A/N: Here we go. The sequel to Nobody's Fool. I have some great ideas for this story and am excited to start. If anyone hasn't read Nobody's Fool, it would probably be a good idea so that you can be familiar with my OC.

Happy stood in the doorway as he watched Marissa. She was standing by the kitchen sink with a coffee mug in one hand and a cigarette in another as she stared out the window. He wanted to go to her and hug her but he wasn't sure how she would react. It had been a rough couple of days and Marissa seemed to close herself off again. It was getting to be a real pain in the ass. He took in her appearance. She had on a knee-length black skirt, black long sleeve sweater and black sky high heels. Her long dark hair was pulled back in a low bun and she only had a trace of makeup on. The only light seemed to come from the compass necklace around her throat that he had given her last Christmas.

"Talk to me." Happy begged. Marissa turned her eyes towards Happy before glancing back out the window.


"How you're feeling." Happy learned that he could let his guard down around Marissa making the lines of communication better for the pair. Happy let Marissa into places that no one had been before. Unfortunatly, they were both stubborn as hell and when one had their guard up, it was like pulling teeth to get the person to open up. Marissa fully turned around and leaned against the sink as she looked at her boyfriend.

"I don't mind the drama, I don't even mind the danger. I just…is there ever a fucking break? You know what I want? I want to lock those doors and stay in this bubble where it's just me and you and nothing can touch us, but our lives don't work that way. When was the last time that you and I have been able to sit on the couch and watch a movie without the fucking sky falling?" Happy crossed his arms but remained silent. He knew that she needed to get this off her chest.

A few days ago, shit hit the fan. Gemma had ran after the girl who had knocked her out the night she was raped. No one knew the specific details but now Gemma was on the lam. While she was driving out of town, Cameron Hayes had went into Jax and Tara's house, killed Kip and stole Abel. Cameron blamed Gemma for his son's death and decided to take a son for a son. Everyone had been devastated, especially Jax and Tara. Marissa had taken it upon herself to plan Kip's funeral since no one else seemed to be able to.

As Marissa was getting dressed this morning, she glanced in the mirror and started to see a very keen resemblance to the mafia princess that she was seven years prior. The mob wasn't very different from the lifestyle that she was in now. The difference was her. Charming had softened her. This town offered her friends, family and a new chance at true love. All of those things made her let her guard down more, smile more, laugh often. Now she was back to being the stoic Marissa from all those years prior, if for no other reason than survival.

"I have been in this town for one year. One fucking year. In that time, Gemma was raped, you were shot, Juice was stabbed, Chibs almost blew the hell up, you left me, my ex's dad came looking for me AND I lost a baby. I can't wait to see what this fucking year will bring." Marissa turned back towards the sink and laid her coffee mug down.

"Gemma is off some god damn where with every police station looking for her. Abel has been kidnapped, Tara is blaming herself and Jax is a fucking walking disaster."

"Can I make it better?" Happy asked. Marissa walked towards him with a soft smile on her face. She wrapped her arms around his waist and he gripped her tightly.

"Just hold me." Happy obliged to her request as they stood there in the kitchen doorframe. When she pulled away, she cleared her throat.

"I'm going to head over to Tara's. I'll meet you at the funeral home."

"Do you think it's a good idea to go over there? Jax is really in a bad state."

"I don't give a damn. The rest of you can try to handle him with kid gloves, but I'm going to go make some progress." Marissa kissed Happy one more time before walking out the front door.

Marissa smiled at everyone sitting in Jax and Tara's living room. She knew that Tara had left earlier to go to the funeral home. She told Marissa that she needed to clear her head a bit so she was going to take care of the final arrangements.

"Where is he?" Marissa asked.

"Abel's room." Clay responded. "I wouldn't go in there baby girl." Marissa just waved off his concerns as she walked towards Abel's room. She shut the door behind her and took in Jax. He was cradeling a bottle in his hand and his eyes seemed dead.

"Get up." Jax looked up towards Marissa but made no attempt to move. "I said get up. Kip's funeral starts in three hours and by the smell of things, you need to spend at least two in the fucking shower."

"Marissa, go away." Jax said quietly. Marissa simply shook her head. When Jax noticed that Marissa had no intention on leaving, he started to get pissed off.

"I SAID GET OUT! MY SON IS GONE! MY FUCKING SON IS GONE!" Marissa dropped her purse to the floor as she prepared for a battle.


