Author's Note: Look at me! Two new fics in the span of just a couple of days! (Go check out Breaking the Rules, it's quite delicious hehe). This little series right here, called Millie May I, is a way for me to keep the writing juices flowing. So I figured why not post them so people can read? It's Jagan with a kid, so there's bound to be some sappiness or something along those lines at some point. But it won't get too bad, I'm not a huge fan of extreme sap in my fics lol. They'll be pretty short most of the time, in fact chapter 2 is pretty short so far. Hell this first one is only 800 and something words long! Anyways. Yes, Jagan with a kid fic. I don't know how long it'll be...? Just depends on my creativity and maybe even the kind of response it gets (who doesn't love kid fics?). Each piece will be centered around their daily lives I guess, and at some point there may even be a little drama. Never know! So I hope you enjoy this little series, and please, review. :) Also, major thanks to my friend and new beta Helena for reading this over for me! (idk if she had a ff profile. guess I should find out...)

Dislcaimer: I own nothing. N-o-t-h-i-n-g.

Millie May I

"It's your turn," James mumbles before slinging an arm over his eyes and yawning. Logan groans incoherently beside him and burrows further underneath the warmth of the blankets. He doesn't want to move but the soft cries coming through the monitor next to the bed make him feel otherwise.

"It's your turn, James." Logan tries to turn the tables on a sleepy James, even though he knows that never works unless he's drunk. He ends up with a pillow to the face as the response. "Fine," he huffs out and flings the covers off his body. "But if it's a dirty diaper you're doing it."

James waves a hand in Logan's general direction to which Logan rolls his eyes. He yawns loudly before shuffling out the bedroom and down the hall. The cries are louder now through the half-closed door in front of him so he pushes the door open all the way and hurries inside.

After flipping on the lamp sitting atop the chest of drawers, Logan makes his way to the crib where chubby cheeks and wet eyes can be seen peeking over the edge. He lowers the safety rail and reaches in, scooping up little girl sitting there sniffling. Her cries have stopped, turning into quiet little snuffles every now and then, and Logan kisses the top of her head.

"What's wrong, Millie?" He cradles her close as he carries her to the changing table to check her diaper. It's clean so he figures she might be hungry. "Want a little midnight snack?" He grins at her gurgled reply.

As he's stepping out into the hallway he runs into James. He's holding a small bottle upside down and checking the temperature of the milk on his wrist. Logan uses his free hand to grab James around the wrist and tug him into their bedroom. They sit on the mattress together, Millie still sniffling in Logan's arms.

"She hungry? I heard you through the monitor so I got her bottle ready for you," James says quietly. He hands the bottle to Logan who takes it with a grateful smile.

He maneuvers Millie around so he can cradle her with her back to his chest, the bottle hovering in front of her. She reaches out with chubby fingers and pulls the bottle to her mouth, sighing contently. Logan watches in quiet amusement. She's definitely James' kid.

"You didn't have to get up, James." Logan smiles anyway at James who blushes and gives a one-shouldered shrug. "But thank you." James leans over and kisses Logan chastely.

After a few minutes the bottle is thrown to the bed and Millie yawns, her big brown eyes fluttering closed. Logan rocks her and hums a little, pushes her light brown locks off her forehead, kisses her temple. James sighs across from them and lies back on his side, propping himself up on one elbow.

Logan holds Millie close as he shifts around until he's on his back, the little girl cuddling into his chest impossibly closer. "We should let her sleep here tonight. She's content, I don't want to wake her," Logan whispers. He closes his eyes, tired beyond belief, but it's a feeling he wouldn't trade for the world.

Three years ago he never thought he would be married with a kid, much less married to his best friend and with a kid with his best friend. But over the course of a year, several arguments, surrogate hunting, moving from an apartment to a two bedroom house, and even more arguing, they ended up here: a beautiful eighteen month old girl by the name of Millie asleep on Logan's chest while James watches in fond adoration.

The process had been a lengthy one. At first Logan was the skeptical one. He was scared of having kids so soon after getting his medical license and was worried that his job would get in the way of everything. His career had already gotten in the way of Big Time Rush, then his and James' relationship, but in the end he didn't let it stop them. And then James became the worry wart of the pair. He put his current tour at the time on hold, put basically everything that had to do with his music on hold, and went through the process with Logan. He constantly fretted over the surrogate hunting, fought with Logan about everything—from who was going to be the donor to what color the nursery should be—and at one point thought it would be end of them.

But they were persistent. Their friends and families supported them immensely and helped them with as much as possible. And then along came Millie. They were giving each other the silent treatment at that time but once they received the call that she was on the way they put it all behind them and now have the perfect little girl to show for all the hard work.

He's beyond tired every day. James is too, and neither one of them have the time to rest much between their working schedules and Millie. Sometimes he thinks he's going to give up, but then he sees James, Millie, James and Millie together, and it all becomes perfectly clear.

Logan wouldn't trade this for anything, ever.

What'dya think?