She gently brushed the last stray hairs from the top of Sousuke's head and stepped back to take a look.

"There! All finished!"

The room was dimly lit and with the rhythmic snipping of her scissors, he had fallen asleep. After the incident at the barbershop where he had pulled a gun on the shop owner, she knew he wouldn't let any stranger do it for him. Alone in his apartment, he had let her draped a sheet around him and bring sharp scissors close to his face, with only a promise not to cut off his ears. She knew that took a lot of trust from him to allow her this.

Chidori let the feeling of warmth spread throughout her body. She peered at his handsome face that would have looked perfect if not for the few battle scars that marked his skin. His usually hard features were softened and he looked surprisingly peaceful as he slept. He gently exhaled. Chidori's eyes lingered on his lips. She loved this stupid army freak but she never had the courage to tell him. He probably wouldn't understand her feelings anyway. But now she had this sudden urge to kiss him. One more step and she would be able to feel his skin on hers and he would never know. She edged closer. Maybe just one kiss, maybe on the cheek, that couldn't hurt. She ran her fingers through the soft strands on Sousuke's head and trailed her fingertips against the strong lines of his face.

Sousuke was suddenly aware that he had fallen asleep and stiffened at the feeling of someone making contact with him. How could he be so careless? He had let down his guard, but he would not give it away to the enemy that he had regained consciousness. Sousuke continued to breathe normally at a rhythmic pace. Then he remembered that he was at home and Chidori was giving him a haircut. It was just the two of them. It must be Chidori. But before he opened his eyes, what was this feeling? Gentle hands stroked the back of his head. It felt so good. Her hands traced the curves of his ears and softly stroked the sides of his face. A shiver ran from the top of his spine, down to his abdomen, awakening a familiar urge between his legs. How embarrassing. He knew he shouldn't feel this way around a subject he was assigned to protect, but Chidori was different. She was the most amazing woman he had ever met, so different from the military personnel he grew up around. He wanted to protect her with everything he had, so how could he make these feelings go away?

Her hands were tortuous as they traced the shape of his lips. Their butterfly-light touch made his lips tingle. Why was she doing this? He fought the urge to capture her hands and press each finger to his lips. He wanted to feel those hands slide down his body with her soft skin pressed against his. It didn't help that earlier her chest was thrusted invitingly in front of his face and all he wanted to do at that moment was to bury his face against those pillowy mounds. Ugh, this wasn't him. He wasn't some brash womanizer like Krutz. He was so lost in thought, fighting his forbidden fantasies that when he felt a soft pressure of lips against his cheek, he jumped slightly out of his chair, and found himself staring straight into a pair of familiar shocked eyes.

"Sousuke! I, um, I…there was something on your face! I was trying to get it off!"

Chidori laughed awkwardly and scuttled back quickly as far away from him as she could get. She had kissed him! Sousuke blushed a deep shade of red remembering her touch.

"Chidori," he said quietly.

Sousuke kept his eyes on her as he rose from his seat, sheet falling from his shoulders, and walked towards her.

Chidori pressed her back tightly against the wall. She was breathing hard, her heart was pounding; outside she was sweating but inside she felt cold. How did he feel that? It was so light, impossible. Stupid whim, such a sudden stupid impulsive thing! What would he do now? Was he going to reprimand her? Was he going to brush off her one sided feelings with his stupid army freak comments? All those thoughts raced through her head as Sousuke continued to come closer. Would he possibly kiss her? She grabbed her paper fan from the table next to her ready to smack him if he tried something. At the moment she didn't know whether she wanted him to get closer or not.

