This is my first SebastionXCiel fanfic, so be kind! ( I apologize if it's horrible.) Will be set in the time of World War 2, starting in the Netherlands. Ciel will be called Calder until a little later in the story. All shall be explained. some back ground information: Germany invaded the Netherlands in 1940, World War two began in 1939, Germany took over part of France in 1940 as well. Germany and Italy are allies. People that were taken to concentration camps include: Jewish people, Polish people, Slovic peoples; Soviets and Romanies (Gypsies), basically people who weren't of the Aryan Race (blonde hair, blue eyes), the mentally ill, deaf, physically disabled and mentally retarded, homosexuals and transsexuals, and political opponents. They also performed medical expiraments on twins and other prisoners in concentration camps. Yea. I think that's all for now. Hope you enjoy! –Zexionienzo :p

"Calder, get the recipe book from the top shelf. I need it for dinner tonight." I sat up drowsily from my post by the window and stretched on my toes to reach the book my mother called for. When I gave it to her, she smiled fondly at me and gave me a quick peck on ym check. I brushed her away and headed out of the kitchen.

"I'm too old for your coddling, mother. I'm sixteen now." My mother chuckled.

"Alois is the same age as you and he loves my kisses!" she replied, the hint of laughter evident in her voice. I chuckled at the thought of my twin. Oh Alois. What were we ever to do with him?

"Good Afternoon, everybody! I am home!" A thin, short boy with chin length blonde hair and blue eyes waltzed into the room, hands on his purple-clad hips. I turned round, glaring at my brother.

"Alois! Where have you been?" My mother yelled at him, her voice filled with worry, but her face masked with anger. My mother wasn't one to be messed with. What she says goes, and that is the end of the question.

"I was kissing Claude." Alois said, sticking his tongue out seductively. My mother's face went bright red. Claude was Alois' best friend. He was French, like us, and moved to Amsterdam around the same time we did. My mother's face was torn with rage.

"Do you know there is a war going on, Alois? Why don't you at least try to be more careful!" My mother spat, her eyes clouding with worried tears. She didn't care that Alois was gay, she cared more about him being caught.

"I know there's a war going on, Mother. I'm not stupid like you all seem to think I am!"alois screeched, eyes wide. He ran up to his room, holding his face in his hands. I turned ot my mother whose eyes were now openly flooding with tears. I walked over to her and grabbed her hand. She swatted me away.

"I'm fine. Go worry about your brother." She smiled, her blue eyes shining. Alois deffinetly took after our mother. We were by no means identical. He had my mothers' blue eyes and lovely blonde hair. I, like my father, had one blue eye, and one purple, it was a birth defect that his entire family had, managing to only be passed on to me, and his blue-black hair.

"Alois!" I called after him.

"Alois, come on. We don't think you're stupid, and you know that!" I heard my brothers whimpers coming from our bedroom. I followed them in, and found my brother in a mess on his bed. I sat beside him and rubbed his back until he stopped crying. Although we were twins, we weren't very close. I had a very hard time understanding him at times, and vice versa. When Alois was loud and boisterous, I was quite and contained. When he had tantrums, I was passive.

"Do you love me? For true?" Alois looked up at me, his eyes watering and red from crying. I sighed and ruffled his hair.

"Of course I love you, Alois. You're my brother." I said smiling at him. Alois smiled and gave me a fierce hug. I gasped with surprise as he pinned me down and attempted to kiss me.

"Ew! Alois! Stop it! What are you doing!" Alois giggled manically.

"You love me!" I rolled my eyes and pushed him away.

"That doesn't mean you have to smother me!" I said angrily.

"Why don't you go apologize to mother? She's quite upset." Alois laughed.

"What ever. Did you know what today's date is?" I sighed and rubbed my forehead in frustration.

"May 10?" Alois nodded happily, spinning around the room he claimed, "Our birthday is in just a month!" He stopped in front of me, smileing his head off.

"Aren't you excited?" I smiled lightly.

"Yeah, I suppose." Alois smiled and began to walk out the door, but a sound inturrpted us. That sound was one that would resonate in my mind as an event that changed my life forever. It echoed through my mind, and sounded through the house, making it tremble. It was the sound of gun shot parading through the streets.

Alois and I ran down the stairs, followed by our father. The three of us ran to Mother in the kitchen, who was trembling with fear. Her eyes were wide as she saw us.

"Come here, come here!" she cried urgently. Alois and I ran to our mother's arms, and our father came to the three of us, clouding us with his safe, strong arms. My mother was crying and Alois and I were trembling.

"Th-they've c-come! H-here!" my mother cried.

"Shh! Everything will be alright. I promise." My father had never spoken falser words.

We heard a harsh knock at the door, and we jumped. My father stood and straightened his shirt. With his head held high, he went to the door and opened it. Three men, all in sharp, green uniforms walked in. they pointed at my father roughly.

"You are Vincent Phantomhive?" they asked in rough Dutch. My father nodded.

"What do you want?" The first man stepped out and pointed at my father again.


"Forty-two." The man grunted and nodded to his comrades. They stepped forward, guns raised and pointed at my father. My heart thudded in my chest. There was no way. They…they couldn't. My mother cried out in horror, and Alois gripped my arm so tightly I could feel my heart beat.

"Walk outside. We take you away."

"No!" My mother screamed, reaching her hand out to her husband. The German soldiers shot at the floor, scaring all of us into silence.

"do not speak unless spoken to, bitch! We will do as ordered, and so will you!" The first man bellowed. My mother shriveled back into the cupboards behind her, dragging us with her. The other two men dragged my father outside, were we could see a line of men being marched down the road. Another two men came in after them, standing behind the first, who turned to us with an emotionless face.

"These your sons?" My mother nodded, her face dripping with tears.

"Age?" he asked my mother.

"Th-they're s-sixteen…twins." She replied shakily. The German raised his brow in surprise.

"Twins?" my mother nodded and held us closer to her. The man turned around and spoke quick German to the other two behind him. They nodded and advanced towards us. I shrunk back into my mother, fear lacing my heart and soul. One of the men grabbed at my arms, but I pulled away.

"NO!" I screamed, fear over taking me. I didn't want to leave, they couldn't make me! But the man kneed me in the groin, and I went limp with pain. The man carried me out, and my vision blurred with pain and tears. My mother was crying and screaming hysterically, attempting to run after Alois and I. but I watched, with horror, as the man slapped my mother across the face, pushed her to the ground, and shot her straight through the head.

"MOTHER!" I screamed, my heart breaking into a million pieces. No…no, this can't be happening. Where are they taking me? Where will I go? Where's Alois? The German soldier dumped me into the back of a truck, Alois following suit. His face was streamed with tears, and his eyes were wide with shock.

"m-mother…" he said quietly, voice shaking. I hugged him close to me and rocked back and forth as the truck began to move. We had no idea where they were taking us, and at the time we didn't really care. Because we had just witnessed our mother's death, and our father being taken away for ever.

The date was May 10, 1940. It was a day that I would remember for the rest of my life.

I promise it will get juicer and more wonderful later on! R&R to let me know how im doing! Love you all! -Zexionienzo