A/N: This is my new SoA fic. Yes, it's Tigger-centric. I 3 Tig! It will be a few chapters before we really get into the Sons. I have a general idea of where I'm taking this. It's full of abuse, sex, drug & alcohol abuse, and other bad things. I'm still working on my other SoA so don't fret. I'll post links to any pics I have in my profile under "Fallin links". Thank you and enjoy!

Lilia was stuck. Stuck with the bastard her father forced her to marry. The bastard who was just like her father. That's why they got along so damned well. They were damn near identical. She was feverishly cleaning knowing they were having guests. Her husband was trying to get into the outlaw motorcycle club, Sons of Anarchy, and was hosting a little get together with the President, his wife, the Vice President, and his wife. He'd told her what to fix and how he wanted the house to look.

She was wearing a pair of too-large sweat pants and a white wife beater while she worked her ass off cleaning and cooking for the little dinner party for her husband. He came in after work, where he worked at the local lumber mill, and immediately began belittling her. She hung her head in shame knowing he was angry with her work. He knew he couldn't hit her since they would be having guests. So he wrapped his hand around her hair and yanked her up off her knees.

"Now listen you worthless little bitch... you be on your best behavior! You serve them as you serve me. You understand?" He stated, yanking on her hair for good measure

"Yes honey, I understand." She quietly retorted

"Good. Now go get your fat ass washed up. I'll have your outfit sitting on the bed." He retorted as he let go of her hair

He watched as she scurried off to their bathroom. He hated her. She was pathetic and useless. She couldn't do anything right and was in constant need of being reminded how to do the simplest things. He really only married her to do her father a favor. He checked on the dinner he told her to prepare. Although it looked presentable enough, he would later tell her how shitty it was and would appropriately beat the shit out of her for it. Everything was as he asked it to be and he smiled. He needed to get into this MC. She quickly showered and shaved knowing her guests would be here at any moment. She quickly dried her hair and styled it the way he liked it.

She found her pants], top, and shoes already sitting out. She applied some light lipstick, a light dusting of foundation, and some almost unnoticeable eyeshadow. She made her way to the kitchen to make sure the beer was nice and cold as well as the sweet tea she'd prepared.

She was making herself busy in the kitchen when she heard the loud knock at the door. Her heart lept in her throat. It was show time. She listened to the pleasantries, the 'hellos' and 'how are yous' and it nearly made her sick. He was never this polite, this nice, or this sophisticated. He was ruthless, brutal, and evil. He asked if he could anyone something to drink, which was her cue to begin getting the drinks ready. Walking into the kitchen he leaned over and whispered, 'remember what I told you or there will be severe consequences to pay' as he took the beers from her hands.

It was only when she was putting the food on the table did the other wives notice her. She gave them the warmest smile she could before retreating back into the kitchen for the remainder of the food. Once that was done, he asked for her to join everyone in the living room.

"Honey, this is Clay he's the prez of the MC I'm trying to get in with. This is Gemma his wife. This is Jackson their son and Vice Prez. This lovely young lady is Tara Jackson's wife. Everyone this is my beautiful wife Lilia." He stated, introducing everyone

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lilia." Tara stated

"The pleasure is mine." Lilia replied, giving both women a smile

"Follow me, dinner is getting cold." Her husband said

Everyone followed him into their small-ish dining room. The 6 of them just fit around their dinner table. She sat in silence letting her husband woo the 2 men. Their wives asked her a few questions, which she quietly and promptly answered, but otherwise left her alone. She listened to the friendly chatter and wondered if they could see past her mask? Did anyone notice the way she flinched when he came near her? Or heard how fast her heart beat whenever his hand raised above his chest?

She sincerely hoped she wasn't as apparent as she felt. Once dinner was over, everyone moved into the living room to settle. Talk turned to business and what he would have to do in order to become a full member of the club. While "the men talked", she cleaned up from dinner. She put away all the leftover food, cleaned up the dishes, kitchen table, and kitchen counters. She got a pot of coffee brewing while she cut the cheesecake she had made for dessert. Suddenly she felt like she was panicking and took several deep breaths to calm herself down before returning to her guests. When she turned around she found the President's wife standing in the doorway.

"Hello. Need any help?" She questioned, looking over the younger woman carefully

"Oh, no, I have it. Thank you though." She replied, giving her a warm smile

"You sure there's nothing I can do?" Gemma questioned

"I'm sure. You're our guest, I don't want you lifting a finger. Now, would you like some coffee & cheesecake?" Lilia expertly stated

"Sounds lovely." Gemma replied with a slight smile

Lilia knew the older woman was watching her pretty intently while she poured a cup of coffee and set a slice of cheesecake on a saucer. Handing it over, she smiled at the taller woman. Said woman just stared at her as she turned around to pour more coffee and get more cheesecake. Gemma knew something was up with this girl although at the moment she couldn't quite figure out what. She watched the younger woman as she handed out coffee and cheesecake, noting how she seemed to be avoiding her so called loving husband. Gemma did miss the nasty look he sent to his wife, however.

A little while later all the men were shaking hands and her husband agreed to be at their shop at 7am sharp for work. Both Gemma and Tara thanked her for the wonderful meal and expressed a desire to see her again. She merely smiled as she helped her husband walk them out to their respective vehicles. Once their guests were out of sight and they were back in the safety of their own home he pushed her to the ground. Kneeling by her head, he slapped her hard across the face.

"You fuck this up for me and I swear I will fucking kill you." He told her with a voice that said he wasn't joking around