Hello there! First of all, sorry to the people who were expecting an epilogue to my last story 'It's all I need'. I really tried to write it, but came up with nothing (I suck T-T). So I'll make this fic to apologize and to celebrate my birthday!

This one-shot was inspired by Light's lovely brother and his boyfriend making fun of one of our drafts. Beware silly and nonsensical romance! We don't own Kingdom Hearts.

Forever mine

"Is it wrong?" Sora asked anxiously as Roxas revised his English essay. Roxas just grunted negatively as he looked over the next paragraph.

"You have fairly good bases, Sora. Your mistakes are mostly in punctuation." Roxas smiled as he put commas and colons where he thought were best. Sora watched him work, amazed by the blond's delicate and calculated movements that seemed almost alluring.

"You're so kind, Rox. Thank you!" The brunet smiled at his friend. Even if they had different groups at school, Roxas always made a space in his really occupied agenda for Sora. It made the brunet feel important. "I don't know what I would do without you."

"I wouldn't have to help you so much if you didn't leave your summer homework for the last minute." The other teased, but his gentle smile told Sora he didn't mind. "Okay, what's next?"

"Mm… the science project and math…" He listed, a bit surprised to see the once incredibly large pile of homework reduced to just a couple of sheets of paper in just a few hours. Roxas was truly amazing (or a workaholic, but he didn't dare to think that of him).

"Got it," he smiled and took the science sheet. "It can be done in pairs, right? Be my partner and read my paper tomorrow at the bus. That way you won't have to turn in some half-assed project." Sora nodded eagerly and promised to memorize every word.

After finishing the math problems and making sure the brunet understood every process, Roxas began packing his things hurriedly.

"You leaving?" Sora asked as he tried to hide his disappointment at the blond's nod. "But it's not that late. We can watch a movie or something…" he trailed off, trying to tempt Roxas.

"I… really need to get home." His friend averted his eyes, trying to resist his pout.

"You live next door!" he complained. "We never spend time together anymore… I miss you, Roxas."

Roxas looked troubled for a while, before sighing and hugging Sora.

"We'll hang out next weekend, I promise." He said, hoping to make the brunet feel better.

"… Fine," Sora relented. It was difficult, being without Roxas for long. They had known each other since he could remember, and while they were not the best of friends, he didn't think anyone knew him like the blond… This was probably why he had fallen for him.

"See you tomorrow. Try to do your homework punctually next time." He grinned and left, leaving a troubled Sora behind.

He couldn't tell him, the reason he always left homework till last minute, was to spend time with his favorite person.

Everyone who knew Roxas would say he was an antisocial weirdo. Outside of very few bouts of anger, nobody saw the blond donning anything but a blank face, as if he was a defective robot. The only witnesses of any emotion in the blond were Sora, Xion, Axel and Naminé. Any attempt to open Roxas up to anyone else ended in failure, as Sora had learned when trying to present him to his friends.

Thanks to his intervention, Riku hated Roxas on principle, as he was too close to his best friend for his liking, and despite not showing any particular emotion during the meeting, everybody knew the feeling was mutual.

Kairi, meanwhile, was convinced the blond was a bad influence on Sora, and it would be best if Sora forgot all about him. Roxas didn't much care about her, and couldn't help but let out a few snide remarks whenever she was mentioned. Remarks Sora shouldn't find funny but did anyway.

Sora's relationship with Roxas' friends was only slightly better. Xion smiled at him but was unnaturally quiet and never started a conversation, which he found uncomfortable. Naminé would lose herself in drawings and writing far too often for his tastes, stopping to talk mid-sentence for the sole purpose of adding a color in her drawing. Finally, the less told about Axel, the better. Sora couldn't understand how Roxas and he could get along with such different interests and friends.

The brunet stopped mulling it over when he passed a classroom and heard Roxas distinctive voice.

"—brought me here for?" He heard the blond ask in annoyance. The somewhat angry voice that answered could only belong to Axel.

"It's called 'intervention', Rox." Sora pressed his ear against the door, worried. "You can't keep going like this. You're being used!"

"That's none of your business." The coldness in Roxas' voice sent shivers to Sora's spine. Roxas had never talked to him that way, and now that he heard how it sounded, he was grateful for it.

"C'mon Roxas, open your eyes!" Axel said, unfazed by his friend's tone. "'Help me do my homework', 'my project is due tomorrow', 'Roxy, will you help me?' Sound familiar to you?" The redhead spat.

"He's my friend, and has been for far longer than you."

Sora knew they were talking about him, and his chest began hurting. Did he come off as that selfish? It was true he only called Roxas when he needed help, but that was because they were so different it was difficult to keep some common ground anymore. He was scared that one day the blond wouldn't go to him because of their drifting apart.

What did Roxas like now? Did he still have the same taste in movies, games, books? Sora couldn't tell. He only did what the brunet wanted, always smiling and never complaining.

"He doesn't care about you! If he did he would at least hang out with you, but he's way too engrossed with his own friends!" Axel stressed the words, trying to make him realize how apart they had grown.

