Title – The Last to Know!

Rated – M

Couple –Kagome/Wolfram

Genre – Romance/Family/Adventure

Summary – Have you ever not known about something...that seemed obvious to everyone around you? Kagome has. Kagome is the daughter of Jennifer and Shoma Shibuya, the younger sister of Shori Shibuya and the older sister of Souta Shibuya. A reenactment of Kyou Kara Maoh!, only completely different. How different can a story be with...one...simple...change?

Key – Key





I'm Sorry


Kagome woke up in the warm confines of the Maoh's bed, a-k-a: her bed. It was fluffy and felt more like a cloud, or what she was sure a cloud might feel like if it were in fact a bed and pillow. Lying back and staring up at the ceiling, she thought back to the night before and glared, "I apologized...wasn't he supposed to do that?" Sighing, she stood up and quickly dressed in a pair of pants and a shirt, grabbing her skateboard from the bag it was still in, she peeked out from the door of her room and glanced back and forth down the hall before running off in the direction of the front entrance. She couldn't recall the proper etiquettes for a young lady running through a castle, but then, since when did she care.

Wolfram could scold her on the proper way to run while barefoot through the castle later, she was sure he would.

She didn't even care when she heard yelling from behind, and though she heard her name, she didn't turn. She took off outside and looked around for something smooth to play on. "Nothing..." She sighed and sat down before realizing what it was she sat on. "Stairs...ah...no, the top of it is fine, but the side balustrades are stone, not metal. That would shred the base of my board...I guess the flat surface of the staircase will have to do...I'll see if I can talk them into building me a skate ramp as my first order or decree as...Queen, or...Maoh...whatever..."

Running up the steps, she dropped her board and hopped on it with a graceful step, swaying in-between columns which were lining the entrance way.

"I suppose asking you what your hurry was would be a futile quandary, wouldn't it."

Kagome didn't bother to look behind her and see who it was; she recognized the cocky voice of her blonde haired housemate...castlemate..."Checkmate..." she rolled her eyes before jumping with her board and using her foot to flip it midair before landing and flipping her board into her hands with her barefoot. She looked to the annoyance which had been causing her problems since yesterday. "Hello fair Prince, how might I serve you today?" Kagome gave him a mock bow; her hair was wild in the sense that she had yet to put a brush to it. "Perhaps I could polish you boots, or curl your hair?"

"Are you mocking me?!" He glared heatedly at her as he took a step forward, "Who do you think you are? You come to my home and expect me to fall over backwards to a slip of a girl and-"

Kagome snapped, her hand moved on its own, and before she could think about what had happened, or who had seen it take place, a red mark of a lithe little handprint marred the loud and overindulged blonde. Her eyes widened with what she'd done, and his seemed to be equally as large, eyes clearly ridden with shock, though he wasn't looking at her, the force she had used in her rage at sent him looking elsewhere.

Kagome turned, took her board, and left him silently gapping at her as she stormed past his, in her opinion, overly cheerful mother, especially if she took into account what she'd just done, and the other two guys, Conrad and Gwendal, who both looked just as stunned as Wolfram did.


Kagome walked towards her room, dropping her skateboard on the floor, she let it roll a few feet in front of her as she followed it from behind before stepping on the board and pushing herself forward as she rolled slowly down the marble floors. She had mixed feelings for how she had reacted. It was annoying; she felt like she was dealing with that bully from school again... "School..."

Kagome sighed sadly, "I wonder what Ken and Sango are up to right now, if they've even noticed I've gone missing...maybe they think I'm dead..." Kagome stopped at her door and opened it with one foot on the floor and the other on her board. Pushing the board forward, she released it and watched it roll inside. "I think...I want to find a way back home...I miss them," She fell backwards onto her bed, hoping that no one would come near her for the remainder of the day.

Her pleas went unanswered, as a hurried knock followed the closing of her eyes, forcing them to open as she sat up and stared hatefully at the door. "Who is it? If its Wolfram, Celi, Conrad or Gwendal, I don't want to see you, go away!"

"Blessed tidings of the Maoh, to have me set aside from those whom you wish not to see, but it is I, Gunter! Please, your Majesty, grace this humble advisor with your presence and-"

"GO AWAY GUNTER! I...I want to be left alone..." She fell back onto her bed and tried to ignore the tears spilling from her eyes when the door was slammed open. She didn't even bother to look, once more, she knew who it was. Gunter was too reserved around her to do something so outlandishly rash and over the top...Wolfram, however...nah, he would kill a nun if his temper reached maximum rage. "I don't suppose kissing your booboo better would make you leave my room, would it?"

"Take it back!"

"...no..." Kagome said plainly, "You've been talking horribly about me...to me...since I first arrived in your beautiful yet stupid world."

"Take it back!" He yelled again.

Conrad walked in and requested much of the same, "Please, your Majesty, you must take it back, you hav-"

"No." She said again.

"Don't be so stubborn your majesty, this is all a big misunderst-"

"No! NO, NO, NO!" Kagome stood and started to push them all out one after another, Celi was standing in the hall watching curiously the interaction between Kagome, her sons, with Gwendal as the exception as he too watched on the sidelines, and Gunter who wasn't her son. "Not now, not ever! If you have a problem with what I did, go build a Kami forsaken bridge...AND GET OVER IT! I will not ever take back what I did!" Without another word on her part, she slammed the door shut in their faces.

Celi had other ideas however, and decided to add one last thing before ushering her sons and advisor off. "So that is that? You will never take it back?"


"...WONDERFUL! I look forward to having your majesty join my family as my dear Wolfie's bride!"

It went silent as Celi ushered everyone down the hall, Wolfram's screams could be heard as she did. '...bride...BRIDE!?'


Me: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I know it's been awhile since I last updated and I'm sorry about that, but with hope, things will change and updates will come out a little faster than previously!

I'll be starting lists from now on, posting them at the end of each chapter, so you'll know what has been both updated, and next to be updated.


Rated M For Manicure – X

A Moment In Time – X

The Last to Know – X

Shine on Me – Going to skim the posted chapters' then start on the next one!

The Girl You Left Behind -

Accidentally In Love – Ch2 started

Stay Alive -

I Am Shades of Life -

The Shadow Bender -

I Say Yes – Next chapter in Journal

My Dirty Little Secret -

Me: The list will be made by Yuki subsequently, once I finish the last story on the list. Please Review, and let me know what you think.