A/N: Man, it's been a while since I've updated this. Sorry, I've had inspiration troubles. Dx

Gawd, Super Bowl today. Parents are so loud. All in CHINESE too. My god.

DISCLAIMER: No ownnn Vocaloid.

The young girl widened her teary eyes in great shock.

"Y-y-you're the D-Dream-Eating-" she stuttered, barely able to contain herself.

"Yes, young miss. I am indeed," the young boy calmly replied.

Miku only stared out at him.

"B-but I heard that y-you're like a monster!" she protested, now completely in fear.

"Ahh, those are all myths." His face morphed into one of utter anger and disbelief. "How dare those people try and besmirch my name... Truly unforgivable..." He quickly changed back into a calm mysterious boy before Miku could say anything. "I am afraid I am not a monster as your expectations set me as," he said with a chuckle.

Miku cocked her head to the right. Now she was more confused than anything.

Continuing on, the young boy held out his milky white cane by the handle. "So what about it? Are you willing to take up my offer?"

The young teallette widened her eyes again. "Wh-what? Y-you want to help me?"

A sly smile crossed his face.

"B-but wh-why me? Of all people? I-I mean we just met and all!" she screamed out, not caring that it was late and people would hear her.

He gave another chuckle. "Let me just say... I could sense something special within you. Something... powerful and yearning. I followed the feeling that led me to you, and I am not willing to let it go."

Miku could feel a blush creeping up on her cheeks. N-no, wh-what am I thinking? I just met him!

Hesitantly extending her hand out, she could feel herself grasping onto the cane with a very light grip. The grin on his face seemed to widen as she did.

"Excellent. I thank you for not rejecting my offer." He took her dainty hand and linked his pinky with hers.

Miku gasped. "Wh-what are you doing?"

He looked up with a light look on his face. "I am only swearing our deal with a shake of our pinkies. Is this not alright?"

She quickly shook her head. "N-no, no! It's fine! It's just that I haven't done this for a while." She sighed, a dreamy look in her eyes.

He gave another light chuckle. Miku began to see tints of pink at the edges of the sky. Morning was almost here. He glanced behind him with a regrettable look on his face.

"Ah, no, it is almost morning. I am afraid I have to take my leave." He let go of her hand and slowly walked away. He then turned around and tipped his hat at her. "I bid you farewell for now, young miss."

Miku was struck dumb. She watched him walk away until she remembered something.

"Wait!" she yelled out. He turned around again.

"Yes, young miss?"

"Do you have a name or anything I can call you?"

He gave a smile. "My real name is a secret, I'm afraid." He turned on his heel and looked over his shoulder. "But you may call me Len." With that, he walked away.

A/N: Hey, it's got a lighter tone this chapter. HOO WELL.