Twilight had a secret. A deep, dark secret that no one but Spike knew: She was a punny.
What is a punny, you ask? A punny is a fan of a certain book series meant for young fillies called "The Little Bunnies." It focused on a group of bunny friends with di verse personalities. And yet they were all in it together.
Mostly, the bunnies had little adventures or starred in slice of life stories. Occasionally, they would fight off a terrible beast or villain, but most of the time, the stories were fun and relatively laid-back. And Twilight loved them.
There weren't too many punnies in Ponyville. At least, that's what Twilight thought. She had never asked around and was too nervous to seek out any other punnies. After all, once that kind of secret gets out, a pony's reputation could be ruined forever…
"Is the mail here?" asked Twilight eagerly one morning. She had just woken up from her afternoon nap and was joining Spike downstairs.
Spike looked out the window. "I don't think so, not yet. You seem excited."
"I am!" cried Twilight. She quickly looked around and lowered her voice. "It's Monday, after all. My new issue of Lepustria Weekly should be here soon."
Spike rolled his eyes. "You get so worked up about that every week," he groaned. "What's the big deal with the little filly's books, anyway? You're not exactly the target audience."
"Look," said Twilight, "just because it's not meant for me doesn't mean I can't get worked up about it. And Lepustria Weekly happens to be the best fanzine I've ever read. As far as I know, there aren't many punnies here in Ponyville, so it's nice to be able to connect with them."
"Get ready," said Spike. "I see Derpy coming."
"Depry!" gasped Twilight. "That means the mail's here!"
Twilight eagerly opened the door, only to get hit in the face with a magazine.
"Sorry!" called Derpy from the distance. "I'm trying out something new! It always works for the paperpony!"
"That's okay!" Twilight called back.
Clutching the fanzine to her chest, Twilight began to dance around her house wildly. Spike shared a hopeless glance with Owloysius.
(To the tune of "Good Morning Baltimore" from Hairspray)
Twilight: Oh oh oh
The mail came
And there is something special for me
Oh oh oh
Look here it is, guys
Haven't you seen
The world's best fanzine
I'll read ev'ry page
Cause it's all the rage
Or at least it is
In my own mind
Oh oh oh
It's finally time to
Open it and see what I find
Because it's finally here
I've been waiting for it to appear
Full of stories for me to read
Gorgeous fanart that must be seen
I'm so glad that it's here
I'll cuddle up and hold it so near
And maybe someday there'll be
Someone to read with me
Oh oh oh
Hey look at this
There's this one bunny with lazy eyes
Oh oh oh
She is my favorite
Hey look you guys
She looks so surprised
She once was a joke
But then all the folk
Decided they liked her and so she stayed
So oh oh
Now she's a part of the cast
And she's always displayed
Oh yes, it's finally here
It's something that I hold so dear
Glad to know it's not only me
Who likes reading about bunnies
The books are meant for kids
But I read one and I'm glad I did
Because I became a huge fan
That's how it began
I know ev'ry book
I know ev'ry tale
I could rattle them all off without fail
Sometimes I write my own stories for fun
Someday I'd like to share them with someone
So oh oh is there a chance
Someone's gonna glace
And they'll see my work
Oh oh oh
And they could like it and tell me so
And I'd be like, whoa!
Some might think I'm weird
Someday I'll be cheered
But inside my own house I feel so fine
Oh oh oh
And my little bunnies
In my mind, they are all mine
They are all mine
And it is finally here
I've been waiting for it to appear
Been waiting since the week before
Waiting for Derpy at my door
Now that it's finally here
After I'm done with this song and cheer
I'm gonna get what I need
Gonna get what I need
And I'm gonna read
Yes, I'm gonna read
Yes, I'm gonna read!
Spike groaned when the song was finally over. "Twilight, you sing one of these songs every time you get that stupid magazine. No offense, but that's just not normal."
"I'm sorry," said Twilight, "I just can't help myself. The real books don't come out all the time, so it's nice to have something to read between then. The fans are really good at getting the characters just right."
Spike looked at her quizzically. "And aren't you good at that, too? I mean, you said in that song that you write your own stories."
"Yeah, but I don't know if…" Twilight trailed off and looked at the floor. Was she good enough to write for the fanzine?
Time for some notes.
Yeah, I was rejected by Equestria Daily, so what's a better thing to do than to channel my frustration into a story full of fun and a hint of bitterness? Petty? Yes, yes, it is. They say to write what you know, so I figured, why not? I guess what really bothered me was that none of the mods or the person at Ponychan actually read any of the SONGS. That kind of hurt.
"The Little Bunnies" was inspired by "The Light in the Darkness," a fanfic sequel to "Cupcakes" where Pinkie Pie watches "My Little Humans."