Okay, so I've had this idea in my head a little bit before Halloween, I just never got around to writing it.

Rated M for language, future lemon (possibly just a lime) and blood

Pairings: Main Cleon, side Soriku, slight AkuRoku

Explanation! now this is for you people out there who know everything about vampires and are as accurate as heck! But in order for this story to progress and take place I had to take my own twist of a vampire and put in on Cloud. So here is a description about the vampires in my story- They can only drink blood, (or any food that is practically soaked in it like cake or something absorbent), they sleep during the day and are up and awake at night. The sun is tolerable but they really do not like being out in it unless absolutely necessary. They don't turn into bats and they don't sleep in coffins. and they are mated for life. If they actually fall in love, they know it, and they cannot fall in love or be with anyone else. (depressing i know, but it had to be done) And there are these special camera's in Halloween Town that are made specifically for vampires so they can get their pictures taken. There are also some vampires that are going to be called "Frail" vampires, and those are male vampires that can get pregnant since there is a serious lack of female vampires, so the males just adapted in that way. And Vampires can choose when they want to stop aging. (So can sorcerers, so Cloud looks 25 and Leon looks around 26) And i can't really think of anything else right now, but if I do I'll be sure to either update this description or just add it into the next chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not nor will I ever own Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy

October 31st: Halloween, part one.

"Roxas! Come on! You have school in thirty minutes!" Cloud called from the kitchen.

"Yeah yeah yeah! I know dad! I'm coming!" Roxas called from upstairs. He groggily rubbed his eyes and looked at himself in the mirror, 'another day of stupid high school.' He groaned.

"Roxas! Now!" Cloud's voice resonated from downstairs; getting more irritated by the minute that his son did not come down stairs and eat his breakfast.

"Geez I said I was coming!" Roxas yelled, adjusting his tie on his uniform.

"Then get down here!" Cloud yelled back.

"Ugh! Fine! I'm coming." He called down, giving one last look of approval before heading downstairs to eat. When he got down the stairs he noticed that his father was waiting impatiently by the table that had their breakfast on it. "Whoa dad, you really went all out." Roxas stared wide eyed at the plates of food on the table.

Cloud smiled and shrugged, "What? I can't cook you a hearty breakfast once in a while?"

Roxas slowly walked down the stairs, "What's the catch?" he eyed his father.

Cloud's look became serious, "You are to be home right when you get out of school. I don't want you hanging out with your friends tonight do you understand me?"

Roxas's mouth was agape, eyes filled with betrayal, "But dad! Last Halloween you said I could!" he pouted. "And Axel is having a Halloween party with the whole school!" the younger blonde cried.

"Roxas I'm sorry, but you know how I don't, nor have I ever, liked the idea of you being out on Halloween." Cloud glared, "I'm just trying to protect you, that's all." He folded his arms.

"Protect me from what?" Roxas yelled, "Being a teenager?" He forgot all about the nice breakfast his father had made him now, "I bet you went out on Halloween all the time when you were a teenager!" he raised his voice.

Cloud took in a deep breath, "Roxas, you need to calm down and grow up." Cloud scolded.

"How can I grow up when you never give me the chance to?" Roxas grabbed one of the ready plates from the table and walked out the door, but before he left, he said something that he knew would tick his dad off, "I bet daddy Leon would let me go out tonight!"

Cloud moved for his son, "Roxas wait!" Cloud yelled, but was too late as the door was slammed right into his face. Cloud took a deep breath 'Dammit!' He hated it whenever he would bring up Leon. Cloud hated his guts ever since he left both him and Roxas alone, taking their other son, Sora, with him. It just made his blood boil. The only thing that they had left of Leon and Sora were pictures of when Roxas and Sora were four years old, and the note that Leon left Cloud on his pillow the morning that he left with Sora.

The older blonde has reread it so many times that he had it memorized,


Sora started showing signs about a week ago. I wanted to know if they would start up or not so I took a chance of waiting a week. I gave you and Roxas a kiss before leaving with him. Once Sora's training is done, we will come back home, promise. Raise Roxas as a normal boy in this world.

Love you forever,


"Pft." Cloud scoffed, "Love me forever my ass." Cloud couldn't think about it for too long though, he would always start to cry when he thought about how much of Sora's life he has missed out on and the same thing with Leon missing out on Roxas's life. Cloud's mind wandered over to his other little boy that he hasn't seen since he was four years old, he missed out on his first spell book, first year at Halloween Town Elementary School, he practically missed Sora's first everything since he was four years old and it killed him inside. 'Great'. Cloud rubbed at his eyes, stopping the oncoming of tears. And no matter how much he hated Leon, he still was in love with him. Twelve years with no contact from him or Sora whatsoever and he still was in love with him. It was pure torture. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair before throwing out the food that Roxas didn't take with him to school, "One thing I hate the most about being a vampire. I'm mated for life." 'Even if Leon isn't.' Cloud could only hope that his brunette partner has been faithful all of these years.

