Author's Note: Hey, readers! Thank you so much for giving my story a chance! This is my very first time writing a story on Fanfiction and I'm a little nervous… Anyway, I'm aware that there are a few of these kinds of stories; I just wanted to try one. Please let me know what you think in the reviews! Flames will be used to warm my hot cocoa.

Summary: A lost little girl makes her way to Camp Half-Blood in between Battle of the Labyrinth and the Last Olympian. Find out who she is and why she seems so familiar to the gang.

Disclaimer: As much as it pains me to admit this, I don't own a single lick of Percy Jackson. (Except for a copy of all of the books. Tee-hee!)

The first thing Emma could think was that it was dark and she wanted Mommy and Daddy. Leaves crunched under her small, pink sandals as she ran. She wore a summer dress even though it was late fall—Emma was freezing.

The next thing her five-year-old mind processed was that she was in the woods, but there weren't any woods near her house. She was very far away from home. The branches of tall trees whipped her face when she ran, leaving stinging marks. They tangled in her curls, pulling it every which way. She heard gentle whispers from the trees and she became confused, but she kept running, tears flowing uninterruptedly down her face. Emma was scared.

When Emma came to a clearing, she noticed the familiar smell of strawberries. She had smelled that very scent every summer for her whole, short life. Daddy had always told Emma that if she was in the strawberry fields and couldn't remember how to get out, all she had to do was look for the big blue house with the eagle weather-vane. Emma wanted nothing more than to sit down and cry for her daddy, but she did as he had instructed her. She looked until she saw the porch light of the Big House. Emma ran eagerly towards the house. Once she was there, the horse-man—Mommy said his name was Chiron—would tell her what was going on and give her some cookies and put her to bed in her Daddy's cabin. She wanted to be in Daddy's cabin so badly.

Emma stumbled twice over the long grass that led up to the Big House, tears of relief filling her big, green eyes.

"Chiron," she cried as she knocked furiously. "Chiron, please open the door! It's Emma!" She was scared he wouldn't answer. "Please," she sobbed. Her little heart was full of desperation.

The door swung open. Emma was eye-level with a white stallion's legs…but when she looked up, a man was on top of the horse. No not on, he was a part of the horse. Chiron. His tail flicked lazily, showing off his pink tail curlers. Emma lurched forward and hugged the centaur's leg.

"Chiron, I'm scared! I can't find Mommy and Daddy anywhere! I losed them at home!" Her grammar wasn't as up to date as Chiron would have liked, but that was the least of his problems. He needed to know how this little girl knew who he was and how she got here. "They tol' me not to touch the big circle in the basement and I did and I'm sorry! Please don't tell Mommy! I jus' wanna go home!"

Chiron awkwardly patted the little girl's back. "There, there, child," he started off gently, knowing anything else would scare her. "Why don't you come inside; you look frozen. I'll make you some hot chocolate. Would you like that, um…," he trailed off, not knowing her name.

"Emma," she whispered. "You 'member, Chiron. My name's Emma. E-M-M-A." Emma spelled her name proudly.

"Of course," Chiron quickly amended. "Would you like some hot chocolate, Emma?"

Emma looked up at Chiron for the first time and nodded her little blonde head. "Yes, sir." Chiron gasped at her eyes. He swore he'd seen them before…they were unsettling. Nevertheless, he backed up and let the little girl in. She went straight to the kitchen like she'd been there a thousand times. Chiron looked out suspiciously into the dark forest for just a minute longer before shutting the door behind him and finding Emma. He'd call a meeting in the morning for Emma's placement.

Author's Note: Well? How was it? Please let me know! I need all the feedback I can get! Can you guess who Emma is? I tried not to end at a bad time… I'll update as quickly as I can! Thank you again for reading! Now…click that review button, please! That's it—that one right there! Good!