Author's note: Thank you Oak leaf ninja and Dcharger for reviewing! Also, Dcharger thanks for correcting the fact that I put epilogue instead of prologue. I get those mixed up. As far as Ellie's eyes I didn't really think about that and will go change them to blue. Yes her mom is Sam, I wouldn't dare put Danny with anyone else. True the ghost half could be considered a mutant but that messes with the plot. The thing with Mickey is he's jealous of his older siblings but covers it by acting like he hates them. Under it all he does care but won't ever admit it. Ellie does care but she's lived with him for nine years and has gotten used to his attitude so she's pretty much given up on him. Haha tho, you're not over analyzing such a minor OC cause he's gonna have a bigger role later on in the story so he's not actually all that minor. With Rei I noticed what I did and meant to go back and edit the prologue and no Kat is not Kitty. The thing with the rooms is to some it would seem a good idea to but the girls together and then the boys in another room but what I did is I put them together by age instead. That and trying to put Kenny and Mickey in the same room would end up getting Mickey killed. Anyway, enough of the author's note this has turned out way longer than expected. On with the story! Oh one last thing, my characters use language I wouldn't ever use.
Disclaimer: I still don't own X-Men Evolution or Danny Phantom nor to I own Kingdom Hearts.
Kenny's POV
Oh my word! It takes forever to get from Amity Park to Bayville! We got out of the car and my word this place is amazing! It's an average size mansion with a smooth white rock wall around it. The only break in the wall being the simple steel gate with a symbol of an X in the middle of the gate. The mansion it's self is made on the outside with the same white rock as the outside wall but the inside of the mansion is the really nice part. It's got cream colored wallpaper and matching carpet. The furniture is nice and big and poofy. Mom and Dad lead us down the halls to an office. It was just as nice as the rest of the place. It had a large wooden desk at the end of the room and the cream colored walls were lined with bookshelves. In front of the desk were two large, red, cushioned chairs. Sitting at the desk was a bald, old man. "Hello. You must be Mister and Misses Fenton and your kids Kenny and Ellie. My name is Professor Charles Xavier, most of the students call me Professor X." the man said. His voice was calm and welcoming. He was smiling politely. Mom nodded to him so he said "Good to meet you. Please have a seat. Forgive me for only having to seats."
Mom and Dad sat down as my mom said "It's no problem. I'm sure Kenny and Ellie would prefer to stand anyway."
The man nodded "By the way, on the phone I told you I may have some other parents coming in at the same time. They called back and said they would in fact be here in a few minutes."
I scoffed silently Me? Wanting to stand? Has Mom lost her mind? I'm the one who sits around all day playing video games. What gives her the idea I'd want to stand? Wait…she's just being polite isn't she. I'm such an ido- I glared at Ellie when she elbowed me in the side. She glanced at the man as if telling me to look at him. I looked up at him and he asked "Kenny, would you like to take your sister and go look around? I'm sure you won't care about the logistics we'll be talking about."
I nodded "Sure that sounds cool." He nodded as I walked out of the office with Ellie.
When we got outside of the office Ellie sighed and asked "Are you gonna stay here?"
I glanced at her then back in front of me "I don't know. We've only been here like ten minutes. You really expect me to decide in that short a time?"
Ellie smiled slightly "Sorry. I know you're quick to make decisions."
I smiled "True, I am. But this…this is different. This would be leaving everyone I know for a place and people I don't know." Ellie nodded and we walked on in silence a few feet. "So I heard what sounded like a bunch of guys playing video games on the way in. I'm gonna go see if I can find them."
Ellie sighed "Ugg you go do that. I'll be outside in the courtyard."
I laughed as we parted "See ya sis."
A few minutes later I had found the source of the sounds. Sure enough it was three guys playing video games. I looked at the screen and tried to figure out what they're playing but couldn't identify it. I just stood there a moment until the round was over then one of the boys, a guy about sixteen with longish blonde hair stood up and walked over to me. "Hey, you new here? I'm Jon Guthrie."
"My name's Kenny Fenton and I still don't know if I'm gonna stay here or not." I replied smiling. The guy seemed cool so I wasn't gonna be a big grouch.
Jon nodded "Alright then, this is Zack Drake and Drew Madrox." he said indicating to the other boys. Zack looked to be about fourteen or fifteen and had short brown hair. Drew looked more like a twelve year old with short messy brown hair. I nodded in greeting "Nice to meet you." Zack smiled and returned the greeting. I looked at Jon "So what are you playing?"
Jon smiled and sat down again, indicating for me to do the same. "It's a game called Kingdom Hearts. It's really awesome." I nodded as he went on to tell me about the game and how to play. So far I was getting along with the guys here. Question is, what about the girls?
