Printer Izaya
It was hard to say whether or not Shizuo had gotten better aim, Izaya had gotten worse, or if it was something closer to fate. It did not really matter in the end because no matter which factor changed the end was the same. He was hit by a vending machine.
It surprised everyone. The parkuoring, switchblade-wielding Information broker had been taken down a vending machine and the wary audience had expected such a thing to never happen, even if they wished for it. Kida thanked whatever could hear him that he had been there to witness it. Mikado was shocked, Anri stood with her usual demeanor. Though their reaction or Shizuo's isn't the important thing.
The important thing was that Izaya's soul was mobile. Yes, the Izaya Orihara had a soul. The biggest surprise of the day that no one really knew since it couldn't be seen. The people were not an option for housing his loose soul because there was already a soul occupying them, that left inanimate objects and rather it was fortunate or not someone was holding a brand new printer that accepted his soul, probably the only thing that would ever accept him willing. Izaya was a printer, not fully aware yet of exactly what had happened due to the impact of vending machine to his body that scrambled his thoughts. It was easy to predict once he had gathered himself he would not be pleased to discover he was a printer.