Fire Emblem: 7 Blazing Sword.

A fan fiction by Aang10


Disclaimer: Fire Emblem: 7 The Blazing Sword and its trademarks belong to Nintendo. I have simply written my own take on the story of Fire Emblem. The tactician character in this story is mine. As is the Cimarron Tribe. So, without further ado, I present, my fan fiction. Fire Emblem: The Saga of Fire.

Once, long, long ago, dragons and humans coexisted. They shared a peace forged in wisdom, a peace that lasted many generations. All that was lost when mankind disrupted this balance in a sudden onslaught. Man fought dragon in a savage war that shook the foundations of their world. This great war was called the Scouring. The dragons were ultimately no match for the humans. Defeated and humbled, dragons vanished from the realm. In time, man rebuilt and spread his dominion on to the islands beyond. A millennium has passed since those dark days ended. And the world has been at peace until now. Our story starts when a girl named Lyn finds a young apprentice tactician, named Went, unconscious on the Sacaen plains.

Lyn, a beautiful young Sacaen woman, of about 18 years of age, stood on a hill. She greatly enjoyed the view of the plains that the hill provided. She would often come to this very hill to think and relax. It was very peaceful, she could always count on a beautiful view and some fresh air. Not far from were she stood, her horse, Rayneir, was grazing. She smiled fondly at the horse as he grazed. Then as Lyn looked around again she spotted a forlorn figure crumpled on the ground about 20 feet from where she was standing. Her hand strayed to the katana she kept at her side whenever she was out and about. As she got closer she noticed it was a young man at least a year older than herself and that he appeared to be unconscious. Lyn shook him gently, trying to determine if he really was unconscious or not and as she did so she spoke to him.

"Hello? Are you ok?" When he did not respond she grew worried and turned him over on his back so she could get a better look at him. She noticed he had a number of serious injuries on his body. Not the least of which was a nasty wound shaped like an X on his chest. And it looked as though it had become badly infected.

"Bandits must have attacked you." She noted in alarm. Even though she knew he couldn't hear her. She decided to take him home with her and care for his hurts.

Once she reached her hut, she began searching in her trunk, for medicinal supplies. She found a vulnerary, some red wine, and some old clothes. She tore the clothes up so she could use them to clean and dress the young man's wounds. She then removed his shirt and began cleaning his injuries with the wine and the rags. As she worked, she also noted that he seemed to be tall, of medium build with short brown hair. Lyn noticed that he had a number of scars on his body. One on the upper ride side of his abdominal muscles. Another on his right arm that consisted of two prominent marks on his left forearm, one on the lower part of his right elbow and three other pieces each smaller than the last, the biggest one was located near where is upper arm joined his forearm to form the elbow joint. She also noted he had a small circular scar just below his left knee cap. The scars intrigued her greatly. She made a mental note to possible ask him later when he woke up if the opportunity arose. She traced them with her fingers. As she did so she also noted he seemed to be quite handsome which caused her to blush.

After dressing his wounds she opened the vulnerary and poured the potion inside it down his throat. After that she settled him back down on the pillow. She also took stock of his gear, she noticed he had a pair of swords that were exactly like the one she carried. She wondered briefly if he could use them, but then she put that mystery out of her mind. She checked him again to reassure herself that he was still alive. Then she headed out to practice her swordplay. After that she returned to the hut and settled down to sleep for the night. Still wondering about her strange guest, and hoping he would awaken soon.

Several days passed in this fashion, with Lyn checking on her guest, and caring for his hurts. After that she would go out and practice her swordplay. All the while she puzzled about him, wondering where he was from, and how he came upon his injuries.

On the morning of the seventh day after she found the young man, Lyn woke up, yawned and stretched wondering aloud to herself.

"Could the stranger have been just a dream or a figment of my imagination. It seemed a little too weird to be real." Then she looked around her room and saw the same young man she had found seven days ago, still unconscious and unmoving.

"So it was not my imagination or a dream." She said in awe and relief. Lyn approached him cautiously. Her eyes not wavering for an instant, aware that there was a good chance he would wake up at any moment. She took out her vulnerary and poured some more potion into his mouth. The young man groaned, whereupon Lyn removed the bottle from his lips and smiled.

"Are you awake yet?" She whispered quietly.

The young man's green eyes met her teal-colored eyes and he nodded.

"I found you unconscious on the plains." She explained. "I am Lyn of the Lorca Tribe. You are safe now." And then she asked. "Who are you? Can you remember your name?" He nodded.

