I AM SO SORRY - I haven't updated in forever and it is summer time so I have been outside a lot more. I just got my license so I have been practicing driving... I don't own this , etc.

The Dairy

The car's tires screeched as it came to a halt. The moon was full overhead, I clutched at Edmund's hand. It felt warm and sweaty. The grass crunched as we walked towards the farmhouse. There was a barn, and a small farmhouse it looked like it hadn't been lived in — in ages. We started with the barn. I don't think I want to let go of his hand it feels nice.It looked like there would be a storm coming, tomorrow night. I read all about it in my families library. About weather patterns. He linked arms with me and the barn grew closer. A rake was standing high and tall. A piece of paper was stuck on it.

In a hurried mess of writing it read:

Dear L.S.

You found our barn.

Our Hide away, Feel free to browse.

Don't go outside after dark — stay in the barn or the house!

They have eyes unseen in the darkness.

The Milkman

We hurried inside the barn and thankfully, no one spotted us. There was no hay on the ground, not any dead carcasses either. I tensed; it felt like I was being watched. Slowly I got out the map; it had a dot outside walking closer towards the barn! With a panicked look, I didn't dare to move. Edmund grimaced and clutched me tighter. His green eyes met my blue ones and I felt somewhat comforted. Even though I barely knew anything about him. His breathing grew faster. I looked again at the map and the dot had stopped moving. They must have decided they were imagining things because they started to walk away. Once we were home free I could breathe again. He hugged me so tightly, we just held each other affirming that we indeed had survived.

The place was rather nice and it even had electricity, albeit not very good electricity. Two lanterns sat on the end tables; white tile lined the floors; We settled in among the chairs. We had no idea what lay outside in wait for us.