A/N I want to thank TheUnderStudy for her great work on making this even better. I hope you all enjoy my new twisted tale. Since this is a reposting after me taking it down TheUnderStudy is no longer on my team, but I still will like to give her credit for the work she did and Thank new beta for re-going over this story and fixing any errors that were missed the first time around.
Full Summary: Bella is the US government's best assassin. She accidently learns about the world of vampires and, luckily for her, how to kill them. Her new knowledge has left her a target, putting her on the vampires' hit list. Follow her as she fights to survive and struggles to find some allies against her new enemy. Will she find them and what happens when she discovers her soul mate in The God of War.
Chapter 1
I'm hiding once again. I can't believe all that I have learned over the past year. You would have thought someone like me would have been prepared for what I found in Italy. I have been a top agent for the US government for five years. I am the youngest assassin in the history of the US. I am the best at what I do, and I always get what I want. I am not your ordinary assassin; I am also an intel analyst.
As a small child, I went to live with my dad after my mom went wacky and ended up in the loony bin. Charlie is the town's Chief of Police. When he was home, the only thing, he liked to do was watch sports. I found sports bored me so much, I started reading. I read anything I could get my hands on. By the time I was in middle school, I was sure that the world was filled with mythical creatures, just waiting for us to discover that they were real. I also got into books about assassins, spies, and secret agents. By the time I was in high school, I knew I wanted to be a secret agent. So I did all my research on how to be the best. I graduated at the top of my class and was off to Yale. There I received my Bachelor's degree in history, then went on to Law school, where I also graduated at the top of my class.
I then applied to both the CIA and FBI to see which agency might accept my application. It was the CIA that accepted me, and I went on to train at their top facility in Quantico, VA. I studied to be an intel analyst, while learning every form of martial arts and trained on all weapons that were available. I excelled in all my classes and soon was out in the field. My main objective was always intel first and if discovered; I was to kill and not be seen.
When I was doing my weapons training, I found I loved the feel of a Katana in my hands. For those that don't understand what a Katana is, I will explain it the best I can. A Katana is a Japanese Samurai sword. They are still made the traditional way, so they still have the sharpest blade known to man. The one I carry today, I had specially made for myself by the premier maker in Japan. He also crafted my Garrote, which is a very fine, hardened steel thread. I trained for many months with both of my weapons, cutting through anything from watermelons to mannequins made of the hardest plastics, as well as different hard stones, such as granite and marble.
I have heard rumors about an assassin they call the American Geisha. I have a feeling they are talking about me. I feel that part of this name came from my weapons. I guess I got this term because no one knows what I look like and back in the Shogun era, the Geisha was not only a prostitute, but one of the most effective assassins known. The only real difference is that I am not a prostitute.
The first two years I only made one or two kills, but by the third year, I had taken out more of the enemy, then secure the intel. The world has been at war for many years, as we all remember what happened on September 11th. It changed how each country saw the other. At first, we thought it was only Al-Qaeda terrorists and the Taliban we needed to worry about, but we soon learned there was more at play, and that is where I came in.
My dad thinks I am just a lawyer that works for the government. If he knew what I did to keep him safe from harm, I think he would have a heart attack and die. Most of my life he was my protector. He was the one who taught me how to shoot, starting at age seven. I could handle almost anything, but these days I only carry two weapons with me. They are the only ones that are effective against my new enemy. I would lose my mind, let alone my life, if I did not have my Katana and Garrote.
My new enemy is one that most people would not believe was real. I was on assignment in Italy last year, when I ran into to my first one, and soon I was on their hit list. I guess it's against their law for a mere human to know they exist.
I remember back in middle school when I started to believe in mythical creatures. And yes, vampires were one I thought could exist. They are nothing like what books or movies portray them as. Their skin is very hard, almost like stone. You can't kill them with a stake through the heart. There is only one-way to kill a vampire; you have to dismember them and burn them to ashes. I have found that I can do this with my Katana or my Garrote. I go for the head it makes it easier for me.
Flash Back
Venice, Italy, the city of water. I was standing in Piazza San Marco heading towards Saint Mark's Basilica when I saw him. He was dressed in the finest Italian suit money could buy. The sky was overcast that day. I could tell something was different about him. He looked like a young man, but when I heard him speak into his cell phone; he spoke as if he was hundreds of years old.
