Disclaimer: I own nothing!

This is something that popped into my head randomly, so lemme know what ya think!

Run. Got to move. Keep going.

Mikey. Don. Oh god, got to run.

The rain was pelting into his face making it hard to see. He already mistimed one jump because of it. It was only one step off, but still that was enough. As he had pushed off the building his left foot had slid over the edge. He made it across the gap, but just barely. His plastron slammed into this side of the building while his fingers scrapped the bricks trying to find purchase.

He's coming. How could he do that to Mikey and Don?

Mikey was first. He hadn't noticed the strangeness about his brother, he was just happy to have him back after so long. But Mikey was cut down before he could even grab his brother in a hug.

Can a turtle survive a fall that far? Oh Donnie, what has he done?

Donnie was next, too shocked to even move after watching Mikey drop. With a single kick he was airborne. It was like slow motion watching him float down over the side and out of sight.

I feel him closer.

He took off after Donnie went over the edge, which is why he's running now. How can he fight his brother, his best friend, his lover? But he will if he must. For Mikey, for Donnie and for what once was. Because if his brother is in there at all anymore he would want released. With that resolve his pace slowed without his notice.

It must be done.

A chain whipped out and coiled around his ankle, dragging him down. The rain made him slip and he crashed to the roof.

For love.

"Well, well. If it isn't the mighty fearless leader," Raph laughed. "Ya know Shredder said you'd be last. Also, that you'd be the one that would kill me… if you have the backbone to do it anyway." He stepped down from the ledge, letting the chain slink to the roof. "But I don't think ya do."

Leo sat up and removed the chain from his ankle as Raph paced forward. "What's wrong with you?" Leo bellowed.

"Wrong? Why dear brother, nothing's wrong. I've come to…" he cocked his head to the side. "See a new light," he finished, tasting the words as they left his mouth.

An animalistic roar left Leo as he picked himself up and charged forward. Katanas met sais, over and over. Leo was by far better, but his emotions were getting in the way. Raph was able to slip past his defenses more than once to draw blood.

Then it was over in an instance. Leo ducked under Raph's arm and landed a kick. Raph hit the roof hard, sliding into the ledge. Leo was on him before he could move, his katana poised right on his throat. The tip poking into the skin, just waiting to sink through.

I can't.

In his hesitation, Raph kicked Leo's feet out from under him. He landed heavy right next to Raph and all Raph had to do was roll over and plunge his sai into his neck.

Two brothers lay side by side. The one's face shocked and the others knowing. As Leo's eyes ghosted shut he heard Raph murmur, "I knew you couldn't do it."