A/N: Hey Merlin readers. This story takes place a year after the events of the episode 'Lancelot Du Lac'. The episode is due to air in Australia on Dec 11. For anyone who hasn't seen the episode yet this chapter does continue spoilers. The title of this story was inspired by the Carrie Underwood song 'Ever Ever After'. Gwen and Arthur are only mentioned in this chapter but they will make their first appearance in the next chapter. This is also set in an Alternative Universe. I hope you enjoy!

Ever Ever After

A New Life, a New Home

It is said that when a child leaves home is one of the saddest times in a mother's life. Alice watched as her only daughter packed her knapsack. Her only daughter was going off to live with her father in Camelot. Alice had been a fugitive for the first twenty years of her daughter's life. She had been on the run since the king at the time; Uther Pendragon had hunted anyone with magic. She had been on the list that Uther had created. Gaius, Ariana's father had managed to get her name off and had caused Alice to go on the run with Ariana leaving them both heartbroken. Ariana had only been three years old at the time and had been concieved without her parents being married which was the reason why Alice and Gaius had decided to become man and wife only before they could, Alice had been forced to flee Camelot.

It had been just over twenty years since Ariana had seen her father. From the numerous letters that Gaius had sent to his former lover and daughter, it was noted that Uther had become ill after his daughter Morgana's betrayal and had eventually died due to a fatal stab wound that Merlin, Gaius' apprentice disguised as an old man had attempted to heal but was unaware that Agravaine, Uther's brother-in-law and Prince Arthur's maternal uncle had placed a reversal charm around his neck that would repel any healing spells causing the king to die and his only son, Arthur to be crowned as his successor.

"All ready, my dear?" Alice asked sadly.

"Yes, mother, all set," Ariana said as she fastened her cloak around her neck. She looked around her small room to see everything that she had been able to take with her was with her horse outside the cottage.

"Okay," Alice allowed her voice to go to a whisper. She stepped forward and gave her daughter one last hug. "Be safe and be sure to write whenever you can," Ariana smiled and nodded.

"I will don't worry," she reassured her mother.

"Oh, one last thing, tell your father I said hello," Ariana could see the sparkle in her mother's eyes whenever her father was mentioned. It was clear that she still had feelings for him.

"I will and I promise I will not reveal my powers unless Camelot begins to fall to Morgana," Ariana rolled her eyes as she recruited from memory the discussion she and her mother had had when she had declared she was going to live in Camelot with Gaius.

"Good," Alice kissed her daughter on the cheek and watched her as she descended for the door. The elderly mother walked to the door and watched as Ariana mounted her horse. Ariana waved as she led her horse at a walk down the path and in the direction of Camelot.

Tears flowed from Alice's eyes like a trickling creek as she watched Ariana disappear into the forest.

After half a day's ride, Ariana reached the walls of Camelot. She had heard stories about how grand Camelot had become since King Arthur had become the Kingdom's ruler. She dismounted her horse and walked it through the crowded streets of the lower town. She looked around at all the different shops and at all the different items they were selling. She was too absorbed in her browsing that she wasn't watching where she was going and the next thing she knew she was on the ground, the sound of smashing glass coming to her ears.

"I'm so sorry," said a man's voice. Ariana sat up to see that she had bumped into a man with dark hair who had been carrying a load of pots over his shoulders. "Let me help you," he put his head up to reveal blue eyes. "Hi," he said when he caught Ariana's gaze.

"Hi," Ariana said.

"I'm Merlin," said the man extending his hand.

"Ariana," Ariana said shaking his hand. She looked around at the scattered pots to see some of them had broken. She turned her gaze to the several broken pots scattered in front of her. Her eyes turned gold for a brief second. Merlin watched as the pots repaired themselves. He turned his gaze on Ariana. She was like him. She had magic. Ariana helped Merlin pick up the pots and he in return helped her to her feet.

"You have magic," Merlin whispered. Ariana froze. He had seen her use it.

"Oh uh..." The words she had wanted to say had gotten stuck in her throat.

"It's alright. I have magic too," Merlin whispered. Ariana looked at him still terrified.

"Are you going to report me to the king?" she asked.

"No, of course not," Merlin frowned. "Why have you come to Camelot?" he asked curiously.

"I have come to see Gaius the Court Physician," Ariana told him. Merlin smiled brightly.

"I'll take you to him. I live with him you see," Merlin said still smiling. "But first things first," he eyed her horse. "We need to put your horse in the royal stables,"

"The royal stables?" Ariana frowned. "Aren't the royal stables only reserved for the king's horses? Won't we get into trouble?"

