Of course, I own Teen Titans. I'm writing on Fanfiction about a non-canon pairing. Makes perfect sense, right? [In case someone is taking me seriously, which I doubt, I'm being completely sarcastic. I don't own Teen Titans, or any of it's characters.]



Drunk actions are sober thoughts.

The birds arrived at the Tower shortly and walked into the living room to find everyone else waiting for them.

"About time you guys got here! Now let's get this party started!" Beastboy cheered from his spot on the couch beside Terra.

"Wait!" Starfire said. "We should all change into our slumber wear! Then this gathering will resemble a slumber party, yes?"

Terra grinned. "Yeah! And we can all sleep out here, it'll be like a huge slumber party!"

Robin looked at Raven who shrugged. "Sounds okay to me, Boy Blunder." She replied in her monotone voice.

"Alright, everyone go change into their pajamas. Also, bring a pillow and a sleeping bag or a blanket back in here for you to sleep with."

Everyone went to their rooms, changed, gathered their things, and met back in the living room five minutes later.

Robin almost fainted from the sight of Raven. She was wearing a dark blue tank top that showed a bit of her stomach and clung to her curves, and dark gray pajama shorts. She had wiped off her make-up and thrown her hair into a messy ponytail, a few strands still framing her face. Robin thought she looked adorable, but he'd be dead if she ever heard that.

They all sat in a circle in the floor in front of the couch, Robin had purposely placed himself in between Raven and Aqualad.

"Let's play a drinking game!" Beastboy yelled.

Robin shot him a disapproving look.

"Oh, come onnnn! This is our one chance to get completely wasted! Pleaasseee, Robin?" Beastboy pleaded.

A small smirk graced it's way onto Robin's once-stoic face.

"Fine. Just this once." He agreed some-what reluctantly.

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Beastboy cheered, pumping his fist into the air.

Cyborg placed ten shots in front of each person at the table.

"Okay, everyone, to win this game you have to finish all of your drinks first. Whoever wins get to pick the first game." Cyborg announced.

"Okay... GO!" Beastboy yelled.

Everyone immediately started downing their shots. It was a close competition, but Beastboy ended up winning. Afterwards, each one of the teens was feeling very drunk.

"Okay, since I won. I say we're-" Hiccup. "-playing Truth or Dare! But I need to go get something first!" Beastboy said, before stumbling to his room.

Less than two minutes later Beastboy reappeared as on octopus carrying bottles of what they assumed was alcohol. He quickly passed them out to each Titan.

"Woah, BB. When'd you get all this vodka?" Cyborg inquired curiously.

"Let's just say the owner of the liquor store we were at owes me." Beastboy answered, his tone of voice making it clear he wasn't going to to further into the matter. "Now, let's drink!"

He poured everyone a glass and handed them out.

"Okay, first off, everyone chug your drink!" Beastboy ordered.

Everyone complied, and within five minutes everyone had finished their glass and was feeling alot more tipsy than before.

"Okay." Beastboy started, a shit-eating grin on his face. "Now let's play Truth or Dare. I'll go first. I pick Raven."

Raven sighed. Of course he picked her. Why did she have to be the object of torture to the changeling? "Um.." She considered which option she should choose. If she picked dare he would most likely force her to something completely awful. So she went with truth, she was good at lying.

"Truth." She replied, trying to sound as if she didn't care.

Beastboy grinned evilly. "Do you like anyone in this room, Raven?"

She relaxed, she could easily lie and get away with it. No worries. She opened her mouth to deny she had feelings for anyone, but something else came out.

"Yes." She blurted out unwillingly. She covered her mouth with both her hands. She hadn't meant to say that! But she couldn't help but to say it somehow?

"W-why.. wha-.. what?" She stammered, her brows furrowing together in confusion.

Beastboy's grin got even wider. "Remember when I went into your room earlier, Raven? When I was in there I saw a bottle that said "Truth Spell." I read the back of the label and it said anyone who drank it would be unable to tell a lie for three hours. So, you know the glasses I made you drink? Yeah, I put the truth spell in all your drinks, including mine." He finished proudly with a grin that would put the Cheshire cat to shame.

Everyone stared at the green teenager in shock.