"Hey dad." Sora whispered into the cauldron in his and his father's living room, replaying the events that he missed while he slept. He could see Cloud starting to cry and he knew that he was thinking about himself and Leon again.

"Dad?" Sora turned to Leon.

"Hm?" he hummed, grabbing two bowls of cereal and bringing them over to the table.

"When do you think we will be able to go back home?" Sora asked, sitting down at the table with his father, a solemn look on his face.

Leon ran a hand over his features. "Sora, this is your home okay? And your father and Roxas's home is in the human realm."

Sora let out a heavy sigh, "I thought a home was supposed to be with your family…" he mumbled. Leon was about to say something in a mutual agreement while still keeping his point when Sora started talking once more, "He's crying again you know?" he put his spoon in his bowl and slowly stirred the cereal that swam in his milk. He wished that Leon would cook him a breakfast like Cloud does for Roxas. But he wouldn't want his father to use his powers to make it taste good. He wanted just a homemade meal from Leon without the use of sorcery, even if it tasted shitty.

His father took in a big breath, "Yeah I know." Leon hated himself for leaving Cloud and Roxas behind. His husband and his other baby boy, but he couldn't just let Sora grow up not knowing who he really was and releasing his full potential as a sorcerer like himself. Leon was a skilled sorcerer and Sora was a sorcerer in training, currently attending classes to harness his skills at one of the main high schools in Halloween Town, his and Cloud's home town. He thanked Hyne whenever he found out that Roxas was normal. Cloud always wanted to be human and live a normal life in the human realm, like a normal family. But that was impossible due to their backgrounds, and that goal was even more unattainable once Sora started showing signs of sorcery.

"I miss Roxas." Sora said bluntly, ripping Leon from his thoughts. It was only natural for him to miss his twin. They were nearly inseparable when they were together as kids.

Leon choked up, coughing to hide back a hidden sob. He missed him too, so much. Leon almost wished that Sora was normal and a regular human. That way he would have been able to stay with the love of his life and raise his sons in a normal environment. Leon coughed again, "Sora, you need to get to school."

"Yeah…" Sora begrudgingly pushed back his seat and slung his messenger bag over his shoulder. Leon got up and walked him to the door, giving Sora a quick kiss on his forehead before he left to go to school. He watched his sixteen year old son leave the drive way and walk down the street, giving a faint wave back at his dad.

Leon waved back before retreating back inside to get changed for work, but stopped at the cauldron that Sora was watching Cloud in before they ate their breakfast. He looked over in it, a longing smile coming over his lips when he saw Cloud asleep. He never got to sleep much, with Cloud being a vampire and raising a son in the normal world, who in fact, was not nocturnal seemed to push Cloud to his limits.

He swept his hand over the magical liquid, watching it ripple as the scene changed from his sleeping husband to his rambunctious son in the human realm.

"So then he was all like, 'Noooo, I'm not letting you go out on Halloween' when after he promised me that I could go out with you guys last year!"

Leon sighed, if only he knew the Halloween that Cloud and himself grew up with, then he would never want to go out on this night. Roxas was walking with a tall red head, and two girls a little shorter than him, one with long blonde hair and the other with short black hair. 'Axel, Namine and Xion.' Leon thought to himself. Throughout the years they have been really good friends with his son and had treated him well. He was so glad. Roxas never really had any friends in elementary school except for Namine, but once in middle school, that's where he met Axel and Xion. And to Leon's great pleasure, they followed each other into high school. He always kept an eye on his family in the human realm whenever he had the chance. Cloud, Roxas and Sora were Leon's main priorities, always. No matter what Cloud thought about him.

He chuckled as the red head stole some bacon off of his son's plate. 'He better bring that plate back home', Leon mentally scolded Roxas in his head. Cloud worked hard for cooking Roxas what looked like a normal meal, even when Cloud never ate human food in his life. The only time he ate it was at their wedding when Leon insisted for Cloud to try a piece of their wedding cake that wasn't soaked in blood, a.k.a. Leon's side, which did not go over very well with Cloud's stomach. But he knew that his husband could cook.

"Dude! Your dad is an amazing cook!" Axel drooled. "It's like my mouth is having an orgasm!"

'Point proven.' Leon smirked. Though he didn't like the thought of anything related to Cloud and the word orgasm being used in the same sentence, unless it was Leon that was causing said orgasm. His facial features calmed and formed into a graceful smile as he swept his hand over the cauldron again to see Cloud asleep on the couch. All the lights were out; even the blinds were pulled closed for Cloud to get a good day's sleep. The brunette placed his right index finger over where the blanket was placed on the side of the couch, moving it forward to lay it over Cloud's sleeping body. The blonde male made a noise of contentment as he turned around on the couch and curled the blankets closer to his chest.

Leon looked once again at his husband's dormant body, curling up even more into the cushions of the couch, hopefully dreaming of good events to sleep the day away until Roxas got home. Leon ran his fingers over the image of Cloud's face, wishing more than anything that he could touch his husband again and pick him up to bring him to bed. "Good day Cloud." He whispered, before going upstairs to get dressed for work.