Sousuke was an arm's length away, the normal distance they shared at school, but today the invisible boundary was gone. He had to know if she felt even a fraction of what he felt. This emotion bubbling inside him wasn't familiar but he had to get an answer from her to calm the feelings coursing through his body. He glanced at the paper fan gripped tightly in her hands and normally he would let her scold him and smack him with the flimsy piece, but not now. Her arm came up to hit him with the fan but he caught her wrist and moved in so that their bodies were touching. His heavy breathing seemed to match hers as he held her captive. His thumbs made small circles on her exposed skin making her face turn pink as she gasped at the intimacy of his touch. She just couldn't look away from his burning gray eyes. "Chidori," he spoke her name with a deep husky voice. "Did you kiss me?" Panic made her answer quickly without thought. "Yes?" She cringed, waiting for the blow-back, the rejection that was sure to come. But seconds passed and she heard nothing. As she open her eyes, she saw his face with a small smile that tugged at her heart. His hands moved to cup her face and with a tilt of his head and heavy lidded eyes, Sousuke placed the most tender kiss on her lips. It was a tentative kiss filled with uncertainty but sweet. It was amazing. She loved this shy part of him and wanted more. She wrapped her arms around his neck to pull his lips closer. Her body pressed tightly against his and she felt his hard muscles molding into her soft curves. He was so hot that the coldness she felt before disappeared, making her body catch on fire.

Their lips came together and parted again and again. Tasting each other and gasping for air in between. Chidori flicked her tongue against his soft lips, asking to explore more. Sousuke groaned as he opened his mouth and their tongues touched, stroking each other in wet slippery motions.

Her breasts pushed against his chest and her kisses were making his head fuzzy. The uncomfortable tightness in his pants only got worse and if this went on any longer he wouldn't be able to stop himself from doing something unforgiveable. "Chidori," he drew back with some effort. She looked dazed and extremely sexy with her lips wet and swollen from their kissing. She flushed abruptly and pulled herself back to him, hiding her face in his chest.

"I like you Sousuke," she whispered.

Surprised he smiled and spoke into her hair, "I like you too."



"There's something I've always wanted to know."

Confused but still elated at her confession, Sousuke looked at Chidori's red face, "Yes, anything, what do you want to know?"

"Can you lie down on the bed?"

Sousuke gulped…"The b-b-bed?!"

He stiffen and his face began beading with sweat but he turned around and marched to the bed and sat down in a rigid pose. What did she need to know that required a bed? He had heard enough stories from Mao and Krutz, that when a man and woman go to bed, that meant sex and he wasn't exactly prepared for that. His head raced with all the techniques Krutz had jokingly mentioned about pleasing women but would he be able to execute them?

Chidori settled nervously next to him on the bed and looked away embarrassed. She didn't know how to ask. She had just confessed and he said that he liked her too. They had kissed and hugged and everything about tonight had been amazing. But she felt ashamed that she wanted more. She really wanted to touch him, to find out if he felt as good everywhere else as his lips did. She was such a pervert! She didn't know that much about men's bodies but his was the only one she absolutely wanted to find out more about. Tonight would be the only night she would let herself just do what she always wanted to do, just tonight.

"Sousuke, I just want to touch you a bit more…is that ok?"

"A-A-Ah! YES! I am ready!"

She steeled her will and straddled Sousuke's lap. He looked up to the ceiling tensely and clenched his fists. He was so cute. This guy could handle being showered by bullets and bombs but she made him anxious. She kissed his forehead, his temple, his cheek and jawline. He exhaled sharply. She grinned to herself as she made her way down his neck nibbling the skin lightly. She began to unbutton his white uniform as she focused on suckling his neck. He tasted clean and slightly salty, and the feel of him under her tongue was addictive. She slid the shirt off his shoulders and gripped the edge of his undershirt and pulled it up his torso. "Sousuke? Could you lift up your arms?"

"Y-YES!" his arms shot up and she pulled the undershirt off him.

"Wow," she breathed. She had seen him shirtless before at the beach and he definitely had the best body of all of the high school boys but he was even better up close. She gently pushed his chest so he fell back against the bed. She ran her fingers over his shoulders and chest. The moon light shone through the window, making shadows across the defined ridges on his tanned muscled body and reflected dozens of shiny puckered scars. So many scars.