Sora separated from the door and ran away, too scared to hear Roxas' response. He felt like crying, knowing that Roxas felt used, and was only putting up with it because of their old friendship.

He rushed towards the cafeteria, and tried to act as if nothing had happened. Difficult task, but Riku and Kairi didn't deserve his selfishness either.

"So, what do you want to do?" Roxas asked with a smile when he entered Sora's room that Saturday, not even bothering to knock (not that he had to. Roxas came and went as he pleased, and Sora didn't mind trusting him so much).

"Um… would you believe I completely forgot we were going out today?" He grinned embarrassedly. He had been so sure Roxas would leave him after Axel's 'intervention' he had stopped thinking about it. It was not surprising, though, considering his one-track mind.

"Oh…" Roxas' smile disappeared quickly and he averted his gaze. "I… see. So you made plans with your friends already, huh?" He tried to look nonchalant, but his expression was far more alive whenever he was around the brunet. Sora was left in shock at the blond's bitter tone, as if he didn't consider himself one of his friends anymore.

"No! You got it all wrong!" He exclaimed worriedly. "I just had a lot on my mind and—"

"It's okay, Sora. You don't have to explain it, I get it. They're your best friends…" Roxas paused for a moment. Sora could practically taste the awkwardness "Well, I better get going, lots of things to do."

"Wait!" Roxas stopped just a step from the door. Sora was hugging him from behind as if his life depended on it, restraining his movement. "I have no plans other than spending time with you, I swear! We can still watch a movie, right? I don't want you to leave. Please." He begged. He realized he was being selfish again, but he couldn't help it. If Roxas left their friendship would end even more estranged, and he didn't want that. He had to do something if he wanted everything to stay the same.

Roxas remained quiet for a few seconds, and Sora feared rejection more and more with each passing moment. He heard the other sigh and nod, turning around and rummaging through Sora's movie collection.

They chose some animated feature the brunet had probably seen a million times, but Sora couldn't be bothered. He could only think about Roxas, his Roxas, just a few inches to his right. He instantly wanted the distance to be none. Well, if he was being selfish, it was better taking it to the end.

Without asking Roxas for permission he positioned his head on the blond's lap, feeling the heat his friend gave off and finding it comforting. He felt the other's muscles tense up, before relaxing and lightly petting his hair. It felt so good he felt the unexplainable need to purr.

"Roxas…" He whispered during the end credits, feeling insecure.

"What is it? Do you want to watch another one?" The blond asked above him with his usual gentleness. He shook his head and lifted his head, much to his displeasure.

"Do you… do you think I'm selfish?" He muttered, looking away. He felt Roxas studying his face before frowning.

"You heard my… 'chat' with Axel, didn't you?" It was more of a statement than a question, but he nodded nonetheless. "Of course not Sora, you're the most selfless person I know."

"But you—"

"See? You feel so bad with just the thought of being selfish it drives you crazy." He chuckled. "You're way too nice for your own good, Sora. Let yourself be selfish around me. I don't mind. I like it a lot, actually, shows you care about me." Sora couldn't help but blush.

"Then sleep here tonight." The brunet said without thinking. Roxas blinked and stared at him. His blush darkened. "I-I mean, I… would really like if you could stay with me, so…"

"Okay." Roxas said simply, his own cheeks dusted in a pinkish color. He left the room to go to his house and get some clothes (and ask his parents. Sora was sure they would say yes, though) leaving Sora with his thoughts.

The situation was just perfect for confessing. Roxas had (kind of) admitted he liked him a bit with everything he said, so his chances of getting rejected were a bit lower than he thought! He couldn't help but think about the possibilities of having Roxas to himself, and blushing when he thought he got a bit too far.

Sora returned from dreamland when Roxas tapped him lightly on the head. He blushed but managed a grin.

They spent the rest of the evening playing video games and talking about banal things. Like when they were younger, Sora coaxed Roxas with a pout into sleeping on the same bed, even if they didn't quite fit without having to hug each other really close.

"Roxas… if I can be selfish, then…" He hesitated, not sure if it was asking too much.

"Yes?" Roxas said softly.

"Stay with me forever…" he whispered, too embarrassed to look at the blond.

"Sure." Roxas responded after a minute or so of silence.

Only when it was Sora, the blond was strangely gentle. That soft spoken and submissive nature was otherwise non-existent, and the brunet couldn't be happier about being the only one allowed to see that particular side of Roxas.

Before Sora knew it, months had passed, winter came with its normal chill, and he couldn't help but join Kairi in her wish for some snow. Riku acted angry and distant, however. He hated cold… and white… and cloudy days… in short, he wasn't a winter person.

And Roxas just mocked the hell out of him by blowing in the back of his neck and smirking when he threw him a glare. Sora was just glad the two of them had a somehow stable relationship that didn't end in fits of violence. Kairi always stood up for Riku, though, even if she had somewhat relaxed around the blond (mainly thanks to Naminé and Xion, who apparently were more open to female strangers than to the brunet).