Raven opened her mouth to speak, everyone tensed and waited for the screaming match to start. But, to everyone's surprise, Raven didn't yell. "Well done, BB. I'm impressed." She said, with no sarcasm in her voice at all.

Everyone's jaw dropped to the floor, including Beastboy's.

"You're not mad?" Aqualad questioned cautiously. Robin glared at him for speaking to Raven, Aqualad shot him back a confused look.

"Nope. He actually thought of good plan."

They all thought the world was coming to an end, until they remembered Raven was drunk and probably didn't know what she was saying. The changeling would die in the morning; this they were sure of.

Raven realized it was her turn. "Terra, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to strip down to your underwear and sit in Beastboy's lap for the rest of the game." She grinned deviously, feeling the alcohol settle in.

Terra had a look of horror on her face, while Beastboy was looking like he just won the lottery.

"Wh-what? Why?" Terra stuttered.

"Revenge. Now, do it."

Terra sighed in defeat and stripped down, blushing crimson. Apparently Terra wore thongs, much to everyone's drunken amusement, she blushed even harder. But she wasn't blushing nearly as bad as Beastboy was when she sat in his lap.

"Okay, Aqualad. Truth or dare?" asked Terra, trying and failing to ignore the growing bulge in Beastboy's pants.

Not wanting to deal with answering personal questions that he would have no choice but to answer truthfully, he picked the only other option. "Dare." He replied confidently. How bad could it be?

"I dare you to make-out with Raven for three minutes, with tongue." Robin's heart skipped a few beats.

"Okay." Aqualad replied, shrugging. He was drunk enough to not really care.

Aqualad crawled over to Raven and began kissing her. Raven's eyes were open and she wasn't kissing back, much to Robin's relief. Since Robin had been sitting in between them, Aqualad was leaning right over Robin to kiss Raven. It took all of the Boy Wonder's will power not to choke Aqualad right then and there.

"Okay, you can stop now, lover boy. It's been three minutes." Terra attempted to tease.

Terra was looking proud of herself, Starfire was beaming, Robin looked pissed, Raven and Aqualad looked as if nothing happened, and everyone else was snickering.

"Okay, Robin. Truth or dare?" Aqualad asked, ignoring the death stare Robin was giving him. If looks could kill..

"I pick truth." Robin replied, irritated.

"Um.. who do you have feelings for?"

"Raven." Robin couldn't help it. "DAMN IT!"

Starfire almost immediately flew out of the room in violent tears, immediately followed by Aqualad.

Everyone then turned to look at Raven. The empath looked shocked, to say the least. She opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off by a scream of rage.


Everyone's heads spun around to see a seething Robin running towards a terrified Beastboy. The green changeling pushed Terra off his lap and began to run for his life.

"YOU JUST HAD TO GIVE US A TRUTH SPELL, DIDN'T YOU?" Robin roared as he chased after the sprinting green cheetah, intending to ruthlessly slaughter Beastboy as soon as he was in his grasp.

Just as the Boy Wonder was about to tackle the green teen, Robin was suddenly engulfed in a black raven and disappeared.

Everyone looked around the room to find that Raven had disappeared as well.

One moment Robin was just about to have the delight of murdering the green teenager who was responsible for his secret becoming known, then suddenly everything went black and he was on the rooftop. He shivered from his lack of shirt and his thin pajama pants.

Robin scratched his head in confusion and started to turn around.

"What the fu-"

"You have feelings for me?" A soft voice interrupted. He turned around to see Raven, with a blank look on her face.

He began to register her words and blushed harder than he ever had before.

"I'm sorry. I know that you don't feel the same. The last thing I ever wanted to do was make you uncomfortable. I understand if you need me to keep my distance from now on." He admitted sadly, wishing this hadn't happened. Things would never be the same.

"These feeling you have.. what are they exactly?" She asked, her voice devoid of emotion.

With the truth spell still in effect, he couldn't stop himself. "I love you. I've tried everything to stop, honestly. But I can't help it. Every morning when you walk in the kitchen and smile at me, it just gets worse. I can't handle it. You have no idea how many times every day I have to stop myself from grabbing you and kissing you. It's awful. I am so crazy, want-to-slit-my-throat, can't-sleep in love with you." Robin finished, feeling as if he could die from embarrassment. Raven stared at him in shock. He shrugged his shoulders and turned to leave when she grabbed his hand.