" Where did you get this one Sousuke?" She stroked a large scar below his collarbone.

He was so tense because she was sitting on his half naked body, kissing him all over and he didn't know what to do. With this question he relaxed a little, this he could answer with confidence. "I was eleven. We were in Syria with a small group of soldiers infiltrating an terrorist camp. We had almost captured all of our targets, tying them face down on the floor when a woman hiding in the back room ran out with a knife. I couldn't move out of the way without endangering the others so I took the hit, but I managed to disarm her and wrestle her to the ground. We accomplished the mission but I didn't realize the severity of my wound until we returned to base and I fainted from blood loss."

Eleven. He had been fighting since he was a child. When she was eleven all she did was go to school and enjoy time with her family. Did Sousuke have a family? Did he ever have someone who loved him like that.

"I'm sorry Sousuke."

"For what?"

"Just that I wish you didn't have to go through that much when you were so young."

"It's fine. I don't regret it."

She wanted to share some of his burden and to show him how much she loved him at least. This was getting too serious, tonight was supposed to be her chance to have fun and explore. But now she wanted to make sure he felt really good too.

She kissed his scar and then another and another.

"Trust me Sousuke, ok?"

Her hands slid to button of his trousers and she ran her fingertips across the hard bulge straining against a thin layer of fabric. She undid the button, unzipped him slowly and pulled his pants and boxers down. Chidori tentatively caressed his manhood, feeling the hot silky skin under her fingers.

Sousuke froze again. This was another type of torture completely. It felt so good but he wanted it to end. He wanted to flip her over, pin her to the bed and thrust himself inside her. He grit his teeth and sucked in as she gripped his rod and experimentally pulled up and down. The sheets crumpled in his hands as his lower half bucked against her.

"Chidori. What are you doing to me?" Sousuke said through ragged breaths. She felt seductive and powerful as he gasped under her. She wanted to make him feel amazing. Chidori continued to pump him, keeping her grip soft but moving her hand faster. "AAAhhh!" throwing back his head he cried softly as his breathing hastened and his hips moved with her every stroke. She slowed her onslaught, giving him a chance to rest before he felt like he was about to explode. He lifted his upper body up, ready to beg her to stop but he saw her lips poised over him, her hot breath warming his tip.

"Chidori! What are you doing? Don't!" Sousuke shouted.

But she enclosed her mouth over him. He felt her, warm and wet with her tongue lapping against the underside of his dick. He couldn't take it. Pangs of pure ecstasy shot through his entire body. He thrust up, muscles clenched as her soft mouth came down and engulfed him. The wet slurping sounds only made him grow harder. She twirled her tongue around the head sucking harder each time he moved.

Chidori's eyes locked on Sousuke's face. His eyes were shut tight and his arm and leg muscles flexed as she licked him. She had dreamed about this for so many nights, giving him pleasure and then feeling him move against her, stroking between her thighs, and making her cry out. She dipped down further all the way to his base, nose brushing against his soft tangle of pubic hair, cupping his balls so she could get deeper and pulled back.

"Chidori! I!"She felt him tense every muscle and hot liquid coated the roof of her mouth. It was a little bitter and musty but surprisingly not extremely unpleasant. His hands held her hair as he thrust up and she swallowed down his release and continued to suck on him.

He collapsed on the bed as he gulped for breath. He felt sensitive all over and satisfied as the sensations continued to envelop him in waves.

Chidori gave his penis one last long hard suck and stood up to admire her handiwork. He looked so sexy. His lean strong figure draped across the bed, a thin layer of sweat shone on his body, and his chest rising and falling from his exertion. Feeling quite pleased with herself she climbed into bed beside him and tucked herself under his arm, snuggling against his body. "Did that feel good?"

"You have no idea," he replied.

He rolled on to his side to look at her. She was flushed and had a silly smile on her face. He bent down to kiss her and he could taste himself on her tongue. He moved his mouth close to her ear, "Chidori, it's your turn now."