This story has been in my head awhile. I wanted to read a crossover fic with Star Trek Voyager and Stargate. I didn't read any that had the idea I was thinking about so I decided to write one myself. Just fair warning, this is my first time writing a story, actually any story. I've been told it's more script like (non emotional) than novel like. Please excuse any spelling and grammar problems.
Since I've been re watching Voyager, this story will mainly exist in the Star Trek world. I think it will be episode like stories. The timeline maybe a bit off. I will probably skip around the timeline. This fic starts from the beginning of season 2 of Voyager, episode 1 (the 37's). Hope you like it.

PS I'm not very good at naming stuff so as of yet this is untitled. If anyone has any suggestion please email or message me. Thanks.
Disclaimer: I don't own Star Trek or Stargate.

After the tour of the city John Evansville asked the command team to meet someone they might find interesting, The reached a meeting room and saw an asian girl who looks about 20 years of age. "Captain Janeway, I would like for you to meet Alex. She said she arrived from earth 2 weeks ago."
"Hi Captain Janeway. You are from earth?" asked the girl.
"Yes." Answered the captain.
"My name is Alexandrea Lee. I have been looking for a way to get home since I got here, but the gate here seems to have been taken."
Confused captain Janeway asked "What is this gate you're talking about? How did you arrive here in the first place?"
"You don't know about the gate? How could that be? I know I'm in the future, I figured the knowledge of the gate would be known by now especially if you're traveling through space." Gasped Alex.
"You're from the past? Where you also those that were brought here in 1937?"
"No, I'm from the year 2012. I was sent here from Stargate Command to work on a programming glitch in the Ancient technology they found here. The gate disappeared right after I stepped out of it."
The more she said the more confused the command team became. "What is this gate your talking about, I have never heard of this Stargate Command in our history?" asked Commander Chakotay.
"Can you answer this first, what year is it exactly?" asked Alex "It's the year 2371." Answered the commander.
"300+ years. How is the knowledge of the Stargate still not known? Don't tell me Earth doesn't have a Stargate anymore. What happened during the past 300 years?"
"Miss you haven't answered my question. What is the Stargate?" asked the Commander again.
"The stargate is a device that allows for instantaneous interplanetary travel by means of creating an unidirectional wormhole created by the Ancients millions of years ago. It has been used on Earth since 1996." Explained Alex. "So there's a device that allows for such travel and where is this device now?" asked a skeptical Tuvok.
"It disappeared once I stepped through. I figured I must have passed a solar flare which propelled me into the future. For a moment I was actually in two different times, past and future. From what history I got from the people here. It seems that the gate was taken many many years ago." Answered Alex. "If you guys are on your way back to earth, can I hitch a ride on your ship? If we can find a stargate maybe I can get back to my time."
"I would have to discuss this with my senior staff. Your story is quiet incredible and we need sometime to digest it." Answered Janeway.

In the briefing room sat the senior staff. "So what do you think of this Alex. Is she really from earth? Should we believe her? If what she is telling is true there maybe another way for us to get back to the Alpha quadrant." The captain asking her crew.
Harry Kim suggested, "why don't we have the doctor check her out, make sure she is human in the first place."
"Her story seems preposterous, if it is true, why have there been any mention of this in the past on earth or any other species? I suggest we tread lightly with this person."
"Agreed. Have the Doctor check her out. As for the possibility of finding another way back home, keep that information confidential for now, we don't want the crew know until we'er sure. Dismissed."
Everyone left the room except for Janeway and Chakotay.
"Chakotay, what do you think? Should we trust the person?" asked Janeway.
"If everything checks out with the Doctor, I don't see why not. She does not strikes me as someone will deceive us. We can restrict her movement on the ship, maybe she just needed a ride." Answered the commander. "That's a good idea. Thank you." Stated Janeway.

The Doctor confirmed that Alex was 100% human. The Captain decided Alex can travel with them if she want to.
"So how long will it be til we reach earth?" asked Alex.
"We are very far from earth, even at our top speed it will take 70 years for us to reach earth. We our selves are trying to find a way back to the alpha quadrant too." Answered Janeway. "Do you think you still want to travel with us?"
"What 70 years! What about your hyperdrives?"
"This ship is equipped with a wrap drive which travels up to 21000 times the speed of light. What is this hyperdrive you speak of?"
"In my time we were already traveling to the Pegasus galaxy, It only takes us 3 weeks to travel the 3 million light years. With the help of the Asguards, they fitted our ships with their hyperdrive technology. I suppose you don't know the Asguard, I guess since they're an extinct alien race." "I don't know if I should be saying all this, I wonder if the Stargate program still top secret. Is space travel a secret on earth." Ask Alex "No space travel is very common on Earth. In fact we have many civilians living on different planets and space stations."
"Makes me wonder what happened to Stargate Command." Stated Alex.
"So you say that humans actually had faster-than-light technology in the early 21st century. I'm sorry Alex, I find that quiet hard to believe. The first recorded wrap test was in 2063." Said the captain.
"I see that you don't believe me. Here let me show you a video Daniel Jackson made. This is the history of Stargate Command. Do you have history books for me to read up on what happened on earth?" asked Alex.
"Now I don't know if I should let you, if you ever do find yourself back in your time, knowing what happened could change our history."
"True, Col. Carter talked about the grandfather paradox, but it could clue me in on how we lost the stargate. Captain, I think we might be able to help each other. If we find another stargate we could possible get your crew back faster and I can hopefully get back to my time. I have address of several deserted planets that have stargate on them. Maybe we can find out if Earth still has a stargate or not."
Alex joined the crew of Voyager in hopes of being able to go home, just like everyone else on the ship.