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The discovery of the Ancient outpost has everyone buzzed on Voyager. The engineering team was hard at work trying to figure out things are and how it would be useful to Voyager. "I can't seem the power up the shuttle. It's probably out of power after the long hibernation its been in." Said a frustrated B'Elana. "Well according to the video Alex showed us, the jumper is activated by a neural interface from someone with the ATA gene." Answered Tom.
Just then Alex walked in with a tablet in her hand and headphone in her ears. "Hey guys, how's it going?" asked Alex taking the headphones out of her ears. Everything in the jumper started to activate. Both B'Elana and Tom was in wide eyed surprised. "So you have this ATA gene." Exclaimed Tom.
"Yup, want to take her up for a ride?" said Alex smugly. Both Tom and B'Elana nodded. "Ok then, move over lets take a look." Alex sat down in the chair and the holographic screen appeared. "Let's, power levels are good. Fully stocked drones. Lets see if we can open the hatch from here. YES. Ok we're ready to go, but just a fair warning I only had like basic training on how to fly this thing. It might be a bumpy ride. Hold on." Alex closed the rear hatch and started up the jumper.
B'Elana and Tom watched as the jumper fly out into the air. At the same time B'Elana was gathering as much information from her tricorder as she can and what's displayed on screen. "Nice huh. 10,000 years old, give or take a few hundred years and still flying." Said Alex.
There was a chirp from B'Elana's communicator. Kim to Torres.
"B'Elana here." She answered.
"There's an unidentify shuttle appeared near the outpost." Replied Harry.
"That's us we're in the shuttle. Alex is taking as for a ride."
"Hey Harry, I'm gonna activate the cloak, see if we show up on your sensors." Alex said. She proceed the activated the cloak. "We lost the signal." Harry replied.
Now B'Elana was really excited. She started to read the information from the console behind Alex. Placing the tricorder down next to console and try to download as much information as she can. Tom on the other hand was itching to fly the jumper. It felt like a pretty smooth ride and fast. Alex started a descend to land. When they were like 2 ft away from the ground there was a sudden drop and they stopped.
"What was that?" cried a surprised Tom.
"Sorry, my bad. Told you I'm not very good. I haven't master landing the thing yet." Explained Alex. Tom and B'Elana said nothing but just looked at her. "Hey I'm a programmer, not a pilot. I'm usually not the one flying." Cried Alex. They laughed and her face turned bright red.

Voyager was once again on its way back to the Alpha quadrant. Since the discovery of the Ancient outpost, everyone has taken Alex word more seriously. The engineering teams has been studying the cloak on the puddle jumper. Trying to find ways for it to integrate the technology with Voyager. The crystals that's used in Ancient technology is a bit baffling for the engineers. Currently the only person that has the ability to interface directly with Ancient technology are supplies that Alex brought with her. All essential personnel was gathered in the briefing room getting a lesson on Ancient and 21st century technology. During the briefing Janeway was surprised by the knowledge Alex had regarding Voyager. They restricted Alex's access to their database including information about the ship. "Aright, that's I for today. I downloaded most the information in your padds." Alex said. People walked up to Alex with more questions for her to answer. A voice in the crowd called out.
"Alex, can you join me in my ready room?" asked the captain.
"Sure. Be right there." Replied Alex.
In the Captain's ready room. "Alex I'm amazed, how do you know so much about the ship?" asked the captain nonchalantly. "It was in the database." Answered Alex.
"Yes it was, but how did you access those information?"
"Umm….." Alex looking hesitantly.
"Don't worry, you're not in any trouble." Said Janeway.
"I..uh…hacked in and…um…bypassed the security codes." "How did you do that?" asked Janeway.
"Well programming is essentially the same in any time. To me its like language as long I know the rules and simple keywords, the individual words are simple enough to figure out." Said Alex.
"Well, I" before Janeway could answer the ship rattled. The ship went into red alert. The both ran to the bridge when another blast rattled the ship. "Report!" demanded Janeway.
"It's the Kazons. There's two ships that just appeared and started firing." Answered the commander.
"Hail them." "They're not answering our hail captain." Answered Harry.
Another blast rattled the ship.
"Return fire." Commanded Janeway.
"Shields down to 80%." Stated Tuvok.
Voyager fired phasers at one of the ships with seemingly minimal effect. On screen appeared a Kazon. "Captain Janeway, since you won't share technology then it appears we'll have to take it by force." Said the Kazon. Then the screen went out.
Kazon fired on Voyager again.
"Shields down to 60%." Said Tuvok.
"Captain, someone opened the shuttle bay's door." Yelled Harry. Just then Alex's voice came through. "Captain, lower the shields for a sec, I think I can stop them."
"Alex. Get back here."
"Captain, I know what I'm doing. Trust me on this." Answered Alex. Janeway hesitated for a moment when another blast hit again. "Shields down to 50%." Tuvok said.
"Lower the shield when returning fire." Yelled the captain.
Once the shields was lowered, Alex cloaked and flew near on of the Kazon ships and fired two drones. In front to her the Kazon ship exploded and broke apart. The other Kazon ship saw what happened, but couldn't find where the shots were fired from. They made the quick decision to leave and fight another day.
The crew on Voyager cheered when the saw what happened as the other Kazon ship went into wrap.
"Permission to land the jumper." Alex's voice came through the comm. "Yes, of course. Mr. Tuvok lowered the shield and open the shuttle bay doors." Said the captain.

