A/N: This is it! :)

Disclaimer: I don't own glee.

"Chris!" He huffed "Get back here! Today is a very important night for your Mom!"

"You cannot catch me!" He giggled and ran across the hallway, escaping from his dad's grasp.

"I bet I can!"

Next thing Christopher knew, he was being swooped up by his dad's arms. He tried to squirm out of his arms but his dad was just too strong for him.

"It's very important that you be on your best behaviour today. Okay, buddy?"

Christopher slowly nodded his head.

"Are you guys ready?" Rachel shouts, putting on her heels getting ready to leave.

"Yeah. Let's go!" Finn replies, giving her a quick kiss before leaving the apartment.

"Ew!" Christopher says, disgusted. "Daddy, girls have cooties!"

"I most certainly do not have cooties!" She purses her lips and leans to kiss his cheek.

"No!" He screams, frantically wiping his cheek.

Finn thinks he has the most perfect little family ever. He can't help but smile at the adorableness of Rachel and their son. That's right, their son. He can't believe that he and Rachel actually made him. He was perfect.

They came home that night, exhausted. She actually did it. She won her first Tony. And she's only twenty-five. Sure, Christopher had been an accident but he was meant to be. In fact, she and Finn have been closer than ever.

They were crawling into bed after the festivities of their night.

He strokes her hair as he look up at him.

"I'm so proud of you." He whispers.

She smiles and leans into his hands which had found it's way to her cheek.

"I love you." She says and she climbs on top of him. She brings her lips down to attack his. His hands reach the small of her back to pull her closer to him.

"I need to talk to you about something." She whispers while breaking the kiss.

"We can talk about it later." He groans and tries to regain contact with her lips.

"No." She pushes his hands away. "It's really important."

"It's just." She says as she grabs his hand and places it over her belly. "What do you think about having another baby?"

Finn chuckles. "I'll be happy to help." He brings his lips to her neck and starts sucking at her pulse point. He knows that it always makes her feel good.

"Mmm. Finn. But. Oh God. We are. Already. Ahead of. Schedule."

He stops sucking and looks up at her. "What?"

She giggles and smacks his arm. "You know what I mean."