"It's…Went..." He replied. Lyn blinked.

"You're name is Went? What an odd-sounding name, but pay me no mind, it is a good name." She looked down at his shirt and at the rest of his clothing, with great interest, observing every detail that her eyes could capture. "I see by your attire that you are Sacaen. What part of the Plains to you come from? What tribe do you come from? Would you share your story with me?" She asked.

"I'm from the Cimarron Tribe…" Went began, but he was interrupted by a loud noise from outside.

"Hmm, what was that noise?" Lyn wondered. Went attempted to get out of bed, but Lyn held his shoulder, stopping him. She shook her head. "I will go and see what is going on, Went, wait here for me." Lyn rushed out of the ger and Went sat up, and waited for her return. Lyn did not return for some time and Went began to get worried, hoping she had not been hurt. Went quickly turned his head when he heard the door slam, and his left hand clutched one of his swords. When he realized that it was only Lyn he relaxed and gave her a smile. Lyn however, was not smiling. She had a worried look on her face, and she was out of breath.

"Oh no! Bandits! They must have come down from the Bern Mountains! They must be planning on raiding the local villages. I… I have to stop them! If that's all of them, I think I can handle them on my own." She turned to face Went. "I will go and deal with them, you stay here in the hut." Went gave her a grin. Without a word he pushed the blankets off of his body and stepped out of bed. He bent down put his shirt on and then drew his swords.

"Lyn I will assist you in your fight." Lyn seemed surprised and she stated wide-eyed at him.

"What? You want to help? Well, can you use a weapon?" She asked.

"Yes Lyn, but…" Went pointed to his temple and smiled again.

Lyn looked at him for a while and returned the favor and smiled back at him. "Ah I see… So you're a strategist by trade? An odd profession, especially for a Cimarron Tribesman. Very well. We'll go together!" With those words Lyn and Went burst out of the hut and headed towards the local villages. As they neared the village, Lyn finally stopped.

"Over here!" She called out to Went. Then she ran until she was spotted by a bandit. The bandit ran in to attack Lyn.

"Lyn move to the left and then strike!" Went advised her.

Lyn quickly obeyed, sliding to the left and hacked her sword into the waist of the bandit. Followed by a cry of pain, her attacker swung his axe down at her head. Lyn dodged and hacked into the bandit's side and the bandit fell to the ground dead.

"Victory!" Lyn shouted in triumph to Went. He smiled at her and nodded. As he looked around, he spotted one final bandit beside another ger further to the west. He then ran to her side and grabbed her shoulder.

"There is one more bandit at the ger further west. I believe he saw us. We should close in on him and attack. But be careful, he seems to be a bit stronger than that other bandit you took out." Lyn looked in the direction Went had pointed and saw the enemy.

"Thank you, Went! Now lets go get that brigand over by that ger!" Went smiled.

"Yes, lets." He agreed. Went and Lyn ran towards the ger, getting closer and closer to the remaining bandit. He seemed to be of decent strength. Went glared at him as Lyn edged closer with her sword drawn.

"You will leave these innocent people be!" Went growled. "You have done enough harm!"

The lone bandit smirked. "Who do you think you are?" He asked with a touch of arrogance in his tone. "You really think you can stand up to Batta the Beast?"

"Enough talk scum!" Went yelled. "Let our arms do the talking for us!" Lyn ran up with Went and raised her sword to attack him. Lyn attacked, but Batta threw his axe in the way, stalling the sword from hitting him. Then he swung his axe upwards, forcing Lyn to move back and block with her sword.

"Whew! He's tough… It all comes down to this next blow!" Lyn panted. Then she frowned as Batta came charging at her, recklessly swinging his enormous axe around. Lyn turned to Went.

"Went, if I fall, I want you to flee! You must escape." She told him. Went didn't like the idea of running away but he decided to swallow his pride and do as she had requested. He nodded after a moments hesitation. Batta came and attacked with a wild cry, cutting Lyn's shoulder. She gave out a scream of pain but quickly recovered and swung her blade into his back.

"What! How… How did you-" He gave out a gasp and fell dead as Lyn removed her blade. Lyn sat down for a bit and took a rest as Went walked over to sit down beside her.

"Whew… That was close. I sorely underestimated him. Sorry if I worried you." Went smiled.

"It's alright that was the best swordsmanship I've seen in a while. That was beautifully executed." Lyn shook her head.

"I'll need to be stronger if I'm going to survive… Strong enough so that no one can defeat me." She then looked up at the sky. "Let's go home." She said.