Alex came back in and was greeted by the command team. "That was impressive, Alex." Said Chakotay.
"It's nothing. I just thought and the drones fired." Answered a somewhat shaken Alex. "I know you said the drones where powerful, but to see it in action really puts it in prospective."
"Are you alright my dear?" ask the captain seeing the clearly uneasy girl that just saved the day.
"If it's alright with you guys, I'm going to my room." Alex said quietly and left.
"I think was the first time the girl's ever been in combat." Stated Janeway.
"That was pretty big for someone that never been in that situation. She'll need time to absorb what just happened." Answered the commander.

Alex was in her room then her door chirped.
"Go away." Yelled Alex.
"Alex, it's Kes, open the door." Kes was one of the first people on the ship to befriend Alex when she first came aboard.
"Go away Kes, I don't want any company right now." Answered Alex through the door.
"I brought you your favorite, hot chocolate." Kes tempted. After about a minute, just as Kes as about the give up the door opened. Alex had her hands out reaching for the cup, but Kes refused to give it to her. "Not until you let me in." "Fine. Come in." Alex walked to the couch and Kes followed her in. She place the cup in Alex's hand and sat down next to her. "Talk to me."
"There's nothing to talk about. I defeated the enemy. I'm a hero." Answered Alex.
"Well you not acting like a triumphant hero. And you've been hiding in your room for almost 24 hours." Stated Kes. Alex remained quiet, drinking her hot chocolate. Kes knew pushing her to talk was not a good idea, so she just sat there waiting for when she's ready. After about 20 minutes Alex finally said something.
"I killed an entire ship full of sentient." She said quietly. "I never killed anyone. I'm a programmer. It's not my job to kill."
"Alex, you weren't giving much of a choice. It was either the or us." Replied Kes. "I know…I know…I just….I….I think I just need some time the get over it." Answered Alex. Another few minutes passed. "You know, I think I should know better than anyone how precious a life can be, but I fired those drones without thinking of the consequences."
"What do mean?" asked Kes.
"Don't you think that the Kazons on that ship had family waiting for them somewhere. Can you image the devastation when they get the news of their death? Everyone on that ship was someones son or daughter or father or mother or brother or sister. Now they're gone because of me."
Kes didn't know what to say to this. Unfortunately there will always be casualties in war. "Did you know, I lost my parent's when I was 10. I was called to the principal's office where my uncle told me the news. I didn't believe him and demanded to see them. He wouldn't take me no matter how much I begged. I finally saw them at the funeral. I don't remember much of that day after that."
Kes waited patiently for Alex to finisher her story. "Alex, I understand what you're feeling, but also understand this; I believe your parents would want to live and fight to survive. They would want you to live your life."
"I know. Like I said, I think I just need time to take everything in. If I'm stuck in this time and place, I'll probably run in to similar situation." Answered Alex.
After another few minutes Alex spoke again.
"Kes, thanks for sitting with me."