Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

For Lollipop. :)

Her head rests upon his chest. She's listening to the steady drumming of his heart that reminds both that they're still alive.


It's another night of darkness and broom closets and she kisses him like her life depends on it. And maybe it does. His hands fumble with her shirt and her fingers are trembling with his belt buckle and his touch is like fire and he's caught up in her eyes which are filled with want and need and he needs to feel something other then this crippling numbness.

Her breath is hot aginast his neck.

"This is wrong," she breathes.

He stops her with a hot kiss.


He catches her coming out of Alecto's office.

Her hair sizzles, and her dark eyes are full of hate and they're directed at him.

Pick your side, her eyes say.

She walks away.

On the outside, he doesn't flinch.

(On the inside, he's screaming.)


The intoxicating smell of death is tattooed to the air. There's screams and curses and people dying and his hands are stained with blood and he's lost sight of her into the chaos.

He finds the Creevey boy's body. All broken and battered and his former twinkling eyes are dark with death.

He sees Brown and he sees Padma and he sees the Granger girl and.


There's blood covering her face and she's limping, herleg stained with crimson, but she's alive and that's what matters.

It's all over for him in a matter of moments. He sees Grayback. He sees her. A flash of light and he thinks that he's finally picked a side and then everything goes a painless black.


A light and warm brush of her lips against his check and he wakes up.

He's numb, a good kind, and she's running her hands though his hair. There's bandages across her face and she looks worn and pale.

"Par?" he croaks, voice nothing more then a raspy whisper. His vision is blurry and he can't make out where he's at. All he knows is that he's on a bed.

"Hey, you," she says softly. She pauses for a heartbeat. "It's over. It's all over."

He stares at her, unblinking. "It's over?" The voice that asks doesn't sound like his own.

"It's over," she confirms, nodding, and her hands grip his own and they're shaking and they're cold. "Voldemort is dead."

He swallows hard. "I...is Padma okay?" Because he honestly doesn't know what else to say. It hasn't sunk in yet.

"Yeah, she is," she says, clenching his hands tighter. "Blaise, I."

He presses a finger gently to her lips, fighting the the urge to close his eyelids. Exhaustion combined with whatever he was on for whatever curse hit him was making the struggle to keep awake, a hard battle. "Don't ever leave me."

She doesn't say anything. She nods and her eyes are filled with tears. "I...I don't want to mess this up."

He nods, because he knows. He knows.

Carefully, she lays down beside him, resting her head upon his chest. She's listening to the steady drumming of his heart that reminds both that they're still alive.