Author's note: First crossover story! Yay! I hope I keep all my details strait and I should. I know just about everything about both Danny Phantom and X-Men Evolution tho if I do mess up don't be scared to correct me. It helps to get feedback even if it's criticism. That's one of the best things for me actually cause that way I know what to fix. This starts in the POV of 14 year old Kenny. Then part two is in Rei's point of view. I hope you enjoy. Just so ya'll know Rei is pronounced Ray though his full name is Riezo which is pronounced Reeazo and Ciara is pronounced Keeara.

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom or X-Men Evolution.

Kenny's POV

It was a dull dreary day. The sky was gray and the air was cold. Me? I'm hiding in the bushes spying on my little sister Ellie. Lately she's been coming home with bruises and cuts. She claims it's her clumsiness but I don't think so. That's why I'm spying on her. Right now she's sitting around in the park alone. Her black hair falling to her shoulder blades, amazingly it's not in a pony tail holder. Normally it is but sometimes she leaves it down. Her bangs were falling slightly in her face, just barely hiding her brown eyes. She's been there for almost half an hour. I'm wondering why she's out here. She hates the cold so why sit alone in it? A few minutes passed and a boy came up to her. He has short black hair and a thick, sturdy build. I'd seen him at school and knew he was a bully. Ellie smiled nervously at him "Hey Jacob." I could hear her say.

He sneered "How long have you been out here?"

Ellie shrugged "I don't know. Maybe half an hour."

He smiled "Good to know you're excited to see me. You came so far before we were suppose to meet."

Ellie's smile wavered for a second before she said "A-actually Jacob, you're late."

Jacob's smile disappeared as he smacked her face. "What have I told you about talking back to me?"

Ellie whimpered and stammered out "Y-y-you said not to."

Jacob nodded "So what are you gonna do?" he asked, his voice menacing.

"I-I'm not going to talk back to you." Ellie whimpered.

Jacob smirked "Good. Now let's go girl."

Ellie stood up and followed him towards the park entrance. However they didn't get there before I ran out of my hiding place and tackled Jacob. He was to big for me to take down but I caught him off guard, making him stumble into a tree. "What the heck?" he exclaimed as he regained himself and shoved me away. Ellie looked at me in shock "Kenny! What are you doing here?"

I looked at her "Protecting my sister from jerks like him!" I responded glaring at Jacob.

Jacob scoffed "I'm not the one who tackles people for no reason."

I smirked "Right, you're the guy who beats his girlfriend when she tries to speak her mind."

Jacob growled and threw a punch at me. I dodged it but just barely. Gotta work on my reflexes. He again tried to punch me, this time however he hit me. I stumbled backwards and rubbed my hand on my face where he'd hit me. After a second of having my hand there, I knew this wasn't gonna end well. We were in a fight and I needed to get my head in it. I glared at Jacob then charged at him. This time however he was ready for it and all I did was bump into him. Might as well have run into a brick wall. He laughed as he punched my stomach. He hit me several times before I fell to the ground. My stomach felt like it was about to burst and my vision was blurring. How is it when me and dad practice fighting this never happens? I wondered. Even as I was on the ground sprawling in pain Jacob kicked me again and again until Ellie ran over and grabbed his arm "Please stop Jacob!" she begged him.

He looked at her "This ain't your business girl so get outta here!"

Ellie bit her lip then shook her head "No Jacob this is my business. You know why? Cause that's my brother your beating the crap out of. Why don't you go back to whatever alley gang you came from!"

Jacob stopped beating me and turned to her "What did you just say to me girl?" Honestly I was pretty freaking proud of her right then. She probably didn't make the best choice getting with that jerk but dang she sure knows how to break up with him. I have never seen her being so bold. Not with a guy so much bigger than her. Ellie looked up at him, he was significantly taller than her, not that she's short he's just really big. "I said stop." I could hear it in her voice that she was scared but she wouldn't let it show, not to Jacob. Jacob raised his hand up and slapped her, making the side of her face turn bright red. Ellie looked down at me, holding a hand to her face as a tear rolled down her cheek. Jacob grabbed her arm and started pulling her out of the park.