Ciara's POV
I woke up to Rei shaking me. "We're here." He said. I looked around, once out of the car. I sighed upon seeing it was exactly how Rei described it. I looked at him and he was just smiling. I rolled my eyes and followed Mom and Dad through the halls. Along the way I saw several people of varied ages. Some looked like teachers here that Mom and Dad stopped to say hi to while others looked like they were about ten or eleven, very young to be mutants. When we got to the office they had said is the Professor's, Mom knocked on the door. A moment later she opened it and we walked in. Already sitting in there were two parents. The father had black hair and bright blue eyes. His wife had dark hair, purple eyes and looked plain out goth. Mom smiled at him as he introduced us to the other two and them to us. They are Danny and Sam Fenton. Their son Kenny is looking to enroll here evidently. Hmm…I wonder if this Kenny kid is cute?
They were talking about logistics and boring stuff like that. I was pretty sure I looked extremely bored 'cause after a little while the Professor asked if Rei and I wanted to go look around. I quickly nodded ready to go do something more fun. Rei smiled as I dragged him out of the office. When we were out in the hall I said "Go ahead, say I told ya so."
Rei laughed "Why would I need to say that?"
I glared at him playfully "You know why. This place is exactly how you described it. Are you sure you've never been here?"
Rei laughed "I'm sure Ciara. How could I have been here before?"
I shrugged "I have no clue!"
Rei laughed again "Maybe I got some of Mom's power so when I touch people I get their memories and don't know it?"
I hummed slightly. "That's a thought."
We kept walking in silence until I heard some guys shouting. Didn't take me hardly anytime to figure out they were playing video games. A smile crept onto my face at which Rei sighed. "Go play your video games. I'll be around." I laughed and gave him a quick hug before running off to the source of the sounds. When I found it I saw four boys playing a game I instantly recognized as Kingdom Hearts. Smiling, I walked into the recreation room and stood behind the boys, leaning on the couch watching. At that moment it was just two of them playing but they were both good. One of them looked about sixteen and had longish hair that was blonde. The other looked like a younger version of the guy Xavier had been talking with…oh what was his name…oh yea! Danny! So this kid must be Kenny. Well he is cute.
When the level was over all the guys looked at me. I smiled "Hello boys."
The one to the left of where I was leaning, the blonde who was playing it said "Hey, I'm Jon Guthrie. You are?"
I looked at him "Name's Ciara LeBeau." Then I looked at Kenny "Are you Kenny Fenton?"
He nodded nervously. "Um yea, why?"
I laughed "I met your dad in the Prof's office. You look like him. 'Cept your younger and cuter."
Kenny blushed as one of the other boys nudged him in the side. Kenny glared at him "Shove off Drew." The other boy, Drew laughed "I will…for now." Kenny rolled his eyes while Jon laughed.
The other boy, on the right of me said "I'm Zack Drake by the way."
I smiled "Nice to meet ya Zack."
Jon looked at me "So you like video games?"
I laughed "Is this a serious question?"
Jon laughed and said "I'll take that as a yes."
I laughed and nodded "It is in fact a yes."
The boys smiled and handed me a controller while Zack moved so I could sit down. As I sat down next to Jon I heard Drew whisper to Zack "Dude, why'd ya let her take a seat? She's got a hell of an ass."
Zack sighed "Drew, you need to get over it. She's probably my age. So shove off." he whispered back.
I spent the next while hanging out with the guys. It was tons of fun! We played a ton of video games and when it wasn't our turn we'd sit around talking.
Ellie's POV
After Kenny ran off I went outside, like I said I would. There was a fountain outside and some simple shrubs. Nothing that special. Sitting on the edge of the fountain were three girls. The were talking and giggling. One of them had blond hair clipped up so it fluffed out on top. The second one had red hair and green eyes. The third had brown hair pulled up into a pony tail holder. I walked up to them "Hi, I'm Ellie." The one with her hair in a pony tail smiled and waved "Hi! I'm like Tiffany Alvers and these are my friends Alison Guthrie and Ginny Summers." Both the other girls smiled. Ginny held out her hand for me to shake. I politely shook it. "So are you like gonna be staying here?" Tiffany asked.
I shook my head "No, my brother's the mutant. Not me. It's never me."
Tiffany frowned "Aww well that's too bad."
I nodded. Yea, if my brother's here then I've gotta deal with twice the amount of chores at home, explaining to all his friends why he's gone, and deal with my brat of a brother Mickey. "I'll be fine with out Kenny." I lied.
Ginny frowned then smiled again "So what's your brother like?"
I shrugged "Well he sits around playing video games all day, he's…well he's a normal guy. When ya get past the mutant part."
Ginny laughed slightly "Sounds like Alison would like him."
Alison blushed slightly "I don't like every typical guy I hear about. I'd have to meet him before saying I like him."
I smiled "Well if you wanna meet him he's playing video games with some boys."
The three girls looked at each other, smiling then stood up and ran off. "We'll talk to you later Ellie!" they hollered as then ran. I stood there watching them until they got inside. I was smiling slightly, they assumed even though I said I wouldn't be staying that they'd see me again. Suppose that's a good thing. When they walked off I looked at the fountain they'd been sitting on. It was fairly simple, it was made of the same white stone as the rest of the place. I just realized how much this place matches, sure it's nice and all but it's kinda plain. I stood there studying it when a boy with short, messy, black hair walked up to me. I looked at him "Hey, I'm Ellie." I said with a smile.
