(dudley that means you)

6 September 1988

Hello jornal my name is Harry Potter I am eyt My birthday is July 31 I am in Mr Crossley class I live in Little Whinging I do not no my mums name I do not no my dads name they are dead I do not have bruthers I do not have sisters they are not dead I just do not have them I have a pet he is a spider I like food I like outside I do not like my cosin I wish my parents were not dead sind Harry Potter

Feel free to add some more detail when answering questions, Harry! For example; are there any foods you like more than others? Any foods you don't like? What sort of spider is your pet? Does it have a name? What do you like about the outside? Remember your punctuation-at the end of every sentence!

Spelling: Journal, Eight, Signed, Cousin, Know, Brothers. Write three times for next class.

9 September 1988

Hello jornal journal. Today we have a prompt. Our prompt is this year I would like. This year I would like to get tall. Because I am a runt. If I were tall I cood climb trees better. And hide there. And I cood scare people. So they wod not hurt me. Because I wod be big. But I wod bump my head on my seeling if I were too tall. So just a little more taller. So I cood not be the runt. And this year I wod like to be smarter. Because I am stupid. If I were smarter I cood rit better journals. And remember ponkyton. And spell rit. And then I cood get good marks. And get a job when I am old. Because if I am stupid I will not get a job. And then I will be a burden. And be hungry. And before school this year I would like not to be in Dudleys class. Because he is mean. And then school this year I am not in Dudleys class. And so this year I would like school already. Signed Harry Potter.

See my notes-you do not need to phrase everything with the beginning of the prompt. Your punctuation is much better! I like your journal entry very much, except you should never call yourself stupid-you are very smart!

Spelling: Right, Write, Would, Ceiling, Punctuation (that one is tricky!), Could. Write three times for next class.

13 September 1988

Hello journal. Today we have a prompt. Our prompt is living on a farm. Living on a farm would be nice. There would be lots of outside there. I could have a pet. I would like a pet. Because my spider got skwished. I could have a hors to ride. I could name my hors Litning. Because it would be so fast. It would be black. And I would brush its main. So it would have good hair. And not bad hair. Litning would take me lots of places. Outside it would be sunny. And I could have other animals. And take care of them. I could have chikens. I would not eat them. I would feed them. I would feed them breakfast. And lunch. And dinner. I would not keep them in a coop. That is mean. They could have a room. I would give them all names. I would not call them chiken. Litning can have a room to. I would not make him do the weding. I would do the weding for him. Because Litning would be my frend. I would like to live on a farm. But I live in a house. Signed Harry Potter.

Very creative, Harry! I am sorry to hear about your spider. Maybe when you are older you can live on a farm and have lots of pets!

Spelling: Squished, Horse, Lightning, Mane, Chickens, Weeding, Friend. Write three times for next class.

16 September 1988

Hello journal. Today we do not have a prompt. I do not like that. I like the prompt. Today we have to write about our feelings. Or what we are thinking. Or what we will do over the week end. But I do not think. And I do not feel. So I have no things to write. Except maybe my stumack feels. Because it is hungry. And wants bred. Signed Harry Potter.

Everyone thinks and feels, Harry! Please write a little more next time!

Spelling: Stomach, Bread. Write three times for next class.

20 September 1988

Hello journal. Today we have a prompt yay. Our prompt is if I was a color. If I was a color I would be black. Because my hair is very black. And at nit its very black. Because the lit is off. I like the black. Because then I do not see. And can fall asleep. And in the morning I can pretend I am asleep. And I can pretend I am dreaming. Because it is so black. My shoes are black to. And they are new. Because my school shoes got lost. They got lost in the pownd. And I had to get new ones. Black is a good color. Because you can hide. Because it is also the color of lickrish. And I had that once. And it tasted good. Dudley does not eat lickrish. So I got to eat it. Black is the only color I draw with. Because all my pens are black. My glasses are black. But not the glass part. But I still like black. Signed Harry Potter.

Very good, Harry! Remember what we said in class about not starting sentences with 'and,' 'because,' or 'but.'

Spelling: Night, Light, Pond, Licorice. Write three times for next class.

23 September 1988

Hello journal. Today we have a prompt but only a pretend one. Our prompt is our reading group book. We have to write what it is about what we like what we do not. My reading group is red. My reading group book is called the indian in the cupboard. It is about a boy named Omri. His cupboard is magic. It brings his toys to life. He puts his toy indian in and Little Bear comes out. Little Bear is his friend. Little Bear is bossy to but he likes Omri and Omri likes him. Omri has a real friend to named Patrick and Patrick puts his toy cowboy in and Boon comes out. Omri loses his cupboard key and Boon gets hurt by Little Bear and almost dies. They find the cupboard key thow and then Boon gets better because Tommy the soldier comes and fixes him. Then they all have to go home and Omri gives his mum his key so they can stay in their home where they belong. There is lots more but I do not have room. I like this book because I like Omri. I like Little Bear to even if he is bossy because he and Omri are like brothers. I wish my cupboard was magic but it is not. I wish I had toys like Omris even if they were not alive. I would like them most if they were alive thow because then I could have friends and I would feed them and keep them safe. I did not like that Omris friends went back at the end but I would not like if if I had a nice home and a cupboard took it away so Omri was good to put them back but it is sad still. I would only get sad toys who wanted to live with me and be my friend. I like Tommy the soldier the best I wish he lived in my cupboard and could come help me when I was hurt and be my friend even if my cupboard is not magic maybe he would not mind living there. Signed Harry Potter.

Remember we capitalize and underline book titles, Harry! I am glad you liked the book-did you know there is a sequel called 'ReturnoftheIndian?' See me after class if you would like to borrow it.

Spelling: Though, Boone. Write three times for next class.

27 September 1988

Hello journal. Today we have a prompt. Our prompt is our favrit family tradition. I do not have a favrit family tradition because I do not have a family. Signed, Harry Potter.

Harry-please come speak to me after class. Even though your parents are gone, that does not meant that your guardians do not love you very much, or that you are not a member of their family. I know questions like this must be very hard for you, but please try to write more next time.

Spelling: Favorite. Write three times for next class.

30 September 1989

Hello journal. Today we have a prompt. Our prompt is what would grow in my garden. What would grow in my garden is weeds. I would let them grow and never weed them. It would be okay because maybe weeds are nice and it is to much work to pull them so I would let them be there. Dandylions are a weed we learned and I like dandylions so there weeds are not all bad and it is okay it they stay in my garden. I would not grow pettunyas but maybe I would grow leelys because my ant hates leelys but it would be my garden. I would have a big pool in my garden so that I could swim if I got to hot and I could keep a pet there to and he could drink from the pool whenever he was thursty and I could to but I would not be thursty because it would be my garden. Maybe it would be a horse or maybe it would be a dog but the nicest dog who never bites or maybe a turtle who could live in the pool. I would name the turtle Tommy like the soldier and if I had a dog I would name it Little Bear and they would be my friends like my horse Lightning. That would be a better garden.

Your garden sounds like a lot of fun, Harry, but remember we were talking about what would grow in our garden, not just what we would have there! Lilies are lovely, though, and so are dandelions. Your drawing of your garden is very nice.

Spelling: Aunt, Dandelions, Petunias, Lilies, Thirsty. Write three times for next class.

Harry Potter

Class 3C

Spelling Homework

1 October 1988

Copy out your journal words, and find five new words from home to bring in to learn to spell next week.

Journal Words

aunt aunt aunt

dandelions dandelions dandelions

petunias petunias petunias

lilies lilies lilies

thirsty thirsty thirsty

Class Words




