This is my first Kane Chronicles-PJO crossover so…no destructive criticism please!

Pairings: Nico x Sadie (What will it be called, Sadico? Haha…)

Thalia x Percy (My personal favorite: Perlia)

Annabeth x …find out!

Chapter 1


I was, as a matter of fact, bored. My brother Carter had gone out on another date with Zia Rashid, if you call going to the museum a date, earlier this evening. I've nothing to do, so I got some magic supplies in case I get into trouble, snuck out of the mansion, and went out for a walk.

Is there nothing bloody good in the stores this time of night? I asked myself as I walked down the street. A strolled past a few stores, but nothing that I liked was in there. Luckily, as I was looking at a sleeveless dress that would've scored me a date with Anubis, I spotted something of interest two shops over. I put down the dress, ran out of the shop and followed Zia and my brother. Hey, if he does something stupid and blows this date, again, I want to be there this time to see it.

"Carter, where are we going?" Zia asked, her voice playful.

"You'll see." He answered back.

As they walked towards what seemed to be the empire state building, I, of course, followed secretly.

"Lady Kane." I heard someone behind me say. Who in the world would know me here? Wait, Lady Kane? I turned around, and sure enough, that annoying, handsome, heartwarming face came to greet me. "Anubis!" I shrieked, unable to keep my voice low. "What are you doing here?"

"I am merely visiting you. Is that a problem?" he said.

"Yes! And I really do love your coming to visit me, but now is the wrong time. So please, come back later." He pondered on this for a moment, and then he said, "Of course, Lady Kane."

He disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Gods, did I really just do that? Then, I saw both of them turn around a corner and disappear from sight. I ran as fast as I could, trying to catch up with them. As I turned around the corner, running so fast it looked like I was being chased by a monster, I literally bumped into the person that would change my life forever. He was also running, along with two other teenagers way older than him. I plowed straight into him, falling on my bum in most unflattering way.

Getting up, I glared at him. "Watch it!"

"Sorry." He said, getting up and picking up something he dropped. At first, I couldn't believe my eyes; he was holding a black sword. But then, something with huge horns, coarse, hairy fur, and carrying a battle axe appeared out of nowhere.

"What in the name of Isis is that?" I demanded, panicking.

"MOOOO!" it grunted, swinging its axe at us with all its might.

"Look out!" he shouted. He tackled me to the ground, and the axe flew within inches above our heads. It lodged in the wall behind us, creating a noise so loud that the people around started to panic as well.

"Mad Bull!" shouted a woman.

They all ran, except for the boy and his companions. The one with the black sword charged at the monster, jumping and stabbing it at the chest. Unfortunately, it blocked with its axe and brought a big, hairy arm down on him, almost crushing him.

Another girl, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with blonde hair and stormy gray eyes came up to me. "Why aren't you running?" she asked. Her other friend never kept his eyes of the monster, as if waiting for the chance to strike.

"Why aren't you?"

She looked at me in bewilderment. I guess she wasn't used to people winning an argument against her. "Good point. Wait, you can see it?"

"Yeah. It looks like a man, but it's also a bull. WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?" I demanded her for an answer.

"Minotaur. Half-man, half-bull. Very hard to kill. Stay here. You may be one of us." She threw the dagger she was wielding at the Minotaur, impaling it in the middle of its eyes. But instead of killing it, it just made it angrier.

"MOOOOO!" It grunted angrily, dropping its axe and preparing to charge. I did the last thing that I could think of. I shouted, "Heqat!" and my staff appeared immediately in my hands. I pointed it at the Minotaur, and shouted, "Ha-di!"

An explosion blew in front of the beast. It flew back ten meters away and hit the side of a building, bringing the whole tower down and burying the Minotaur in three feet of rubble..

The three of them looked at me in awe. The girl said, "Where did you learn how to do that?"

I didn't answer her. The Minotaur started to free itself from the rubble. What will it take to kill this thing? Ha-di is the most powerful spell I know. Only if Carter were here he could use his combat magic and take this thing down once and for all.

As if on cue, I heard a familiar voice shouting in the distance. "Sadie!"

Carter, along with Zia, was running towards us, completely unaware of the danger we were in.

"Carter!" I screamed for all I was worth. "Arm yourself!"

He looked at me, confused. "What?"

"I said, ar-"

Too late. The Minotaur blasted the rubble apart. It looked at us in pure hatred.

Carter got the message. He summoned his khopesh from the duat, and Zia summoned her staff.

"What. Is. That?" He asked me, out of breath..

"Minotaur. Half-man, half-bull. Very hard to kill." I said, giving the same answer that the girl gave me.

Then, the Minotaur did the stupidest thing it would do in its life. It charged Carter head on.

Carter summoned his combat avatar. A golden form of a humanoid falcon surrounded him, wielding the same khopesh that he uses. He was over fifteen feet tall, even taller than the Minotaur.

With one swipe of his hand, the Minotaur came down. He sliced its head off, and it turned to sand.

"Fun." He said, dispelling the spell.

The girl finally got her composure and held out a hand. "Thanks."

"No problem." I shook her hand.

The boy with the black word came forward. I gasped. He looked so much like Anubis that he could pass for Anubis's younger brother or something. "I'm Nico di Angelo." Pointing to the girl, he introduced her as Annabeth, and the other one as Percy.

"I'm Sadie Kane, and this my brother Carter and his girlfriend, Zia." Carter blushed at the remark, and so did Zia.

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