Went nodded. "Aye lets go home." He agreed.

Lyn walked beside Went back to her hut. She looked him over as he walked, while trying not to make it too obvious that she was looking at him. He was quite mysterious in his own ways. He was charming and kind as well as polite, he also seemed rather reserved in some ways. As they walked back to the hut, Lyn kept glancing at her new friend while trying not to make it too obvious that she was staring. She hoped he didn't notice her stare.

Unbeknownst to Lyn Went was also glancing at her. He was intrigued by Lyn. "She's charming, friendly and serene." He thought; "Yet she is also a deadly warrior. She is a dichotomy, how fascinating." While all of this was going on inside their heads they continued towards Lyn's hut neither of them saying a word.

They arrived at Lyn's hut as the sun set. Went promptly took his shirt off and started for the floor.

"Thank you for offering your home to me. It is most kind of you. But I think I should let you have the bed while I sleep on the floor, if you do not mind." But Lyn shook her head.

"No Went, you are my guest. So it is I who must provide. You take the bed."

"Are you sure Lyn?" Went asked. "Yes I am sure Went." Went bowed to her and then crawled into her bed while Lyn curled up on the floor. Soon they both fell asleep weary from the battle.

The next morning, Lyn promptly woke up and went out hunting. She managed to catch a rabbit which she cooked over a fire with some bird's eggs. Went yawned and stretched.

"Morning Lyn." He said with a grin. "Morning Went." She replied cheerfully handing him some of the rabbit and eggs. As they ate Lyn noticed his brown bed-head hair, and laughed as she fixed it for him. "Haha, The fight yesterday, must have taken a lot out of you." She said. Went blushed as Lyn fixed his hair.

"Yeah I guess it did." He said.

"Say Went…. I want to talk to you about something."

"Yes Lyn? What is it?" He asked her.

"You have some experience in the ways of war, I can see. Would you allow me to travel with you?" Lyn asked.

Went pondered for a moment, before looking her straight in the eyes. "You are new to fighting so I can understand why you ask. I would say yes, but what of your parents? Wouldn't they want you at home with them?"

Lyn's eyes widened for a moment. "What? You… want me to get permission from my parents?" Lyn looked down, she had pensive look on her face. Went, a bit worried about her, scooted over next to her and put his arm around her shoulders.

"Lyn? Is everything okay?" Lyn's eyes had so much hurt in them Went began to frown, mentally cursing himself and his possibly poor choice of a response to Lyn's question.

"My mother and father… died six months ago. My people- the Lorca- they don't… I'm the last of my tribe. Bandits attacked… they killed so many people. The tribe was scattered. My father was our Chieftain, and I wanted to protect our people. But I'm so young, and our people were old-fashioned. They wouldn't follow a woman, no one would follow me." Tears started rolling down Lyn's cheeks. Went took his arm off of Lyn's shoulders and wiped away her tears, he knew how painful it was to lose one's family. He felt a lot of sympathy for the lonely young girl whom he had befriended. He could see that she had been holding in a lot of pain and grief, and now it was spilling out again.

"Sniff… I'm sorry. I've been alone for so long…" Lyn began.

"There there, you have no reason to be sorry Lyn." Went soothed her. "You can let out your feelings of grief. It's completely normal to mourn like this. It's ok, no one will fault you for feeling this way."

"No. No more. I will shed no more tears… Thank you. I am better now. Went, I want- I must become stronger, so that I may avenge my father's death! To make the bandits who killed my family pay for what they did! Yesterdays battle taught me something. I won't become stronger by sitting alone." She turned to Went. "Went, tell me you'll train me, that you'll let me travel with you! Please, teach me everything I need to know about combat."

After a moment of silence, and some hesitation, Went looked her in the eyes and said. "Alright Lyn, I will let you come with me, if that is what you want, and I will teach you all I know about combat. You saved my life, it's the least I can do to repay you."

"You will? That's wonderful! Thank you! Oh thank you! We'll be better off working together I know it. We'll be two Sacaen warriors traveling together. You'll be my master strategist, and I'll be your peerless warrior! We can do it! Right?" She asked, very excited.

Went couldn't help smiling at the eager young girl. "Hahaha Yes, yes, Lyn. Wow! You should calm down, you sound like an excited child." They both laughed as they made preparations for their travels.

What awaits Lyn, and her new strategist Went? Will their plans become successful, or will Lyn's training not go as expected? Find out in the next chapter.