"Don't worry we won't," Merlin told her as he led her towards the royal stables. "I'm the king's manservant,"

"You know King Arthur?" Ariana asked in awe.

"Oh yes," Merlin chuckled. "I've been his manservant since I saved him from an assassination attempt. I'm his best friend even if he won't admit it himself,"

"I thought nobles couldn't be friends with peasants,"

"Arthur's not like that. He treats everyone equally. After all, he is engaged to a servant," Merlin told her.

"Really? Is that even legal?"

"It doesn't matter if the one you love is of lower status. In Arthur's mind, it's all about feelings which I think is a good policy to go on," Merlin had now led Ariana up the stairs into the palace itself.

"Hi Merlin," said a friendly voice. Merlin and Ariana stopped in front of a tall dark man with short cut hair.

"Hi Elyan," Merlin greeted.

"Who's this?" Elyan asked indicating Ariana.

"Oh, this is Ariana. I'm taking her to Gaius," Merlin told his friend.

"Sir Elyan, at your service," Elyan smiled extending his hand out to Ariana.

"Nice to meet you," Ariana said shaking his hand.

"So, what brings you to our dark domain?" Merlin asked Elyan.

"Oh, I've come to ask Gaius a favour on behalf of Gwen,"

"What about?" Merlin asked frowning.

"She's got wedding jitters again," Elyan sighed.

"Wedding jitters?" Ariana asked.

"Yes, she's Arthur's fiancée," Elyan explained. "They attempted to marry last year but Lancelot, her old flame returned from the dead summoned by Arthur's half-sister Morgana and she wanted my sister's relationship with the king destroyed and, well, it's a bit of a long story. With Agravaine out of the picture and Camelot now run fully by Arthur, the kingdom is a better place to live. It was a bit restricted back then,"

"So you're going to be the king's brother-in-law?" Ariana guessed.

"That's right. I've known Arthur for almost two years and I've dreamed of this day," Elyan told her. It was obvious to Ariana that he was looking forward to becoming a member of the royal family through his sister.

"So when's the wedding?" Ariana asked.

"Two weeks and I have the privilege of walking my sister down the aisle," Elyan replied proudly. Merlin rolled his eyes.

"Come on, let's get to Gaius'," he said interrupting Elyan's train of thought. The trio walked towards Gaius' chambers and continued to talk along the way. "Well here we are," Merlin announced as he pulled open the door to the chamber. He stepped aside to allow Ariana to step over the threshold while Elyan was a few steps behind. Merlin followed behind the knight and closed the door as he entered his guardian's quarters.

"About time, Merlin," Gaius said his eyes still on his work.

"Gaius, we have guests,"

"Oh?" The elderly physician looked up to see Ariana and Elyan standing hesitantly near the doorway.

"Hello father," Ariana said with a smile.

"Ariana?" Gaius said getting to his feet. The young woman nodded while Elyan and Merlin exchanged looks of confusion.

"Father?" the pair asked.

"Yes, Ariana is my daughter," Gaius said as he shuffled forward to hug his long-lost child.

"You never told me that," Merlin said a little offended that Gaius had never mentioned Ariana to him.

"I didn't think it was important," Gaius said keeping his cool.

"Not important? How can your daughter not be important?" Merlin argued.

"I had to keep her identity a secret from Uther otherwise he would have had her executed!" Gaius' intentions were perfectly honourable.

"Sorry," Merlin apologised.

"Excuse me, Gaius?" Elyan said as he attempted to make himself known.

"Elyan, what can I do for you?" Gaius asked turning to the knight.

"I've come to see you on behalf of Gwen. She's still getting wedding jitters," Elyan explained to the Physician.

"That is perfectly natural, Elyan. A tonic will only ease her nerves for a short while but it will not last long," Gaius walked back over to his work bench and picked up and a small vial of milk white liquid before handing it to Elyan. "Here, take this to Gwen but tell her not to take it all at once," Elyan was hesitant in taking the elixir from the Physician but took it nonetheless knowing that it was powerful enough to help calm his sister's nerves.

"Thank you, Gaius. Nice meeting you Ariana," Elyan bowed to his new friend before backing out the door and shutting it behind himself.

"What was that about?" Ariana asked.

"Gwen's just nervous about marrying Arthur," Gaius told her.

"I know that. I heard what you said but want happened last time that is so bad?" Ariana took a seat next to her father's work while Merlin and Gaius exchanged hefty looks.