What happened next was unbelievable. I got up faster than expected and chased them down. I got to them but Jacob pushed me down again. He was about to kick me when I reached out with my hand and a bolt of electricity shot out at him. I don't know how I did that but I did. Luckily he'd let go of Ellie because it sent him flying into a tree. Ellie and I were frozen in shock until Ellie looked at me "What did you do?"

I stood up slowly, still very confused as to what was happening. "I-I don't know."

Ellie sighed "Come on. We need to get home. Whatever you just did, mom and dad need to know." I nodded and walked off with Ellie holding my hand tightly.

Line Break

Rei's POV

I sat at my table alone. The older boys mocking me again. They always make fun of me cause I dress in black and have trust issues. Everyone thinks I'm emo but I'm not. I just have to get to know someone before I really am myself, I guess that's my problem. No one ever wants to talk to me so people think I have no friends. I do have friend's, only Jonathon, Sam and Kat but they're the best friends anyone could ask for. My best friend however is my sister Ciara. She's part of the reason I'm made fun of. While I sit here and take the insults she'd stand up and fight for anyone. I sighed and looked around, speaking of my sister here she comes. Her long black hair was waved slightly from her curling it yesterday. All of her hair was brushed out of her face so you could see her dark green eyes glaring at the boys as she sat down next to me. I looked at her "Don't you dare." I said trying to keep her under control. When she got started at something it's hard to get her to stop. She looked over at the boys who were taunting her, knowing full well she's always looking for a fight. She sighed "Sorry Rei." then stood up and walked over to them. I sighed and cursed myself under my breath.

"You boys wanna back off on your own or shall I make you leave my brother alone?" I heard her say.

One of the boys laughed "Well tell me, what's the hard way?" Obviously he wasn't threatened by Ciara. That's a very bad idea, she knows how to fight and most people around her know she knows.

Ciara was probably smiling but I had my back turned so I couldn't see for sure. "The easy way is you shut up now. The hard way is I beat you up and chase you outta here, humiliating you in front of the whole school cause you got beat up by a 13 year old girl."

I smiled at my sister's words and hear some of the boys snickering. "Shut up." I heard the boy, who was obviously in charge of the group, say to them. Immediately they became quiet. There was a moment of silence before I heard him say "What makes you think you'd be able to chase me outta here?"

Ciara laughed "Simple. I'm special." Say what now? Since when was she the special one?

The boy scoffed "Yea right."

"Yea that is right."

"That's just patronizing." I heard his seat move, presumably as he stood up.

Ciara laughed again "Exactly. Now go or be forced to go."

I could feel tensions rising so I turned to watch what was going on. Sure enough he was standing up, he's slightly taller than Ciara and has a sturdy build. Just the kind of guy she loves to pick a fight with. "You can try to force me to go but I don't think you'll move me an inch." he said with a laugh. Ciara just smiled and rubbed her hands together. A strange darkness seemed to be forming around them, somewhat like a shadow. I'm pretty sure I was the only one who noticed it though. All around the room I noticed that shadows were missing. There weren't any shadows of people or things on the floors or walls. There's no way she's like me. No way. Before the boy knew what was happening he was being surrounded by a box of darkness. Ciara's hands were surrounded in the darkness, placed at the edge of the box that surrounded the boy. He started panicking but his called were muted when the box closed at the top. Ciara smiled at me then shoved her hands forward, extending her arms completely and sending the box with the boy inside it flying through the air.

Everyone who had been in the cafeteria eating was staring at her in shock. With good reason too! She hid something like that from me! The person she trusts most on the planet. Then again I've got a secret from her. Once the box had stopped moving it melted into nothingness, the shadows returning to where they should be. Ciara returned to her seat next to me. Her first words were "Sorry I never told you."

I sighed "It's okay sis. I've not been completely honest with you."

Ciara stopped her fork a few inches away from her mouth "Say what now?"

I set my fork down "I mean like you I've been hiding abilities that I have."

Ciara sighed "What can you do? Bend light?" she joked.

I smiled "No. I can manipulate liquids. Any liquids not just water like most people in movies but all of it. Pop, juice, water, oil any and every liquid."

Ciara nodded "Sounds like we need to have a talk with mom and dad."

I nodded "No kidding."