Heroes Again

Chapter 1

Harry's POV

Harry knocked on his best friend's door and silently braced himself for the horror that was about to come. He honestly didn't mind that Ron had gotten himself a girlfriend, it was just who that girlfriend was that annoyed him. Lavender Brown. Of all the women in the world that Ron could have gone out with, he chooses her. And no matter what Ron said, Harry still thought that Ron was only going out with Lavender out of spite, after all, who else could wind Hermione up this much?

The door swung open and her high-pitched voice screeched, "Won-won, Harry's here now!"

"Hello Lavender, how are you?" Harry planted a smile on his face as she launched into a long story about what she and "Won-won" did during the weekend. Ron and Lavender had been dating for 3 years now and Hermione and Ron hadn't had a civilized conversation in 4 years, and probably wouldn't ever again. Their 2 and a half year relationship hadn't ended well.

"Lavender, how many times have I asked you not to call me that?" Ron demanded grumpily, as he walked into the room.

"Sorry, Won-won," said Lavender happily. Ron rolled his eyes and turned to Harry, "Ready to go?" he asked, as if it had been Harry holding them up.

They apparated to the ministry and headed for the Auror department. Harry was head of the department and Ron was his deputy, so they shared the same office.

It was quite a boring day, nothing to do except paperwork, so Harry was immensely happy when lunch time came. He had just received a text message, he had got a muggle phone because he thought they were convenient but not many of his friends had one, the message was from Hermione telling him the address of the café they were going to meet at for lunch. They always went to muggle cafés to avoid the press.

Ron walked to the door of their office and turned back to look at Harry, "Coming for lunch, mate?" he asked brightly.

"What? Oh no, Ron, I'm supposed to meet, um, um…" Harry frantically tried to think of a name but nothing came, "Someone" he finished lamely.

Ron looked at him for a moment, before nodding slowly. Harry hated that he couldn't even say their best friend's name to Ron without him freaking out but Harry had accepted this a long time ago. Harry never took a side because they were both his best friends.


15 minutes later Harry was sitting in a small and quiet café in London, waiting impatiently for Hermione to arrive, he hadn't seen her in 2 weeks and he really missed her. She's been really busy working on some case for the Department of Magical Law, which she was head of. They would normally meet for lunch 3 times a week and she would come over to him and Ginny's once a week too, she was James' godmother of course.

"Heyya Harry," she called to him. He immediately got up and gave her a hug before they both sat down. "So what's new?" she continued.

"Nothing much, just been working and it's coming up to James' 2nd birthday so we've been busy organizing that. It's Saturday, next week." He informed her, James' birthdays were probably the only time her and Ron were in the same house but they never talk to each other. "What have you been up to, I heard that case went really well and we didn't see you this weekend?"

Hermione blushed for some reason and Harry was suspicious. "Oh nothing really, just relaxing, you know? I went out with Luna on Saturday night too," she said quickly. Harry could tell she was hiding something but he decided not to press the matter.

"Yeah well Ginny told me to tell you to come over tonight anyway, so she can catch up with you." Harry informed her, "We've got some news and we wanted to tell you before we started telling everyone else."

"Ok then, I'll be over after work." She said happily. They enjoyed the rest of their lunch in each other's company, catching up with each other. It was 2 o' clock now and they needed to get back to work.

They apparated back to the ministry but when they landed they knew something was wrong. There were people running everywhere and screaming. Harry grasped Hermione's hand and pulled her through the crowd. He saw someone from his department and called to them, "Jones what's happening?" Harry roared.

The young man looked up at Harry and Hermione and spoke in a panicked but clear voice, "Someone's attacking the Auror department, and they've got an army."