"Marissa, look…"

"No, you look. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. The pain and heartache that you must be feeling is unimaginable and I'm not trying to diminish that. But there was a 24 year old fucking kid who lost his life trying to save the woman you love and your child. The least you can do is get the fuck up and go pay your damn respects. Kip is dead, Jax. A kid lost his fucking life and you are sitting in a room feeling sorry for yourself." Marissa stepped closer to Jax. "Now I'm going to ask you again. Please go jump in the shower, shave that shit off your face and get dressed before I start to get pissed off."

Marissa and Jax stared each other down for a few minutes. Once Jax realized that Marissa had no intention of leaving the room until she gets what she wants, he gingerly stood up and headed towards the bathroom.

An hour later, Marissa knocked twice on the bedroom door and waited for Jax to tell her to come in. She stepped in the room and looked at her friend.

"Nice to see you looking normal again." Jax glared slightly as he pulled the white tee shirt over his head.

"Anyone ever tell you that you are a pain in the ass?"

"At least once a day." Marissa sat down on the bed and patted a spot next to her. "We need to talk." She waited until Jax sat down before she started.

"You need to get your shit together." She held up her hand when Jax got ready to protest. "Everyone is worried about you and they don't know how to handle this. They look to you for leadership and you are mentally gone."

"I don't know what to do Marissa." Jax finally admitted as he placed his head in his hands. Marissa rubbed circles on his back.

"We got to go and bury one of our own and then you start taking the necessary steps to getting your son back. If you give up on Abel, everyone else will do the same. They are just going to follow your lead." She pulled Jax in a hug when he started to cry.

Marissa stood outside the funeral home as she waited for Tara. She spotted the Cutlass pulling into the lot and she rushed to meet her best friend. When she saw the broken look on her face, Marissa quickly pulled her into a hug.

"He wants me gone." Tara cried into Marissa's shoulder. "He said that I need to get far away from him."

"He's in shock and he's grieving, Tara." Marissa pulled her face back and forced Tara to look at her. "Fight for him, Tara. No matter how hard he tries to push you away, you stand your ground and you fight. Abel is just as much your son as Jax's and you need to remind him that." Tara nodded her head as Marissa saw Clay signaling her to come over. She passed Tara over to Lyla and she made her way to Clay.

"What's up?"

"Tiggy called. He took Gem up to go see her dad. Turns out her ma passed away or some shit."

"Is it safe for her to be up there?" Marissa asked.

"Location wise, it couldn't be better. Her dad lives out in the fucking woods. Mentally…I don't know how she's going to handle shit. That house holds a lot of bad memories for her." Clay placed a piece of paper in Marissa's hand. "This is the address. Maybe you and Tara can go up there and check on her. But under no circumstances can you tell her about Abel. It will break her heart."

"How the hell can you expect us to keep this from her?" Clay looked down at the younger woman.

"You seem to be really good at keeping secrets, one more ain't gonna hurt you." Clay walked away leaving Marissa fuming.

It was well after midnight before Marissa was able to walk into her home. The funeral had been beautiful. Her eyes watered when the full patched cut was placed on Kip's coffin. The boys shared some beautiful sentiments and she was fortunate enough to meet Kip's parents and little sister. Her heart ached for their loss. Their son had survived a war overseas just to die on a kitchen floor because he loved bikes and brotherhood.

They had all started to walk outside the funeral home when two vans pulled up. Marissa had been standing next to Bobby and he quickly pushed her to the pavement when shots fired. Marissa watched in horror as David Hale was killed. However, that was nothing compared to the horrific beating that Jax delivered to the driver of one of the vans. He was completely out of it as he delivered blow after blow until he was finally pulled off by his brothers. Happy simply looked at her before getting on his bike, presumably heading towards the clubhouse with the others.

Marissa had made sure Tara got home safely and gave her two sedatives that she still had from her stint in the hospital. She stayed with Tara until she fell asleep on the couch. She placed a blanket over her friend and kissed her cheek before driving home.

She turned on the shower and slowly started to undress. She noticed that she had marks on her hands and knees from being pushed to the pavement. She let the water wash away her pain as she kept a listen out for her phone. Wrapped in nothing but a towel, she made her way to the bedroom. She sat down gingerly on the bed and swallowed back a yawn. She hadn't realized just how exhausted she truly was until she found herself surrounded by silence. Before she realized it, she had fallen asleep in just her towel. She also had a sinking feeling that this would be the first of many nights she would be going to sleep without Happy by her side.