"It all started a year ago," Merlin began. "Arthur told his uncle, Agravaine that he planned to ask Gwen to marry him. Agravaine, being a loyal supporter to Arthur's half-sister Morgana, went to her and told her what Arthur planned to do. They then plotted to tear them apart. Meanwhile, Arthur asked me to help him prepare the proposal which was the least I could do. I mean they belong together," Merlin paused before turning to Gaius for confirmation to continue. "Anyway, Morgana summoned a dearly departed friend from the dead,"

"Who was this friend?" Ariana asked.

"Sir Lancelot," Gaius replied. Merlin bowed his head sadly.

"You mean the knight that helped defeat the Griffin?" Ariana asked. Merlin looked over at Gaius and knew from the expression on his face that he had written to her to explain what was going on in Camelot. Merlin then nodded.

"Right," he said as he pulled a chair up and sat in front of Ariana. "Only this Lancelot was a shade,"

"I've heard of them. They're the shadow of a dead person," Ariana said. Merlin was impressed.

"Anyway, since he was only the shadow of what Lancelot use to be, Morgana gave him the command to come between Arthur and his soon-to-be queen. Gwen, being fiercely loyal to Arthur, wouldn't bend to Lancelot's lustful advances so Morgana gave Agravaine an enchanted bracelet to give to Lancelot that would act as an 'engagement gift'. Upon wearing it, Gwen was under a love enhancement that would make her fall in love with Lancelot..."

"Wait, so where were you during all this?" Ariana asked folding her arms against her chest.

"I was just going to skip that but since you want to hear my involvement here's the shortened version: I offered Lancelot to have my bed for the night and I was happy to sleep on the floor. Since the former Lancelot knew of my magic, I started to talk about it with the shade Lancelot only he had no idea what I was talking about. I started to grow suspicious and discovered that the real Lancelot hadn't returned as his true self but as a shade. Morgana wanted Lancelot to get Gwen out of the picture so that her vision of Gwen becoming queen wouldn't become true," Merlin paused to catch his breath before continuing with his tale. "Lancelot managed to get Gwen in the middle of the night to follow him to the Council Chambers. Agravaine managed to pull Arthur out bed and he caught his soon-to-be wife kissing Lancelot,"

"Yikes!" Ariana muttered.

"Indeed," Gaius agreed.

"Outraged that Gwen had committed 'adultery' against him, Arthur and Lancelot fought only to have Gwen stop them. Arthur decided not to execute her but to exile her. I tried my best to make him change his mind but he wouldn't listen to me. He told me that he still loved Gwen but he would never trust her again," Ariana could feel tears run down her cheeks.

"So, if Gwen was banished from Camelot how did she return if Arthur told her otherwise?" Merlin looked over at Gaius who merely shook his head.

"I think that can wait for another day," Merlin said.



"There's one think I still don't get,"


"How did you know that it was Morgana that was doing all this?"

"I'm a Dragonlord and so I spoke to Kilgharrah the dragon. He was the only dragon left until I helped hatch Aithusa,"

"Light of the Sun," Ariana translated. "I've always believed that during the Great Purge that Uther had all the Dragonlords slaughtered," Ariana frowned before turning her attention to her father.

"There was one that your mother and I helped,"

"Balinor," Merlin said sadly bowing his head.

"How do you know him?" Ariana asked gently.

"He was my father," Merlin told her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Ariana said.

"My mother never mentioned him and because of his death that is how I got to become a Dragonlord," Merlin briefly explained.

"And Arthur has no knowledge of this?" Ariana asked.

"No not yet. When he and Gwen are married and she becomes queen I'll tell them then,"

"Merlin, we've talked about this. Arthur still hates magic and he will have you killed if you tell him," Gaius said hastily.

"I know but the Dragon said that it has to happen," Merlin urged. Gaius sighed knowing that he couldn't argue with Merlin on this particular subject. Even the old Physician knew that Arthur had to be told sooner rather than later.

"You're right," Gaius said in total defeat. Merlin sat back in his chair with his arms crossed, looking completely satisfied.



"Mother sends her love and this..." Ariana dug around inside her bag and pulled out a letter that her mother had given her to give her father. Gaius took the letter decided to read it out loud.

"My dearest Gaius," Gaius read.

"I have thought of you ever since you told me to leave Camelot after the Manticore incident and all I could think about was our darling daughter that I had left in the care of my cousin. When I returned to her after three years of travelling I realised that her magical talents were all but flawless. After several incidents, I thought it was time for her and I to part ways temporarily. I have rethought this a dozen times and I find that there is no one I can trust but you and Merlin. I know Hunith sent Merlin to you so I have decided that Ariana is better off living with you."

"With all my love, Alice." Gaius looked up from his reading with a tear running down his cheek.

"Alice is your mother?" Merlin asked Ariana.

"Yes," Ariana nodded.