The boy smiled slightly "Hey. My name's Rei."
I held my hand out to greet him "So are you a student here?" I asked.
He shook my hand and said "Not yet. My parents are working out the details of my enrollment."
I nodded "Cool." we stood there in an awkward silence for a moment. "So what's your power?"
Rei held his hand out to the water and raised his hand, along with the water. "I can control water." The water started crackling and formed into a perfect ball of ice. He pulled it over and dropped it in his hand. "It seems like I have control over it but I don't." He paused slightly then smiled "You gonna be staying here?" he asked, obviously wanting to change the subject.
I shook my head "No, my brother's the mutant. I'm just a girl."
Rei nodded "If your worried about not getting to see him much don't. My mom was a student here and says our family is allowed to come visit whenever. Plus we get holidays off."
I smiled "I hope your right, though if we ever come visit we can not bring Mickey."
"Mickey?" he asked.
I nodded, sitting down on the edge of the fountain. "Mickey is my little brother. He's really jealous that Kenny has powers and he doesn't." Rei nodded as he tossed the ice into the fountain. It landed with a dull thud. I sighed "I'll never understand why he's so jealous. Not like having powers is all good. If you can't control them then what good are they?"
Rei nodded "You said that like someone who understands mutants."
I glanced at him then looked out into the distance at some trees. "Oh, I just empathize with my brother."
Rei nodded and said "Well it's not all bad having powers. I mean we get to come live in a mansion."
I smiled "True. But you have to share a room with people you probably don't know."
Rei shrugged and sat down next to me. "It's not that bad."
I laughed "I'll ask again in about a week, see if the answer is the same."
Rei laughed "Sure thing."
Rei's POV
There I was sitting on a fountain talking to a really pretty girl on my first day to the school. Shame she's not staying. Only reason she's here is her brother is a mutant. She kinda seems like she's hiding something but I'm not going to pry. We had been talking for an hour or so when a boy came and got us, saying we were both needed in the professor's office. Guess our parents are done talking. We followed the boy back to the office where our parents and siblings were waiting. I stood by Mom and Dad while Ellie went to stand with her brother. Weird that I met Ellie and Ciara met what's his face…oh well.
"After a long discussion Mister and Missis Fenton are leaving it up to Kenny to decide if he would like to enroll. Both the LeBeau children will be enrolled at a local public school to continue their normal education along side staying here and learning about their powers." The Professor explained. I glanced at Ellie and Kenny who were talking in hushed voices. After a few minutes Kenny turned to the Professor "Sir, would it be possible is my sister stayed here with me?"
Both of his parents looked at him, rather surprised yet understanding. The professor folded his hands together and placed them at his mouth "Hmm…This is an unusual request."
"I understand that but please. I don't deal well with new places." Kenny said, almost sounded like he was begging.
The Professor nodded and put his hands on the desk "I understand, she may stay. So long as your parents are okay with this."
Kenny and Ellie both looked to their parents. They took a moment to talk then nodded their approval. I smiled slightly. Wait why am I smiling? I just met Ellie yet I'm glad she's staying? Hmm…
Kenny and Ellie smiled at each other then Ellie smiled at me, and Kenny gave Ciara a slightly awkward glance. I'll have to ask her what she was doing while we were apart.
"Now that all that is settled Jean and Scott will show you four to your rooms." The Professor said as two people walked in. A woman with long red hair and beautiful green eyes and a slim, perfect body. The man was tall and strong. He had short, brown hair that falls slightly in his face and he wore red tinted sunglasses. The woman, Jean smiled and said "Girls I'll take you to your rooms and Scott will take the boys." We all said bye to our parents, though they said they'd be back in the morning to make sure we got settled in all right.
Ciara went off with Ellie and Jean down one hall while Scoot lead me and Kenny down the hall. Scott hadn't said a word but I could tell he was full of himself. It showed in the way he walked. Kenny looked at me and said "So, why were you with my sister?" he asked.
I shrugged "I met her outside and we were just talking when some kid came and got us."
Kenny glared at me "Whatever you do don't hurt Ellie."
I looked at him "Chill out dude. I have no intentions of hurting your sister. I just met her okay?"
Kenny nodded. "Good."
We finished the walk in silence until Scott spoke. "Well here's the room you two will be sharing."
We both looked at him "Are you nuts?" Kenny asked.
Scott just looked at him "Hey I didn't choose your room. Now get to bed. Breakfast is at eight." he said, walking off. Kenny glared at me then walked into the room. He sat down on the bed nearest to the door. "Do whatever you want just stay on your side of the room." he said before laying down and going to sleep. Something tells me it's gonna be hard sharing a room with him. I sighed then got ready for bed myself. Someone had brought us our bags so we had all our stuff. I grabbed my computer and sent out emails to my few friends back home then went to bed myself.