This takes place during Nowhere To Run. Reviews, constructive criticism and feedback are greatly appreciated. I know it's short but I already have a few chapters written, so I will try update every few days.

Clare's P.O.V

Anger was boiling inside of me as I ran out the door.

He's so despicable and ignorant and a complete idiot, I thought as I began listing off the terrible things about Jake, my new stepbrother.

Why did think it was okay to desperately throw himself at me, then after being rejected go and make out with my best friend?

And Ali, the hypocrite, she knows what it's like to be cheated on, yet here she is going around and being the other woman. This is the second time I found her kissing one of my boyfriends. She always asks why bad things happen to her, well it's because she does stupid things. But, should I forgive her? Do I even want to?

But most importantly, how did I begin this day with a full load of confidence and end it with nothing but anger?

I was contemplating these questions as I was exploring the forest, creating as great a distance between Jake and I as possible.

Suddenly, something caught onto my foot and I fell flat on my face, banging my head on a something shark.

"Clare?" I heard someone scream.


And then everything went black.

Eli's P.O.V

It was nine o'clock when I finally reached the party at Jake's cabin. I took a deep breath as I brought my bike to the door.

Yes a bike, because after crashing my car, my license was suspended and my beloved car was destroyed. My parents, with logical intensions, refused to let me unsuspended my license; let alone pay for another car. Yeah, crashing Morty wasn't one of my best ideas, but biking is getting me in better shape.

Anyways, I knock on the door and hear a high pitched shrill.

I groan internally, maybe I shouldn't have come. I think to myself.

Before I have time to change my mind and leave the door is opened, and reveals an extremely frightened Ali and Bianca.

"Calm down, it's just me." I began to say. "Maybe you two should lay off the horror movies."

"Oh Eli, thank God it's just you!" Ali says, letting me inside.

"Who else would it be, the Boogie Monster?" I question with a smirk. "So what's gotten you two into a fright? And where is everyone else?"

"There all looking for Clare," Ali states, and my heart stops beating. "She ran off after getting upset. We heard some freaky noises, so Jake and Drew went to go look for her, and Katie and Marisol are outside getting high."

Confused about the last piece of information, I shrug it off. "Why did she get upset?" I asked, concerned.

"Well… um…" Ali stuttered.

"She caught Bhandari and Martin lip locking, and took off. But who blames her, it was a bitch move for a best friend." Bianca says, in a tone that was intended to anger Ali.

Without knowing a response I decide to go out and search for her, I let Ali and Bianca know I'm leaving and begin to explore the forest.

Within fifteen minutes of searching I begin to get worried, and my mind begins taunting me.

What if she's hurt? What if someone kidnapped her? What if an animal attacked her?

I suddenly hear a branch snap loudly and my heart is filled with hope.

"Clare?" I call out, hoping to hear a reply.

Instead I find an unconscious Clare.