I started watching him to figure him out. The first thing I noticed were his eyes being a murky brown. Upon further inspection, I soon realized that they were contacts. His skin was way too pale for someone of Italian descent. He was almost as pale as someone who had died.
That was when I figured out he was a vampire, not a human. However, he looked nothing like what I had read about or saw in a movie; that only means most of that stuff is fiction. I made the mistake of saying vampire out loud to myself. He turned and looked at me.
He looked like he was concentrating on something when I saw a rolling cloud come over the Piazza. The people around me were just standing there doing nothing. People were panicking saying they could not see. I soon realized this was some kind of weapon; something used to disable his prey easily. And oh yes, I said prey. For some reason, the cloud did not affect me. The look on his face when he realized it didn't work, was one of pure astonishment. I knew I needed to get out of there. The closest and the only way out, would be the Grand Cannel. Luckily, for me, it ran right up to the Piazza.
I dove in and stayed underwater as long as possible. I found a tunnel, which had air pockets. If anything I read in books held true, he would be fast and have good hearing, which I had just discovered.
I learned in my training even the best-trained dog could not follow its prey or target through water. Yes, some dogs are trained to find people in water, but they are cadavers, not living humans. I followed the tunnel until I found another opening and made my way back to my hotel, so I could get my stuff and get out of Venice. This would be the first and only mission I would fail at, as I was going underground for a while.
A few months later, back in the States, I was in a bar hidden from view listening to a couple of vampires talk about "The One that Knows". I found out, I was wanted dead or alive by a group calling themselves the Volturi.
Somehow, I got the guts to corner the small one when they left the bar, both heading in different directions. Wrapping my Garrote around her slender neck, I was able to get the information I needed. The Volturi, were the leaders of the vampire world, and they set all the laws.
The tighter my Garrote got; it slowly made its way through the vampire's hard skin. This vampire was stupid. Once her head was severed, she asked for me to please not light her on fire. Oh, what a big mistake she made.
I soon learned my Garrote, and my Katana sever their heads. So, along with my trusty Zippo, I had a way of protecting myself from my new enemy.
End of Flash Back
Over this past year, I had killed nine vampires and learned vital information from all of them. I was the most-wanted person in both worlds right now, as they had figured out I was the American Geisha. With me going underground to hide from my new enemy, my old enemies had no idea I was no longer in the picture, as their personnel were still being killed.
My hair is now dyed and I wear contacts to hide my chocolate eyes. I was just barely staying one step in front of my would-be-killers. One piece of information had given me my only hope of survival; there was a group of vampires that didn't feed off humans. So now I was looking for the ones with golden eyes, hopingthey would be willing to protect me
As I hid once again in some underwater cave, I started to wonder if the golden eyes were even real. I had questioned the last few vamps I killed, and they said they never heard of the golden eyes. However, I did need to watch out for the one they all feared, known as The God of War.
I knew I needed to lay low for a while before I headed off once again looking for the golden eyes. This last one got too close, and I heard him report back to someone he referred to as the 'Major'. I did not even try to kill him; I knew from the way he held himself, he was a trained fighter and with his size and speed; I would be dead before I got the first strike in.
I had been staying in areas with large bodies of water, so I had safe places to hide. I was slowly making my way to Washington State to make sure they had not figured out my true identity. I needed to make sure my dad was alright. I was scared to use a phone as they could be traced so easily. I used only cash when I had the need to buy anything.
This underwater cave I was in right now, was just outside of Astoria, Oregon. I figured if I stayed there a day, maybe two, I could make it up the coast to La Push and soon after, cheek on my dad.
I found myself thinking about all of my training and how each step had helped me keep myself alive. I remembered learning how water and mud could diffuse a person's smell, making them almost untraceable. Yet a trained tracker would know these steps and learn ways around them. I was so glad I had also taken Scuba diving training and how to hold my breath for longer periods of time. This all helped in the tunnels and underwater caves I found along the coast. I was not sure how much longer I could keep hiding and running from this enemy. I was scared I would lose my life before I found the golden eye vampires.