People were dying. Every day. Everywhere. That's what happens during a war. People die.
But not in Hogwarts. Hogwarts had always been a safe haven. Its walls shielded them from the dangers of the world.
What people failed to realize was that just because people weren't dying inside of Hogwarts didn't mean there wasn't a war of its own. Intimidation, taunting, threats, hexes, curses, sneers, bullying, sneaking, lying, plotting, siding. It was just as real inside those stone towers as it was outside.
Irrationally, Lily wasn't afraid of the three people she should fear the most- his friends: Rosier, Avery, and Mulciber. They were the ones so eager to join Voldemort that they took to cursing students. They were the ones that went out of their way to prove themselves with what they found fun. Avery had even hexed her, Head Girl, in front of other students. They had no respect for her position and feared her even less because they knew they could overpower her with just one piece of dark magic. They taunted her every time they passed. They convinced other Slytherins to undermine her authority. They were the ones everyone was afraid of, and rightfully so.
Not Lily.
That's not to say she didn't harbor any fear towards them, that would be foolishly ignorant. But they didn't scare her the way the boy with the straw colored hair did. He was a year younger in Slytherin with Sirius' brother, Regulus. She sometimes saw the two together, but most of the time he kept to himself. He was the quiet one.
But those eyes… and that smile…
Stumbling back from the Library late one night, eyes on the pile of books she was trying to keep upright, Lily felt a shock as someone bumped roughly into her shoulder. Books went flying and she spun around to dock points from whoever was out past the regular student curfew.
The blonde, freckled boy only glanced over his shoulder as he walked away. As soon as his brown eyes recognized her, they brightened. They turned crazed and evil and almost giddy. The wide smile that followed was just as disturbing.
Lily froze, just watching him leave. Something about those eyes frightened her from saying even one word. They made her feel cold all the way into her belly and she was sure her wand would be trembling if she had found the strength to lift it.
Pages: 1
Words: 405
Disclaimer: Don't own
Notes: Cookies to those who can guess who the boy is. Obvious in my mind, because I think of the book description over the movie character.
I'm going to give my hand at a multi-chapter story that isn't written in one go. The chapters will be short (hopefully not always this short) because I have the attention span of a goldfish, so I do hope you'll bare with me. I get bored easily so hopefully that means you won't find yourself going "GET ON WITH IT ALREADY" because I hate when things drag. Much like this note.
And I already have this mostly planned out. I'll tweak is as I go along. No idea how often I'll update but if you get impatient just yell at me and I'll see what I can do :C
Named after Major Minus form the new Coldplay cd because I just... felt it fit and it gives me the feelings of this story.