Hello! So this going to be an alphabet drabbles...thing, what ever those things are called. The pairing is Harry/Tom Riddle or Voldemort. This is slash so if you don't like it, don't read it. Some will be M rated and some won't so i'll give a warning and if you don't want to read any M rated story, you can skip it and go on to the next chapter. For example, this first chapter is M rated and will have boy and boy sex scene. Ok, hope you enjoy!

I don't own Harry Potter.


Tom Riddle was a great wizard. Even when he was Voldemort, he was a great wizard despite the terrible things he has done. Therefore, Tom would obviously be amazing with a wand.

The point I'm trying to make it is that Tom has great aim and that of course, that is a good thing for his lover, Harry Potter.

In the bedroom of Harry Potter and Tom Riddle:

All was quiet, there were no sounds, and some might think the lovers were asleep, but they would be mistaken because they didn't know of the powerful silencing charm that was placed over the room.

If they opened the door and stepped in, they would hear the crisp sound of skin smacking against skin, the breathless pants and the screams of pleasure coming from a petite raven haired man.

Tom liked to tease Harry, so whenever they had sex, he would purposely miss his prostate, Tom took great pleasure in looking down at Harry's frustrated face. No matter how much Harry begged or whined, he wouldn't give in. After all, he loved to hear Harry's sweet whimpers. But when Tom wasn't in a teasing mood, for example the time that Ginny Weasley dared to lay her grubby hands on his Harry, Tom is uncontrollable.

He would throw Harry on any surface and vanishing their clothes at the same time. He would flip the man onto his stomach and slap that arse until Harry was screaming out his name. When he deemed the savior was ready, he would slam into that hole and start pounding at Harry's prostate without hesitation. Harry's voice would become sore from screaming so much and white flashes would appear before his eyes because of Tom's perfect aim, hitting Harry's prostate precisely every time he thrust.

Tom would then grab both of Harry's arms and pull his whole upper body towards him. Then all movement would suddenly cease. One thing that drives Harry crazy is when Tom rolls his hip, so that's what he did. He set the tip of his prick firmly against his boyfriend's prostate, causing a loud keening sound to erupt from Harry's throat, and then he would roll his hip so beautifully that Harry would start begging like a wanton whore at the mercy of his master.

Then Tom would continue to fuck Harry to oblivion. Last but not least, Tom would flip Harry over so he could easily see that flushed face and heated emerald eyes. And then with one last aim at Harry's prostate, they would be coming. After coming down from their high, Tom would stay still with his softening dick still in Harry's hole and kiss Harry on the eyelids, nose, cheeks and lips. Because one thing Tom loved more than fucking Harry was looking Harry's face, knowing that the love shining in the pair of emerald's eyes was aimed at him, Tom Riddle.