Since I know it'll be awhile before I can update Naruto Lawliet: A Shinigami's Heir, and due to the fact that L won't stop eating my pocky and Naruto spit up on me twice…I decided to do a series of one-shots that will take place from Naruto's baby days to his toddler days to tide you over until then. I will try to do so with each chapter going in alphabetical order like first one-shot would do with something that starts with A, the next one B…then so on and so forth. These will range from the cute to the sad so be prepared and I may do more than one 'chapter' for each letter. These will be completely at random times the first chapter may deal with when he's a baby then shoot up to when he's four and back and forth.
I'm keeping it brief, I know it lacks my usual detail but I'm sure some readers are thanking me for not overloading their mental mind's eye.
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own anything relating to Naruto or Death Note, if I did, I'd be one rich bitch.
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A is for ADHD
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If L was considerably younger and had different coloring he could be mistaken for Sabaku no Gaara, the 16 month old son of the Fourth Kazekage for all the sleep he was getting. I'm sorry, NOT getting. The raven sat tiredly on the couch in his usual criss cross applesauce manner, not even his 6 inch stack of sugar laced tea could keep him from blinking his eyes open from time to time. And the fact that he was even exhausted should be a red flag to those that had known him. The man could go months without so much as a wink of shut eye yet after a measly 8 months he couldn't be able to stand up even if he wanted to. Soft high pitched giggling could be heard nearby, the raven's eyes swiveling like polished marbles to the right where a little baby toddler could be seen, wearing a diaper and a powder blue onesie.
Pointy neon blonde spikes that looked like a miniature sun fuzzed over the tod's head, capped off by a cap that could match his outfit, a fishcake design smack dab in the center of it like a jewel in a crown. Naruto was currently chasing his orange shiny ball, a red star twinkling in the middle of it, on his hands and knees. It was May now, and the eight month old hellion had started to crawl. L hadn't had a time to sit down since. Babies, in L's mind, were completely irrational. What made them think that sticking their finger, or in Naruto's case, a kunai, into a socket was a good idea? Where he got that L still didn't know. Had he not been himself, he would have glared at the blonde babe but only settled for watching blankly as Naruto circled around the living room multiple times, never dizzying.
It was like this all the time. The child hardly slept and L knew there was some truth to babes having strange hours but this kid took what he could only call power naps before racing off again. L swears those black marks in the nursery are skid marks not dirt but no one listens to him. It didn't help his case that the child had the attention span of a gnat, now granted he knew that most children are like that but that combined with all this energy he had a suspicion the child suffered from ADHD. Naruto didn't have access to Kyuubi's chakra yet, at least not enough to cause this kind of behavior. When approaching Sarutobi on the subject the man just looked at him blankly, asking what on earth ADHD was. L dropped the subject after that. Apparently this place was more primitive than he thought. They could reattach limbs with what looked like magic but they had no idea what ADHD was. If it even existed, there had been controversy as to whether it was a real disease or not and before, L hadn't believed it to be real…that is until he met his surrogate son.
Folding his hands in his lap he let his eyes flicker away from Naruto for just a moment to the television, where Barney and the too cheerful to be real kids were singing that… goddamn… song. Right now he was thanking the Kamis that Naruto seemed to share his sentiment as the child hadn't paid a wick of attention to it. He had liked Sesame Street better, in fact it had been his favorite show…then cookie monster went veggie and shit got real. For a less than one year old his aim was splendid when it came to tossing his stuffed frog. L should know, as well as most of the household, they had been on the end of that furry, slobbered up monstrosity one time or another.
The living room was large yet quaint, the flooring and walls furnished with polished cherry wood with matching furniture which included a coffee table, two arm chairs and a couch. The TV stood in the corner of the room on a meek stand and the play pen was a few feet away from it, just next to the corner that led to another hallway. Behind the couch a few feet away was a closet which was partially opened, a faint glint glimmered from the treadmill Hizuren's civilian daughter-in-law used on occasion. There was a faint thumping noise followed by an angry war cry in the background and with a sigh, L got up and shuffled his way into the kitchen where Naruto was banging on the fridge with his pudgy hands, glaring at the offending white thing. He was a smart child, he knew food came out of there. Just not what he wanted.
If L wouldn't commit treason in doing so, he would have found a way to poison Jiraiya for giving a small infant ramen broth in a bottle. True he got a harsh lecture from several people saying the very salty liquid would mess with Naruto's still developing stomach but despite their claims the baby was quite fine with it. In fact, if L was pretty sure Naruto wanted more. The raven picked up the squawking blonde who could do no more than cry at this point as L carried him away from his prize. "You don't have any teeth yet…explain to me how you'd eat anything out of the fridge?" He looked at him, Naruto ignoring him in favor of testing his lung capacity.
L pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned as he walked into the living room once more, hoping the Sesame Street that was starting was a re-run and not that new crap. If so, he might have to buy a new TV for the Sarutobis at some point. He put Naruto in his play pen, ignoring his cries before going to close the closet door to shut it, his small spark of OCD kicking in when he spotted the treadmill. He blinked, looking at it, then looked back at the squawking Naruto then back at the machine. If L were the type to smirk evilly he would, or yell Eureka, he would. But no, this was L and all the young man did was smile mildly in realization.
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Sarutobi Hizuren sighed in exhaustion as he hobbled his way into the compound, his withered bones protesting the movement before the man removed his hat and placed it on a hook by the door. He was just in the process of focusing his arthritis riddled fingers on removing his Hokage robes when a loud giggle flowed through the air like a lovely music note. The old man smiled, ah youth, before pausing in his task and going to check on the little bundle that had turned their household upside down in the past few months. He put out his pipe before going into the living room where he could hear Naruto's laughter, because Nidaime knows he doesn't feel like listening to L list of random statistics relating to second hand smoke and deaths resulting from it…again. Sarutobi expected a lot of things for the baby to be doing, watching something on TV, L or someone playing with him or the baby just laughing at nothing in general but certainly not this. He didn't know whether to be angry or amused.
His surrogate grandson was currently crawling on the treadmill on the slowest speed possible in front of the TV, a stick that arched over his small body was taped to the baby's backside buttoned flap so that the other end dangled in front of him. Attached so said end, hanging from a short piece of ninja wire was a picture of a bowl of ramen, complete with little squiggly lines that pictured scent and little fishcakes dotting the yellow strings that were supposed to be noodles. Naruto scrunched up his face as he kept trying to go faster to reach the 'prize' only to go too fast and hit his head on the sternum of the machine, the little boy seeing stars. His little body rolling right off the treadmill as he blinked before yawning. Sarutobi sighed before taking a deep breath.
Behind the couch L was stretched out on his side, head balanced on the palm of his hand while the other held a cherry red sucker in his mouth. He took the candy out from his mouth and said a single word.