Thanks for reading this! This is my first time writing a fanfic so please be easy on me okay? I use simple English so everyone can understand it better.

Sorry if its too childish for some of you! I just love the pairing NaLu! Even my facebook account is named after Lucy! A total Fairy Tail fan! ;D Well then, lets begin shall we?

DISCLAIMER : I do not own Fairy Tail nor any of the characters. All rights belong to Hiro Mashima.

It was just another sunny day in the kingdom of Fiore. Though the sun was shining, the birds were chirping.. well, the chirping cant really be heard since the loudest guild in Magnolia decided to brawl.. as usual..

"What did you call me walking popsicle?"

"You heard me flame breath!"

"ENOUGH! " As usual, the disciplinarian of the guild demands peace to be return to the guild. "Just how many times do I need to tell both of you to pipe down!" Giving her signature death glare at her preys.

"Y-YES MAAM!" The ice wizard and the fire dragon says in union as they turn into their Happy mode on and become all buddies-buddies, as they refer it.

A particular Celestial wizard sigh against the counter as she was not able to read her book in peace.

"Why is this place always noisy! Its only 9 A.M. for heavens sake! Cant a girl read a book in peace for a while?"

"But don't you think that's why this guild is always so lively and fun?" Mira says as she cleans the glasses and silverware for the day. "But the people who are making the noise usually are your team mates Lucy.. that means your involved as well no matter how much you deny it.."

"Its not my fault! I just wish Natsu and Gray would stop arguing for one day.. I know their rival in magic powers but when they work together, it's the coolest teamwork you'll ever see!" She jumps from her seat imagining all the wonderful things that would've happen if Gray and Natsu actually worked together,

"Then, why don't you talk to Natsu about it? I'll take a shot with Gray." The waitress leans against the counter winking at the smiling celestial wizard. "I have an idea. Tomorrow, you and Natsu…" The former S-Class wizard continues her plan whispering into the grinning blond girl's ear.


"Why did Mira had to take Gray for a one-one on meeting today. Its just making me more and more curious." He said as he enters the guild with his hands behind his head.

"I don't know. Maybe Mira wanted Gray to do a secret mission for the Master. After all he is strong." Saying casually while flying into the guild, the blue exceed quickly find his love in the guild sitting with the female dragon slayer.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY! How could you side with him? Your suppose to be my partner!" Fussing all about this matter to his exceed friend.

"Well, it is the truth Natsu. CHAARRLLLEEE! Matte ne Natsu!" Giving a wave to his pink haired partner before flying to the white exceed.

"DONT YOU DARE RUN AWAY! I'M NOT DONE YET!" Stomping all around the guild hoping to release all his frustration.

"Hm.. seems Lucy isn't here yet. Well guess I'll find a job in the mean time for us to do!" Grinning as the fire dragon slayer walk over to the request board. Little did he know that this female partner has been waiting for him a long time in the guild's kitchen.

"Operation: Stop Natsu and Gray from fighting has officially commence!" Sneaking out of the kitchen with a picnic basket, fixing her outfit and hair is as if she has just entered the guild. Walking slowly to Natsu, she calmed herself down while flashing a smile on her face.

"Who wants to accompany me on a picnic?" Teasing to the her comrade.

Sniffing the air he jumped in front of her immediately as he caught the sense of meat.. well mostly foods.


"Heh, I was going to ask Cana you idiot..."

Walking away in a depressed aura, the celestial wizard laugh quietly. "Baka ne.." Grabbing his arm, both of them set out to the park for their picnic. Or to be more correct.. into Lucy's little trap.

Please tell me what you guys think about it! I'll do the next chapter in a few days. There will be more NaLu moments, I'd guarantee it. 8D