It was a slow day.

Doc Patchingo blew a lock of his blonde bangs out of his eyes only to have it flop right back to where it was before. He was seated at his desk, one hand on his Alert System and the other on the side of his mask.

It was almost never a slow day for him. There was always a piñata that needed healing, people that needed check-ups, or a wound that needed stitching. Seedos hadn't even stopped by to complain about a head injury! Patch honestly wasn't sure what to do with himself.

What do other people do during their spare time? Patch mused. I can't remember the last time I had so much free time during the day; I usually spend my time off sleeping…

Patch loved sleeping. It had become such a luxury to him that he treasured every last second of rest that he was able to get. There was no way he could nap now, though; he'd feel guilty for sleeping during his work hours! What if someone needed his help?

Patch's Alert System began playing a lively tune as if responding to his desperation for something to do. He gasped happily and answered it, not even bothering to check who was calling him.

"Hello, you've r-reached D-Doctor Patchingo's office! H-how can I help you?" He said in the most charming manner he could manage despite his stuttering problem.

"O-oh good, this is the right number…" Patch recognized the voice as a new local gardener named Leena, who stuttered just as much as he did. "S-sorry to bother you, Doctor, but my Squazzil is sick and I…um…need some help…" Doc Patchingo could hear her chewing on a nail.

"Oh, it's no b-bother at all! It's my job!" Patch grinned and rose to his feet. "D-don't worry. I'll be at your g-garden in no time!" He grabbed his medical kit and headed for the garage.

"Oh, um…one more thing…" Leena's voice suddenly grew soft and squeaky, like a nervous Mousemallow.

"What might that b-be?" Doctor Patchingo's tone was still cheerful as he walked along with a skip in his step. He was really happy to actually have something to do other than sit on his butt and wait for calls.

"I-I just got back from the shopping in the Village and I was there for a while…" Leena sighed. "So…I have no clue…um…how long my Squazzil has been sick…so please hurry…I d-don't want you to have to deal with-"

"Say no more, Leena," Doc Patch's stutter disappeared and he adopted a serious, confident tone. "It won't come to that. Just sit tight, I'll be right there."

Doctor Patchingo stabbed the End Call button when Leena was in the middle of thanking him. He finished his trek through the clinic to his tiny garage and took off in his little car, nearly running over Lottie when he burst onto the road. She dove out of the way and let out a shriek so loud that Doctor Patchingo's siren nearly shattered.

"S-s-sorry!" he called over his shoulder at her before turning to focus on the road, speeding up quite a bit. He always saw Leena with that Squazzil on her shoulder. He could tell that she loved it a lot just by the way she looked at it.

God damn it! Patch thought as he slammed a fist onto the steering wheel. I am not letting that bastard take another piñata away from a loving gardener!