Emi broke off as Zubaki glared, and took a step towards her.

"You made it so easy to get rid of you, Emi-chan. After all, it's so easy to have an accident happen in the mountain's forest. I was going to let you live for a..." Emi spin around and took off running as fast as her thin legs let her. The girl could hear Zubaki after her, crashing behind her. Emi didn't dare turn her head, afraid to lose space.

In time, the only thing Emi could hear was her own heartbeat and the wind. Sweat covered her body, as she didn't slow down. In the end, she tripped over a tree root. Taking deep breaths, she doesn't hear anything behind her. Emi relaxed, and stumbled to her feet.

It was then the hand grabbed her shoulder, and she start screaming. A rough hand cover her mouth, and pulled her to the right. No matter what she did, she couldn't get free.

"I got you," whisper a familiar voice in her ear.

2 Weeks Ago

He stared at the man leaning outside Conan's hospital room, then sighed. He peeped past the man to see the snoring away Conan, and smiled. The boy seemed cute and innocent when he was asleep.

"So... Have you thought about my offer?" said the man, looking over his shoulder at the small form. He sighed, then turned around.

"Let go to the roof to talk. I don't want anyone to overhear," said he, turning away from the man.

"Of course. I'm not stupid," snapped the man, flicking a piece of hair from his face. The two quietly made their way to the roof. Only one of them notice Amuro in the hallway, watching who went and came from Conan's room. But it wasn't the one that would question it, nor did he realize what Amuro was doing.

The two reached the roof without any fuss. The man took out a cigarette and light it. The two were quiet, until the man turned around.

"We both know that the brat is Kudo. What should we do?"

As the words echo in both the ears, Detective Mouri could but help think,

'Am I doing the right thing?'

1 Week Ago

"I just think it's a bad idea. I'm sorry, John."

John frown at the phone, then sighed. It wasn't the other's fault, it just annoying that he couldn't get the help he needed. John study the old photograph of his father and the woman. Who was she?

"It's okay. You are right. The picture is over a decade old, and the woman might be married. It is just... My mother was always wondering about who the woman was, and with my dad never telling her..."

"I know. Mitsuki mentioned the photo with my wife many times before her death."

The mention of his mother's death made his heart ache. Even if it been two years since the accident that took his parents' lives, it still pains him to speak of the accident.

"I know that you blame yourself for their deaths. You shouldn't," said his mother's friend, Yusaku.

His parents met Yusaku a many years ago at a writing convention, and became fast friends. His mother helped tutored Yusaku when Yusaku started writing. They were invited to Yusaku's wedding when he was a baby, but they moved to back to his father's homeland. He grew up in America, except for the few months that his parents separate when he was three. It was during this time that his father meet the mysterious woman who his father always claimed changed his life. After meeting the woman, his father decided to go back to his mother.

John never really understand what was going. Soon after his parents got back together, his mother had Kouji. His parents never gotten in any fights again.

"John, I'm sorry I'm not much help. How is Kouji doing?"

"He has a girlfriend now. You remember Yuki-chan right?"

"You mean the owner's sister? I do. She tried to hit on me last year. Does Honda-san know about it?"

"Miho-chan does. I'm not sure about Kinshin. Yuki-chan did? Your wife didn't hear did she?"

"Yukiko was in the room. I swear that Yukiko would have killed the girl if Shinichi hadn't called that second."

John smiled. Knowing Yukiko-nee most of his life, he could imagine her angry look.

"How is your son? I know Yukiko-nee said something about him helping the police sometimes."

"He does. He is pretty smart, though he has a small problem." John was about to ask what the small problem was, when there was a crashing noise behind him. He frowned, he had not heard the room door open or shut.

"It seems like Kouji is back, and making noise again."

"Talk to you later, John. Stay safe," said Yusaku.

John hang up the phone, and sighed. He started turning around, as there was another noise.

"Kouji, I'm still working. You aren't suppo... What are you doing in my room?" He asked, staring at the unexpected person near the window. John took a step towards the door. The person smirked, and open his mouth. Before he could talk, there was talking outside the door. The person threw the knife, and John throw himself to the side. He felt a sharp pain in his gut, then his head bounce off the bed frame. What he saw last was his attacker climbing out the window, before the world went to darkness.

Conan Clue: Bug Bites