Well hello there i thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this

this is my first fanfiction so i would appreciate feed back (if you must flame go ahead ill just use it to bake Cookies(blue ones probably))

tell me what you think

Update as of chapter 7(for those who only read a chapter before deciding to read the fic) i know that the begging is much overused but it was the easiest to write at the time if i get enough time in my hectic schedule to rewrite i will if only to make it more appealing. mainly what im asking if for you to give my story a chance because it put my and my effort into writing these chapters so i would appreciate people making an attempt to read my story.

sorry about ranting(lol)

Percy POV:

Oh gods what am I going to do.


"its good to be home." I said as I looked out over half-blood hill into Camp Half-blood. I just got back from an easy quest by my standers. I'm Percy Jackson hero of Olympus, son of Poseidon, Greek god of the sea. Just last year I fought Kronos on Olympus and won. We are in a time of great peace which is odd for a demi-god. Most demi-gods die a most horrible death at a young age.

Today was the day I was gonna purpose to my girlfriend, and best friend Annabeth. I was on a quest to win her moms favor, Athena the goddess of wisdom doesn't like my father and by extension me. To win her favor I had to complete the twelve labors of Hercules. I was walking down the beach to find my girlfriend. Walking down the beach always helps calm my nerves. As I was walking I saw a gril with blond hair making out with a guy that looked suspicious like my half brother Max.

I hate Max, hes arrogant, stuck up, and a show-off. Ever since he went on one quest to kill a hydra him and his friend Sam have been regarded as heroes. Sam is a daughter of Zeus, and the half sister of Thalia Grace one of my best friends. Shes just as bad as Max. It seams everyone forgot us except Grover(the styer), Nico(son of Hades), and my brother Tyson(hes a cyclops)

I was cut out of my thinking when I herd a giggle from the girl. I would know that giggle anywhere it was Annabeth. And there she was making out with my half brother.

"I love you Max." said Annabeth. That was the last straw, I snapped.

"I see so this is what you do in you spare time. You back stabbing BITCH!" I screamed at her. She hastily got up off Max and turned to face me.

"This isn't what it looks like Percy." she said

"Ya sure" I said my voice dripping with sarcasm. "and to think I was gonna purpose. What ever I'm done with you." I said with all the anger I could muster. I turned and walked off before they could see the tears falling down my face.

Once again thank you this is quite an overused premise but i hope i can spice it up

If you wouldn't mind please R&R