"It's going to be fine, it's going to be fun, you're going to make friends and everyone will finally realise you are a nation!"
Seychelles grimaced at the mirror. No amount of self-encouragement could dispel the nervous fluttering in her stomach.
Why so nervous?
Today was her first day at Hetalia Academy. This school might be considered exclusive, as it was only for nations. The only students permitted into this school were the embodiment of countries. Each country in the world had one representative who attended Hetalia Academy.
At this school the nations were taught rudimentary subjects; such as Mathematics, Science, Music, Art etc. etc. However the History, Geography and Political classes were far more advanced than that of an average high school. The students were taught about the history of other nations in great depth to promote understanding and educate them about the world.
It was no wonder why Geography was such an important class. Being able to identify themselves on a map was simple but they also needed to learn to locate other countries. The older nations apparently all agreed this was a skill America needed to work on.
Politics was another subject that held a lot of importance. They were the living representation of their country, and so had to be able to communicate to other nations without causing conflict or misunderstandings. As nations they had to know their place in running a country and how the thoughts and feelings of the population affected them. If your people were displeased or lacked trust, that feeling would soon course to you.
Seychelles was a young nation and not many people could actually recognise her on a map. After being accepted to Hetalia Academy though she was determined to show her potential as a strong, dependable nation. She had read through each and every one of the information and introductory packs and leaflets her boss had given her to prepare herself. If she was going to prove herself she was going to do it a way that would cement her name in the other nations' minds.
She was at going to this school to make history!
"Are you almost ready, Miss Seychelles?" came a voice from downstairs. Seychelles recognised the voice of her helicopter pilot who was to take her to the island on which the Academy was located.
With a nervous grin she looked at the mirror, "What do you think, Mirror Me? Am I ready for the big world?" The nervous grin she received from her reflection didn't boost her confidence much.
"I don't think the mirror is going to answer you, miss," the rather amused pilot cut in. With a blush rising on her cheeks, from being overheard during an embarrassing session of conversing with her mirror, Seychelles checked her reflection a last time, grabbed her bag and quickly skipped down the stairs.
She happily followed her pilot through the main street on the island. She passed by the houses and small stores, occasionally waving to her people. Of course they did not know her true identity as a nation, but they certainly knew her. Seychelles was a beautiful, optimistic and opinionated girl and many people respected that.
They also respected that she was damn strong and knew how to hold her own in a fight. Even if she refused to anger, let alone hurt, the islanders.
They were her people. She WAS their country. Why would she want to hurt them?
Seychelles waved to an elderly lady and her husband, sitting in their rocking chairs – calmly watching the world go by.
"Good morning Mrs. Talma, Mr. Talma! How are you?" the young girl greeted joyfully.
The elderly lady glanced up from her knitting and returned the wave before proceeding to smack her husband with the knitting needle. Mr Talma seemed to wake up a little at that and waved also.
"We're quite well, deary. How are you, nervous about the new school?" Mrs Talma called back. The Talmas were kind people who lived only a few houses down from Seychelles. They seemed to permanently reside on their porch though, so Seychelles talked to them often when she was walking to town.
Seychelles grinned at that, "I'm going to do well! I'll make us all proud!" Mrs Talma smiled in a way similar to a proud parent.
"You absolutely will, sweetie. Have fun," Mr Talma finally spoke up causing his wife to return to knitting.
Seychelles laughed a little giddy laugh and continued walking.
She nervously stood by the helicopter while the pilot was double checking everything was ready for the rather long flight ahead. Seychelles gazed with wide eyes at the helicopter. The full weight of the situation had started to sink in again. This copter was to take her to Hetalia Academy.
It all started to seem more real. Far too real for comfort.
The pilot noticed the discomfort that practically radiated from the young girl and chuckled slightly. "C'mon, Miss Seychelles. Islander pride!"
That statement seemed to cheer up the girl up, at least a little bit, as she grinned, nodded determinedly and jumped into the helicopter.
The rolling blue waves passed by underneath. The young girl's gaze passed over the small islands that would occasionally break the endless blue. She was sitting on the literal edge of her seat in anticipation. It had been a long helicopter ride and soon they'd be nearing their destination. Soon the island that held Hetalia Academy would be in sight.
Author's Note: Hello everybody! Now there is bound to be loads of mistakes in this story but meh, whatever!
So I haven't played the Gakuen Hetalia game, so this is pretty much just how I imagine it.
So this is a work in progress, as in I've only written up to chapter 3. So updates will be kerfuzzling. I hope you like it though!
Oh yeah, cause there's like 3 pairings in this story, it will be changing point-of-views each chapter – if you don't like one of the pairings included than you can absolutely skip over that chap ^_^ I won't be offended and the story will still make sense.
Have a wonderful day and thank you for reading!
You are awesome.