Chapter 2

The Bus Ride

While Danny and Zach were discussing about each other, Jazz on the other hand, had to sit next to a geek-looking boy with red curly hair, big glasses and buck teeth. " why hello there, miss...the name's Larry, and you? " Larry said smiling with his teeth hanging out. " Ummmm...hello, I'm Jasmine, but people mostly call me Jazz " she said looking at the bucked tooth geek a bit awkwardly.

Danny, as usual, was sitting by the window while he watched the last kid get into the bus. Bob, the bus driver, then said to himself. " alright, that's all of them ". While Bob adjusted the mirror a bit, he quickly ripped off his patch that he wore on his vest and revealed a new one that had a symbol on it, represting Sky High. " Here we go " he says a bit outstounding while driving onto a bridge that WASN'T all the way built yet. Danny and Jazz got very terrified when they saw the un-finished bridge. " uhhhh...bus driver? CAN YOU WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING! " Danny said all shocked. " relax kid, I know what I'm doing " he pulls out a lever that made two seatbelts latch over every single kid. Jazz says, " what's going on! is this a dream or something! " Danny then looks over at Zach, who was smiling looking back " don't worry dude, you'll see wht this bus can REALLY do " Just before Danny was about to scream his head off, the bus suddenly drove off the bridge, sending all the kids screaming with their hands up in the air. Bob then smirks " wait for it... " he immdeiately pulls down a lever that made two rock jets come out of the bus and flies up.



sorry if its so short, I didn't have time to finish all of it -.-'