Hi hi! So this chapter was urged so very much by one of my good friends on twitter *cough* CeCeJonesTeAmo *cough*, so. :3 Anyway, onto the story!

The next morning wasn't all rainbows and flowers for little miss Cecelia Jones. After hours of crying and eating ice cream watching The Notebook the night before, CeCe was a little dizzy. She opened her eyes slowly and forced herself to sit up, but automatically plopped back down. All she wanted to do was go under her covers and die. She didn't even know why she felt like this. Deuce was never her boyfriend.

She stared at the white ceiling above imagining the paint streaks to be things like bunnies, feathers, and turkeys. She smiled at the wild formations she saw on her ceiling until she smelled the delicious sent of blueberry pancakes. She concluded that Rocky was probably making breakfast for the both of us and went back to her suddenly interesting ceiling. She went back to making hearts and flowers until she heard Rocky and a male voice speaking in the kitchen. Who was with her? Ty? Gunther?

She forced herself to get up, even though a thousand pounds of depression was weighing her down. With all her might, she strolled sleepily into the kitchen, and as the smell of the scrumptious pancakes got stronger, she grew even more awake.

"Hey, sleepy head!" Rocky said cheerfully to the redhead. She smiled back and sat down at the dining room. She then heard someone coming from the hall. It was probably that male voice she had heard earlier. He walked out of the hall and started heading out to the kitchen, but as soon as he saw the redhead, his face went from neutral to a smile.

"Good morning, CeCe" Deuce said, smiling at her. She didn't know whether to scream at him to get out of his house or say something sweet, so all se did was wave slightly. She watched him while he made a plate of pancakes, two of them stacked with a square of butter and drizzled with maple syrup; just the way CeCe liked it. He then grabbed a fork and set it in front of CeCe. She looked up at him.

"What? Can't a friend serve his other friend breakfast or…?" Deuce looked back at her innocently.

"Of course, but I'd thought you'd be with Dina right now? I mean you just got back together with her, so shouldn't you be 'catching up'?" CeCe said, cutting herself a piece of her pancakes.

"Well, after I abandoned you, I felt sorry, so I thought I'd make it up to you" Deuce explained. CeCe nodded slowly in his apology.

"Well, you did include food, so I forgive you." CeCe said, smiling.

"Great! Friendly hug?" He asked, opening his arms and hugging the little redhead as she smiled even more. She'll miss having his arms around her, but she has to remember he's not a single man anymore. He's taken by his ex-girlfriend, which has been his ex-girlfriend for like, the 40th time already. CeCe was sick of it.

Right when Deuce let go of CeCe, he got a text on his phone. Reading it, a smile crept onto his lips.

"Hey guys, Dina's here!" Deuce sprang up, much to CeCe's dismay. She slumped down on her chair slightly as she looked at Rocky with a I-don't-want-her-here look. Rocky gave her the what-can-we-do? look.

Dina came in her usual skinny jeans, jacket, and headphones. Deuce lit up as he went over to her and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, CeCe! Hey, Rocky!" Dina greeted the two best friends. Both of them put on their fakest smiles and greeted her back. Everyone had served themselves some pancakes and ate while they talked. During the meal, CeCe exchanged glances with both Rocky and Deuce before she stood up and started to pick everything up. She started to wash the dishes while Rocky, Deuce, and Dina kept on conversing.

"Hey, I have an idea! Why don't we all go to the park later on?" Dina suggested.

"Hmm…" CeCe thought. A whole day watching Deuce and Dina be their mushy selves in the park? Uh, no thanks. But, CeCe couldn't be rude to the love of her love and his girlfriend. If he was happy, that was all that mattered. If she was really in love with Deuce, all that would matter is that he was happy whether it was with her or Dina. "Sure! Just let me get dressed and I'll call you over as soon as we're ready."

"Okay! Call us when you're ready." Deuce said, leaving the two best friends.

"Uh, can you help me with something?" CeCe asked her best friend as soon as she heard the door slam into place.

"Yeah, what's up?" Rocky asked intrigued.

"Can you straighten my hair for me?" The redhead asked hopefully. A knowing smile grew on her best friend's lips.

"Ah, trying to impress a certain boy, are we?" Rocky asked her best friend.

"Oh shut it. Like you've never done anything to impress Gunther before" CeCe remarked. At that, Rocky became a little stiffened, knowing that was true. She spent more time on her hair and makeup in the mornings, but she didn't think anyone would notice.

"Well come on, Red! We don't have much time!" Rocky said, plugging in the pink zebra flat iron and dividing her hair up so that she could get every strand of hair as straight as a ruler. As Rocky was working on CeCe's hair, Rocky managed to get her to talk some more about her and Deuce."

"Well Rocky, I'm not sure. I've just never felt this way about any guy. I've just never noticed how gentle and caring he is towards a girl. Dina is such a lucky girl to have a great guy like him. If I had him for real, I swear we'd be one of those adorable couples you see on TV." At her last part, CeCe giggled thinking about how Deuce and her could be cuddled late at night watching random movies or sharing a smoothie together.

"Aw, well I think it's adorable how you've found someone, not officially, but you know what I mean." Rocky beamed at her best friend.

"Yeah, but we'll have to wait to see how long they last…" CeCe uttered under her breath.

Okay, stupid short chapter, I know. Don't judge. I really had to get this updated because, yeah. :3 I still have to update Accidentally too.. Anyway, review please! 3