"Why did you not come to Camelot when your mother was here last time?" Merlin asked curiously.

"My powers were almost uncontrollable and my mother was travelling," Ariana shrugged. "Besides, great cousin Helena was teaching me to control my gift. The little help it did me,"

"I'll help you," Merlin said cheerfully. "I know how you feel, Ariana,"

"Ari," Ariana corrected. "I prefer Ari," she smiled.

"You remind me of when I first met Gwen," Merlin smiled. Ariana giggled. "Alright, Ari it is then,"

"Alright, enough flirting," Gaius grunted. "Supper's ready," Ariana got to her feet and went over to sit next to Merlin. "We'll have to find you some paid work," Gaius said as he passed a plate of food to Ariana.

"I have an idea," Merlin said through a mouthful of food.

"What?" Gaius asked warily.

"I was thinking we could have Ariana become Gwen's handmaiden and she could be our engagement gift to her and Arthur," In shock, Ariana spat out her half chewed cherry tomato.

"What? You want to use me as a gift to the king and his mistress? Are you mad?" she coughed.

"No, I'm not. Arthur is not as bad as you may think. He looks after his servants and treats them like he would want to be treated. You'll love Gwen. She is one of Camelot's best seamstresses," Ariana smiled. Merlin certainly had a great deal of respect for Arthur and Gwen.

"Alright then," she said finally caving in. "If you insist,"

Gaius and Merlin laughed. "We will also have to arrange somewhere for you to sleep,"

"She can share my room," Merlin said immediately.

"No, no. There's another room just around the corner, you can have that room my dear," Gaius told his daughter. Ever since Arthur had become king, he had insisted that Merlin and Gaius move into much bigger quarters. The chambers consisted of three equally sized rooms within the much bigger quarters.

"Thank you father," Ariana pushed her empty plate away and went around to give her father a quick hug.

"You're very welcome, my child," Merlin smiled at the sight before him.

Ariana turned around and walked towards her new room. Upon entering the room, she looked around in amazement. The room's only window overlooked the citadel. The dark sky was littered with millions upon millions of stars. She knew why Merlin loved it here. Placing her bag on her bed, she went over for a closer look out the window. Below, she could see that the streets were empty and a couple of knights were closing the gates for the night. After Morgana's attempt to rule Camelot, Arthur didn't want to take any risks of an army invading during the night.

A knock on the door interrupted Ariana's thoughts. "Come in," she called. Merlin poked his head in. "Merlin,"

"I just wanted to see how you're settling in,"

"Fine thanks," Ariana smiled.

"Great, I'll leave you to it," Merlin started to exit before Ariana called him back.

"Merlin," he turned. "I wanted to thank you. I don't believe I have met anyone like you. No one where I lived before were willing to accept me because I had magic. Only my closest friends were willing to accept me for who I was," Ariana bowed her head as Merlin sat down on her bed.

"I know how you feel," Merlin said staring into space. "The years before I came to Camelot were lonely and difficult. The only people that knew about my gift were my mother and a close friend who was killed during a raid on Ealdor,"

"Must have been hard," Ariana said turning from her window briefly.

"It was but mother said that it was my destiny to be at Arthur's side and she said something that Kilgharrah had told me,"

"What did she say?"

"Arthur and I are like two sides of the same coin," Merlin smiled causing Ariana to laugh. She moved over to the bed and sat next him.

"I think I might go to bed. Goodnight Ari," Merlin headed towards the door and gave Ariana one last smile before walking out of the room.

"Goodnight Merlin," Ariana called after him.

After preparing herself for bed, she pulled a book from her bag and started to read. The book was on spells. It was very much like Merlin's only it was a little thinner in size. Looking up from her book, she cast her eyes on the draw-string bag that was hanging on the back of the door. Her eyes turned flickered from her natural hazel to gold before returning back to their normal colouring. The bag had turned into a shoulder bag. Ariana could only smile at her new creation. After an hour or so of reading her spell book she turned her attention to another book in her bag. Frowning at the title 'Unique elements', Ariana flipped to the back of the book and read the inscription:

My dearest daughter,

I give you this book as a gift for your journey to Camelot. I wish you luck on your new life and may the gods be with you.

With all my love,

Your mother, Alice.

Wiping away the tears that had formed in her eyes, Ariana placed the books on her nightstand. She would construct her own bookshelf in the morning. Kicking her bag to the floor she lay down and was asleep almost instantly. She dreamt of the future; a new era for Camelot where magic was once again welcome and a place where her parents could be together once more without having to live in fear of their lives. As sleep took her completely, Ariana snuggled into her blankets, happy and content at her new life and her new home.

To be Continued...