Nothing could have prepared him for when soft lips crashed onto his almost bruisingly and he kissed back just as hard. Long, slender legs wrapped around his waist followed by soft hands running through his hair. After hearing the words Raven had only dreamed of him saying, all shyness flew out the window. He snaked his arms under her backside to support her better. But this failed, sending the both onto the hard ground. Robin flipped them over so that he was on top, not ever breaking the kiss. Both of their hearts were soaring.

This wasn't the innocent kiss with hard, chapped lips or the smell of mustard he had experienced in the pouring rain of Tokyo. No, this was much better. This was the passionate kiss with soft, smooth lips and the enchanting smell of lavender, and a bit of alcohol, that he had only dreamed of.

The annoying thing called oxygen soon began to become necessary, so the kiss had to end. When Robin opened his eyes, he looked into amethyst eyes that belonged to the half demoness underneath him that had somehow had become his world.

"Raven." He breathed, she could smell alcohol on his breath.

The violet-haired empath smirked. "What? Were you expecting Starfire? 'Cause I can go- Mmmph!" This time she was interrupted with by his lips.

"No, no, no." Robin murmured against her lips as he kissed them. "I like you where you are."

Raven opened her mouth to say something, but she soon forgot it when the Boy Wonder took advantage of her open mouth by sliding his to tongue in it.

A nearby street lamp was engulfed in black before exploding.

Robin pulled back, though just barely, and chuckled. "I was waiting for that to happen."

Raven's brows furrowed together in annoyance and started to say something that would hurt the Boy Wonder's pride. But yet again, she was silenced with Robin's tongue sliding into her mouth.

"You'll pay for that tomorrow." She mumbled as they kissed. Oh, she would definitely get him later. But now wasn't the time.

They made out for awhile longer, before falling asleep in each other's embrace.

Raven awoke to the shuffle of feet and giggling. She opened her eyes and regretted it, the rising sun hurt her sleepy eyes. Wait, rising sun? She looked around her and realized she was on the roof instead of her bed. She was sleeping on something hard and warm. What the hell?

She moved to get up when the warmth around her waist tightened and she realized that whatever she was sleeping on was breathing. For a second she felt complete panic, then she looked beside her to see Robin holding her protectively. The memories of last night flooding back into her mind as she smiled at him.

She gently shook him by the shoulders to wake him up, and succeeded. He sat up and rubbed his head tiredly, while looking left and right. He gave her a look that asked, "What the hell happened?"

He seemed as confused as she had been when she woke up. She decided to remind him why they were up here in a way that didn't embarrass her as much. She gently pressed her lips to his for a few seconds.

The Boy Wonder blushed deeply. "Oh, right."

She blushed and returned the smile he gave her as they leaned in for another kiss.


The birds heads immediately turned towards the source of the noise to see their fellow teammates standing behind them with cameras and mocking grins.

"Fuck." The birds said at the same time and jumped away from each other, blushing harder than they could ever recall.

They all began to laugh at their embarrassment, Starfire laughed from her place in Aqualad's arms too. He'd tried to comfort her last night and ended up confessing his feelings for her.

Raven's eyes narrowed when her gaze settled on Beastboy. "I just remembered that you stole my truth spell out of my room."

The changeling abruptly stopped laughing, he noticeably gulped. "I'm... u-uh.. sorry?" He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

Raven's eyes flashed a deadly red. "Run." And Beastboy did.

Robin and the Titans all began to laugh.

Raven turned to Robin. "I wouldn't laugh if I were you, Boy Blunder. You're next." She said before she kissed him briefly on the lips, which the fear-struck teen didn't respond to. When she reached the door of the rooftop she embarrassed him even more. "By the way, you might want to take a cold shower, unless you like walking around with that." Gesturing with her hand to his morning wood. With that said, she pursued Beastboy.

Robin gulped and began to run to his bathroom as the rest of the Titans laughed at his erection and the pain he later endure at the hands of the girl he loved.

Yeah, he was fucked. But he was too happy to care.

A/N: Rewritten October 2016!