This story was supose to be drunken ramblings and it didn't come out like I wanted it but here it is

Warning-ooc characters homosexual references

Disclaimer-if I owned GSH bovver would have been ran over repeatedly by a semi truck

Plot:89 Matt commits suicide

Matt POV

It had been exactly one year since my heart and soul shattered and died since Pete had died and it was all my fault I had told myself that I'd keep on living in a way that would honor Pete and everything he had done for me I just didn't realise how hard it would be how hard his *choked sob* death would hit me after it finally sunk in the he was gone I would never get to hear him laugh or call my name I would never again see him smile or grin or get to watch his eyes light up when a match or row happened I'll never be able to feel his arms around me again I had been keeping myself busy between school and work so that I couldn't think about him made myself a nice stash working odd jobs but I finished school I'm now a real full fledged journo how do ya like that Pete it's what you get for dying on me you fucking bastard now I think about you during the day in everything I do it somehow reminds me of you I cant keep you just in my dreams anymore and the thought of you fills me with a high until I remember your dead *broken laughter* ya know I sent Shannon and Ben back to Steve months ago now I'm all alone with just the ghost of you to keep me company your such an asshole I'm fuckin' miserable all the time miss you so bad I drink to numb it *drunken giggle* I think I might be an alcoholic now but it's okay cuz I'll be joining you soon ya know it's almost 3:00 the time you died I'll die to ya lost so much blood that day you remember blood was everywhere I have nightmares sometimes trapped in a glass box with blood your blood filling it up and no way out so here have some of mine *slits wrist with a pocket knife that Pete had given him*

3rd person POV

letting his blood run over the tombstone and on the grass he laid down with his arms wrapped around the gravestone and his head on top through the blood you could just make out the words Peter Charles Dunham a while later as P etes brother, Shannon and his friends arrived they seen a dark haired man sleeping there with empty beer bottles scattered around as they got closer they saw the blood running to him it was already to late no one noticed the peaceful smile on his lips had anyone been looking they would have noticed two figures one blonde and one brunette wrapped around each other walking off and disappearing together as it should be