Well, here it is. The epilogue. I'm posting it now before the craziness of Christmas begins. I hope you like!
AN: I do not own Twilight.
One year later…
"There." I mumble to myself as I finish tying the red bow onto the green papered box. I had been fiddling with it for the better part of last fifteen minutes until it was perfect. It looked so good it should be in one of those women's magazines.
It was the second to last say of the office Secret Santa Exchange and all week I had been thinking about how things have changed since last year. After the Christmas Party, Bella and I had begun a real relationship. We went on dates where I pathetically tried to woo her and she giggled like a teenager in love. It wasn't all a bed of roses. We fought like tigers over stupid shit but at the end of the day there was nothing I wanted more than Bella in my arms.
And the make up sex was awesome.
She made me see that there was so much more to life than my career. I mean, I was still a perfectionist and I took my job very seriously, but it wasn't everything. I had been missing out on something important for along time and Bella helped me discover it. She had taken a risk and put herself out there for just to have a shot at something with me. I don't know where we would be if she hadn't rigged that Secret Santa exchange, because according to Alice, I'm a 'dumb shit who wouldn't notice a tank parked on my face.'
So unnecessary, little sis…
Christmas Eve had been…a little rough. At least it was for me. Bella, on the other hand, had been welcomed with open arms. My family and friends had loved her for a long time and were happy that she joined them. Apparently, she had been invited the two years before that, but Bella always declined. She felt like she would be intruding.
As if…
I'd like to say that it was an enjoyable day, but it wasn't. Emmett, Jasper, Rose, and Alice spent the whole day making jokes at my expense and laughing at how well Bella had played me. Bella even joined in with them, the traitor. But I was okay with it, though; because I knew they were kidding and were truly excited that Bella and I were together. I don't think I had ever seen her laugh and smile so much and I had no problem being the butt of the joke if it meant I would get to see that over and over.
Besides, when we got back to my house, I made sure to punish Bella for her naughty, naughty behavior. And she fucking loved it.
Ah, the memories…
This year would be different, much different.
Because, ladies and gentlemen, the tables have been turned again.
And this time, I've got the upper hand. You see, with some help from Rose, the Secret Santa Exchange has been rigged again. And this year, I am Bella's Secret Santa.
Cue the evil laugh…
I fiddle with the bow on her latest gift a little more. I chuckle knowing what was inside and how deceiving the perfect wrapping was. You see, I've been wrapping up random office supplies for her all week long. A box of paperclips, post-its, a rubber band ball. Today it was a stapler. Watching Bella get more and more frustrated had been quite amusing.
Hey, don't judge me. I have a plan.
With these gifts, Bella had no idea it was me. She thought it was Newton or Garrett. They were nice guys but were boneheads and this kind of shit was right up their alley. Later that day she ranted for a half hour when we got home. She couldn't believe what kind of asshole would think wrapping up an office stapler would be an acceptable holiday gift. Fuck, she was hot. She was going to flip her shit when she found out it was me, but I was kind of hoping my last gift would make up for it.
The party was in full swing the next day when Bella arrived. I told her I had an errand to do and that I would meet her there later, but I had flat out lied. I was there, waiting for her.
I would always wait for her.
I kept out of sight as Rose told her to go get her gift from out under the tree. She was so damn cute as she sighed and prepared herself for whatever was in the meticulously wrapped box. She stayed close to the tree and unwrapped it with her back towards the party, because I'm sure she didn't want anyone to see what she was getting. I walked towards her and stopped when I was about three feet away. Her shoulders slumped as she saw what was in the box. Then she growled when she read the note.
The cat's out of the bag now…
She spun around like a man on a mission but stopped dead when she saw me in front of her. "You? You're my Secret Santa?"
"Yup." Apparently she didn't like that answer.
"What the fuck, Edward?"
"What? You didn't like my gifts?" Oh man, it was hard keeping a straight face. She held up one of the offensive things from the box.
"Metal loose-leaf rings? Are you kidding me?"
"What? They're useful." I said defensively. She let out a long defeated breath.
"I can't believe you would think that this was acceptable. I know Alice didn't help you with this." God, she was pissed. I had her right where I wanted her.
"So, you don't like it?" She looked completely exasperated.
"No, Edward, I don't." She looked down at her feet.
"Oh. Okay." I paused a minute, pretending I was deep in thought. I wasn't really, because I didn't have to think about what I was about to do. It would be the best thing I would ever do. "Well, then how about this?"
I got down on one knee and pulled out my last gift. It had been burning a hole in my pocket. Bella brought her attention to me when she caught my movement and then her eyes snapped to shiny engagement ring being held between my thumb and forefinger. She gasped and I knew I had her.
"Bella Swan, one year ago today you made me the luckiest man alive. I love you and I want to spend all my Christmases with you. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?" By now tears were streaming down her face. She began to nod furiously.
"Oh my God, Edward. Yes. Yes, yes, yes, I'll be your wife."
Thank fuck.
I stood up quickly, wrapped my arms around her, and pulled her in for a long kiss. I could faintly hear the cheering behind us. These people were our friends and family and I knew they were happy for both of us.
I pulled away long enough to place the ring on her finger. She looked at it reverently before lifting her eyes to mine.
"It's beautiful. I love you so much, Edward." I kissed her again. The crowd was beginning to descend on us and I knew Alice and Rose would want to talk and squeal with her. It was okay, though, because I knew it wouldn't be long before she was back in my arms. But before we were swept away by a sea of congratulations, I bent down and whispered in her ear something that was only meant for her.
"Merry Christmas, beautiful."
The End.
Thank you to all of you who have read, reviewed, and recommended this story. I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have. Have a wonderful holiday, everyone.