Roxas and his friends had slowly but steadily joined Sora's group a few days after their sleepover, and by now they had just melded so much that he considered all of Roxas' friends like his own (even Axel, although half of the time he preferred hanging out with Saïx). The blond had a bit of mischief to him, and Sora enjoyed seeing Roxas acting innocent after he pranked someone. Like he was doing now, after successfully slipping an ice cube inside Riku's overstuffed jacket

"Do that again and I promise I will tie you up and put you in some dark place where no one will find you, you little—"

"I don't know what you're talking about, but it sounds kinky." The silver haired teen yelped and turned around to see Axel cackling teasingly. He glared at the redhead. "Relax pal, you're way too stiff."

"He can't help it. Poor Riku is just a misplaced squirrel." Roxas smirked. "He should be sleeping through winter."

"You two are the worst!" Xion laughed softly. The two of them always got together to tease Riku, as there was still some animosity there, but as long as it was harmless pranks and teasing, no one took it seriously.

Sora sighed contentedly, sipping his juice as his friends continued bickering and giving playful glares. He caught Axel staring at him, however, and smiled when he noticed that small apologetic glance. He had already said sorry many times for thinking he had only used Roxas, and the brunet was relieved he wasn't the bad guy to Axel's 'selfless hero'.

"I better get home. I have some homework to catch up to." The brunet smiled and got up from their table. As usual, Roxas was up in a matter of seconds, standing behind him and saying his goodbyes too.

"I better make sure you actually do them." Roxas teased with the familiar kind smile. Sora blushed, but nodded and began walking home with the blond.

"Sora?" Roxas said, looking serious. The alluded just looked up curiously at the eerie lack of emotion. The blond finished correcting the last math exercise before he looked up and stared at him blankly. "I don't think I can keep this up much longer."

"What do you mean?" Sora asked, looking him over. Roxas just shook his head.

"Don't get me wrong, I really like spending time with you and your friends, but…" he looked uncertain before continuing. "I've been really confused about you lately."

The brunet looked at him, confused, what did Roxas mean? He had not acted weird, right? Even when they were alone, he was sure he hadn't done anything that could be considered out of place for them, had he?

"How do you feel about me?" He said still with that same uncaring expression. Sora froze in place. "That night… I kind of thought that you… you know, but after that you acted as if nothing had happened…" Behind Roxas mask, he finally could see what was going on: doubt. But, what was he scared of? To be proven right?

"Well, you are someone that's very important to me." He remained vague, hoping to probe a bit.

"But…?" Roxas said anxiously. Sora took a small breath.

"But what? You're the most important person for me, that's all… you could say I love you, I guess." He laughed awkwardly, hoping that, even when confessing, he could pass it off as a joke in the worst of cases.

"Sora…" The blond said tenderly. He began to caress his cheek, much to the brunet's shock. Roxas then got as close as possible to his face without really touching it. "I don't want to do anything you don't like. Tell me, is this okay?" He asked for permission almost childishly.

Sora couldn't talk, couldn't breath. His only rational thought was to hit Roxas for not moving!

He managed to nod, however. Roxas sighed in relief before finally kissing him. Sora sighed dreamily and lost himself in his friend's (or was it lover now?) unique taste.

"So… you're dating, then?" Kairi asked them with a questioning glance at their linked hands.

Sora managed to nod in embarrassment, Kairi smiled almost triumphantly. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Riku frown.

"How long have you been together?" the silver head questioned harshly, looking from Roxas to Kairi.

"Since yesterday, more or less…" Sora said, utterly confused at Kairi's smile fading and Riku smirking.

"I was right!" He said smugly. The redhead grumbled and pulled out her purse, giving the boy a hundred munny. "'Right after he joined us', sure!" He taunted in a bad imitation of Kairi's voice. Roxas eyes widened in recognition.

"You made a bet about this?" The blond finally said, outraged. "I expected it from Axel, but you guys—"

"I betted you were going out just before we merged in our compressed little group." Axel said, appearing from behind them as usual and giving Riku some munny, too. Roxas turned, not at all surprised to see Xion and Naminé beside him and doing the same. He looked at them as they shrugged.

"Since you guys met." Naminé admitted. She was way too much into love at first sight. Roxas complained in a mutter about being around three when they met.

"Friends with benefits," Xion smiled guiltily. Sora blushed, still too shocked to be as angry as Roxas was. The blond was about to tackle Axel, as he tried to explain how obvious it was for everybody.

Sora couldn't help but sigh in relief. Nothing appeared to have changed. And why would it? They were his best friends… and regarding Roxas… well, Roxas had always been kind of his, hadn't he?

Can you believe I forgot to post this until now? My birthday was about two weeks ago! Well, that's it for my first one-shot! Hope you enjoyed.

We have lots of drafts and ideas that don't work as multi-chaptered stories, and once they are properly written we'll post them here! The rating will vary from K+ to M, read the warnings at the top from the next one-shot onwards!