Title: I Win
Pairing: Jane/Maura
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I still don't own Rizzoli or Isles, sad but true.
Spoilers: A bunch of them right up through the Trailer for next weeks episode

Summary: Tommy will do anything to "beat" Jane at something. Rizzles.

A/N: I had planned to write a fic during the break between quarters at school. This is not that fic. This came to me after seeing the trailer for next week's episode and I couldn't stop writing it and rewriting it in my head so I guess the other story will have to wait for my next break! Enjoy.

Chapter 1: Caught in the Act, Almost

Jane and her mother entered Maura's home carrying bags of groceries for the family dinner. Angela called out as they entered "Hey, we're back from the store where is everybody?"

Maura and Tommy jumped up off the couch and away from each other but not before Jane and Angela had seen enough to know that Maura and Tommy had been making out. Maura flushed slightly and had the good grace to look embarrassed but Tommy flashed an unrepentant grin at his older sister and said "'bout time, I'm starving".

Angela glared at him then looked at Jane with equal parts pity and fear. She didn't know how Jane might react but it was a safe bet it wouldn't be pretty. She decided it would be best to get Tommy out of there until Jane had a chance to calm down. Turning her glare back to her youngest child she handed him the bags she was carrying. "Take these into the kitchen and help me get dinner started", she ordered.

"Ma" he whined. "Why can't Janie help you." He flashed another smug grin at his older sister.

"Move!" Angela replied giving him a shove toward the kitchen. Turning back to Jane she gave her forearm a sympathetic squeeze before taking the groceries Jane was carrying and following Tommy into the kitchen.

Maura shuffled nervously trying to think of a way to change the subject before the conversation even started. She knew Jane would be angry at her, after all Jane had warned her not to sleep with Tommy and here she was kissing him on her couch. She hadn't meant it to happen. They were engaging in some harmless flirting and the next thing she new they were on the couch kissing.

"So, what's for dinner" she tried, avoiding what she knew was Jane's angry glare.

"I've got to go back to the precinct" Jane said in a subdued voice. "Got a lead on the Peterson case and I need to follow-up". It wasn't really a lie. They did have a lead on the case but it wasn't anything that couldn't wait a day or two.

Maura looked up now confused. She had expected Jane to be mad, to yell at her for getting involved with her "good for nothing, ex con" of a brother, but Jane didn't sound mad. She sounded hurt and the look in her eyes confirmed it. If Maura didn't know better, she would have sworn Jane was on the verge of tears.

"Jane?" it was a question but Jane wasn't there to answer it she was out the door, headed to her car.

Angela came back into the living room when she heard the door slam Tommy following along behind her. "Where'd Jane go?" she asked Maura.

"She said she had to go back to work." Maura said, obviously still confused.

"Sore loser" Tommy muttered under his breath.

Angela rounded on him, "You, out" she yelled at her recalcitrant son. "Go down to McDonald's and get a Big Mac for dinner".

"What'd I do he?" he whined.

"You know exactly what you did now go!"

Tommy stormed out slamming the door behind him. Angela turned back to Maura and sighed.

"I know Jane thinks I'm always interfering in her love life but lately I've been staying out of it. I thought she had it all figured out and it was just a matter of getting her courage up to do something about it."

To Maura this comment seemed to come out of left field. What did Jane's love life have to do with what had just happened here. Just as she was about to ask Angela exactly that, Angela came out with another seemingly irrelevant and unrelated comment.

"I love my youngest son Maura but he's a troublemaker, always has been. You know all he's looking for is a quick roll in the hay."

"A roll in the…oh you mean a meaningless sexual encounter with no emotional attachments?" Maura responded, proud of herself for properly identifying the euphemism. "Well there's nothing wrong with that. Sex is a great way to relieve stress and build up your immune system. I wouldn't want anything more than a 'roll in the hay' with Tommy either" she went on.

Angela sighed again, "Don't you see that just makes it worse" she said.

"Make's what worse" Maura responded thoroughly confused. "I don't understand. I know Jane didn't want me to sleep with Tommy because she was afraid I'd get hurt but if we're both looking for the same thing how can that be a problem."

Angela could see now what Jane said about Maura often missing social cues. She realized she was going to have to spell it out for her. Taking Maura's hand she lead her over to the couch and sat down beside her.

"Maura, Janie's not upset because she thinks you're going to get hurt, although I'm sure that is a concern for her. She's upset because the woman she's in love with was about to have sex with her little brother, who, by the way, is motivated at least in part, by the chance to "beat" his big sister at something. I'd like to think he doesn't realize how important you are to Jane. But I'm sure he can't wait to rub her nose in the fact that he's gone further with you then she ever has." Angela paused waiting for Maura to respond.

But Maura was speechless. Jane wasn't in love with her. Jane was straight. She only ever dated men. Sure they flirted occasionally, okay all the time, but that was just harmless best friend stuff. Wasn't it? Not that Maura hadn't hoped that there might be more, but she had done her best to hide her feelings for Jane deep inside her. Maura was afraid that if Jane found out how she felt she'd run and Maura would lose the most important person in her life. In truth, the only thing that had made her feel even a little bit guilty about the thought of sleeping with Tommy was that, in her heart, she knew she was using him because of his physical similarity to Jane. All of this ran through her mind at lightening speed and she was brought full circle. No, Jane was not in love with her, Jane was straight. After all she had been so upset about having to go undercover at that lesbian bar. Maura said as much to Angela, who was waiting patiently for her to process everything that had been said.

"No Angela, Jane can't be in love with me, she's straight", she stated with confidence.

"I imagine that's why her feelings for you have her so scared. Well, that and the fact that she's afraid of losing the best friend she ever had." Angela countered. "Jane's always had a lot of friends but I don't think I ever heard her say someone was her best friend until she met you. I'm sure she's afraid you'll reject her, or you won't and things will go wrong. Neither one of you has a great track record with long-term relationships. Either way, losing you as her best friend would ruin her."

"I know", Maura replied softly. "That's one of the main reasons I haven't told Jane how I feel about her. I can no longer imagine my life without Jane in it."

"I knew it! Angela crowed. "The way you to act together, the way you look at each other. I swear you two could power the city of Boston for a year on the electricity you create when you're together."

Maura blushed bright red, "You're not upset? I know the Catholic Church frowns on homosexual relationships."

Angela snorted, "That's one way of putting it. Don't go telling my parish priest but I think maybe the Church has got it wrong in this case. Actually, watching you and Janie together has convinced me. How can it be wrong for two people so obviously meant for each other to be together? I believe that God made you and Janie for each other."

Maura wisely kept her thoughts on religion and the existence of a higher power to herself and threw her arms around Angela. "Thank you Angela, your support means so much to me." Maura sat back and a troubled look came into her eyes. "What am I going to do? How can Jane and I get past all the hurdles and build a relationship?"

Angela smiled warmly at the woman she already considered one of her children. "I'm afraid that's up to you and Jane, sweetheart. I can't do everything for you!" she grinned. "But I'll tell you this much. Nothing's gonna happen if you don't talk to her".

"I guess I better go find…" Maura started but she was cut off by the door being thrown open and Jane storming into the room.

"You cannot sleep with my brother!" Jane glared at Maura, emphasizing each word.

"That's my cue to leave" Angela stated standing up from her place beside Maura on the couch. "If anybody needs me I'll be at McDonald's having a Big Mac and knocking some sense into my youngest child." She grabbed her purse and exited quickly out the front door, which Jane hadn't bothered to close after her dramatic entrance.