Who's That Kissing Sakura Under The Mistletoe

December 22

Sakura ran down the snowy streets of Knonha. A smile was spread across her face as her cheeks turned red from the cold weather. This year's Christmas was going to be the best yet! Why exactly? Well for starters all of her boys would be home. It would be the first time that all of team seven would be together for the holidays.

Naruto, Sai, Sasuke, and Kakashi. Her four favorite men would be home to spend the happy holiday with her. She sighed in relief when the Yamanaka Flower Shop came into view. She opened the door and welcomed the warm air from inside. The pinkette waved at her blonde friend who was helping a customer. Sakura sniffled slightly the warm air making her nose run. She slowly removed her gloves and put them in her front pocket.

Sakura smiled at the older woman who walked past her. "Merry Christmas Takahashi-san,"

"Merry Christmas Sakura-chan," the woman said before leaving the store. Sakura let out a squeal once the woman was gone. She turned around a locked the door before flipping the store sign to close.

Yamanaka Ino smiled before jumping over the counter and running to her friend. "This Christmas is going to be amazing!" Ino exclaimed. "I can't wait until the festival on the twenty-forth."

Sakura nodded in agreence. "I just can't wait for my boys to be home," she smiled. Ino winked at her. Sakura's face instantly lit up at the wink.

"More like you can't wait for him to be home,"

"Ino! Hush!" Ino laughed loudly.

"Okay okay… secrets safe with me," she said sticking her tongue out. "Now," Ino said grabbing her scarf and wrapping it around her next. "If you'll excuse me… I have a Mr. Right to find before the festival." Sakura rolled her eyes.

"You mean you just need someone to buy you more presents and keep you warm because your furnace broke again?"

"How do you know me so well?" the blonde joked as the two walked out of the flower shop and into the cold weather. Ino and Sakura waved goodbye to each other before going their separate ways. Sakura sighed once she was on her own again. It was easier to keep her… their secret when she was further away from everyone.

It was funny how she tired so desperately to hide her affections with a certain teammate. Whether she had to spend a whole day watching Sai draw, or going grocery shopping with Sasuke, or eating ramen all day with Naruto, or just spending a relaxing day reading with Kakashi, no one knew who she was with. It was all part of the plain. She laughed to herself. It was funny to come to work and hear the weekly gossip on which boy she was with.

She smiled when she got to her apartment. Pushing in her key she listened for the familiar click of her door unlocking. She smiled as she pushed the door opened and was welcomed by the warmth of her apartment. She took a step in and smiled at her decorations. The apartment completely decked from head to toe.

She heard a loud cough before turning around. She smiled when her eyes landed on his. They were finally back her boys. Her smiled widened. The butterflies in her stomach awakened. She watched with wonder filled eyes and he pointed upwards. Her eyes followed his finger until it landed on the little piece of mistletoe that was now pined to the frame of her door. She smirked before letting out a laugh.

"I take it you missed me," he nodded before bending down and capturing her lips. The second his lips touched hers a flash from a camera went off. She pushed away from her lover before searching the surrounding darkness for any signs of the picture taker to find them gone. She growled. Oh yeah… this Christmas was going to be awesome.


Sorry the first chapter is like super short but I wanted it to be the beginning point. There are going to be four chapters to this. All are going to be posted before I leave for my vacation :) Hope everyone likes the first chapter! The next chapter will probably be posted sometime next week. Please review! :)