Decided to try something new, enjoy~!

A large sigh erupted from the light orange haired girl as she stared out the window of the orphanage. A black mini-van pulled out of the parking lot and left. Yet another adoption rejected.

"Becka?" Came a small voice from outside of the room.

"Yes?" The blue eyed girl turned and face the door where an old lady stood with a tray of hot cocoa. Becka grinned as the Eva walked over to her.

"I've got some hot chocolate for my favorite little girl." Becka took the cup gratefully and took a small sip flavoring the deliciousness of the chocolately drink.

"I know your disapointed about earlier today, but there are still millions of families out there looking for a child."

The taste in Becka's taste suddenly went bitter,

"But Eva, I'm not a child anymore, I'm 16 years old. Nobody will want to adopt me."

Becka knew she had a good point, who would want to adopt some teenager that will only stay for 2 years?

"Becka, listen to me, you will be adopted. It's just...not you time yet."

"When will it be my time?" Becka asked, her voice turning into a small sob.

"I've waited 16 years for someone to take me home, but nobody even looked twice at me."

"Shhh, Becka."

Eva placed her hand on Becka's shoulder and squeezed, "Your time will come."

Becka shrugged Eva's hand away.

"Now I've got to go check on Mathew to make sure he hasn't gotten into the eggs again." Eva said walking away, "Last time he did, we had eggs in our shoes."

Becka grinned as Eva left. Ever since she was left here as an infant, Eva had always been the one to watch over her.

All her friends were adopted and it was just her.

Sure there were other children in the orphanage, but it was the fact of the matter they had been adopted as to where she had not.

What did they posses that she did not?

Becka finished the hot cocoa and looked back out the window.

"I wish my family could just come now." She said setting the cup down. "Like that'll ever happen." A large yawn came fro her. Boy she was tired.

Climbing into the bed, Becka snuggled in and closed her eyes. "I wish my family would come."

She said before falling asleep. Her dreams were filled of strange red clouds and 10 dark figures staring at her.

eNd of prologue~