(later that night)

"Trick or Treat!" the kids screamed at the door, holding out pillow cases and plastic pumpkin heads out for candy as it was opened by a depressed looking teenager.

Roxas had the bowl of candy ready in hand as he gave each kid two pieces of random candy that was mixed up in his bowl.

"Thank you!" they shouted as they ran off down the street to the next house with their porch light on. Roxas sighed and turned back inside, feeling an immense amount of jealousy at those six years olds that got to go trick or treating around the neighborhood at night. He wasn't even that jealous that all of his friends got to go to the party. Those kids were living out all of his missed childhood Halloweens. He was insanely jealous as he placed the bowl on the stool next to the door. Sixteen years old, and he has never once gone out trick-or-treating. "You know dad, I would at least like to be able to go trick-or-treating like all of the other kids." He mumbled, walking over to the couch to sulk in his misery.

Cloud overheard him from the kitchen where he was making their dinner. "Roxas, you have a whole bowl of candy in front of you. Eat some of that." Cloud suggested.

Roxas grunted and forced his legs to move into the kitchen to see his dad getting ready to plate his dinner. Cloud was always jumpy around Halloween, Roxas could tell just by his father's body language and he always wondered why, but his emotions and pent up pissed-off mood made him want to complain more. The door bell rang again.

"Ugh! Daaaad!" he whined, "You are the one that bought the candy. Why can't you be the one to serve it?" he pouted turning for the door.

Cloud chuckled, "It's to teach you to be nicer to children. Now hurry up with the candy so we can both watch our movies." He said, bringing Roxas's dinner into the living room. Cloud hardly ever let Roxas eat in the living room, but on nights like this, where they would have their movie marathons, Cloud made an exception.

Roxas perked up at the sound of that, but he was still pissed at his dad so he tried to not show his excitement about participating in their family tradition. And no matter how much Roxas wanted to go to Axel's party, he would have really missed out on the annual scary movie marathon with his dad. He tried to sound annoyed as he turned off the front porch light, "Oh alright." He turned and grabbed his dinner plate from his father and went to sit down in front of the drawer that contained their scary movies. Cloud sat down on the couch waiting for his son, while watching some cheap scary movie on cable.

"Hm," Roxas thought it over, looking through the numerous selections that they had available. "Hey dad?" he called over his shoulder.

"Yeah?" Cloud answered looking over to his son who was shoving a spoonful of his dinner into his mouth.

"Which one do you want to watch?" he turned back to the various array of DVD's that collaged the floor in front of him. He was engrossed in the titles when he felt a body sit next to him. Cloud reached over and looked at the different films while Roxas finished his dinner. "Roxas, please take your time while eating." Cloud looked up from the DVD's. "I have a whole pot filled with more of that in the kitchen when you want more. It isn't going anywhere." He chuckled.

Roxas let out a sigh and got up while his dad continued looking through the movies. "Dad? Do you want me to fix you a plate?" Roxas called from the stove.

Cloud turned around, currently debating over the two movies in his hands, "Oh um, I already ate dinner Rox." He said, turning his attention back to the movies.

"You know, sometimes I might actually want to eat dinner with my dad instead of him always eating before or after me. Come to think of it I don't ever remember a time where you and I ate dinner together." Roxas's voice dropped.

Cloud's eyes softened, he actually never thought of that. He never ate with Roxas, or even Sora for that matter. Leon was always the one to eat their baby food and show them that it 'tasted good'. "Alright, you know what Rox?" Cloud said getting up and walking over toward his son. "I promise that you and I will go out to eat dinner as soon as possible okay?" Cloud put his hand on his son's shoulder.

Roxas slowly looked up at him, "Dad, you promised that I could go out with my friends tonight. And look how that turned out." His gaze lowered.

"Hey," Cloud said, bending his knees to reach his son's height. "I pinky swear. Okay?" he said with a serious look in his eyes. He reached down and grabbed Roxas's pinky and curled it around his own. "Pinky swear." He repeated.

Roxas couldn't help but sheepishly smile at the way his dad was promising him something like he used to do when he was a little kid. "I love you. Now go pick out a movie from those two that I already narrowed it down too."

Roxas beamed up at him, "Kay!" he cheered. "Wait…but I'm still hungry!"

Sora was looking in the cauldron again. He always did that after school. Leon swore that he spent more time watching Cloud and Roxas than he did watching TV. Leon had just finished ordering pizza when he noticed how depressed Sora was looking.

"Hey Sora." Leon said, moving over toward his son.

"Hey." he dryly replied.

"Weren't you going to hang out with Riku tonight?" Leon asked, trying to lighten up his son's mood.

"No…well I was, but then he had to cancel. Apparently being a shape shifter takes a lot of after school practice."

"Oh I see." He said putting his arm around Sora's shoulders.

Sora bit the inside of his lip. He was really worried about his fathers' relationship together. Leon wasn't there when Sora heard Cloud talk to Roxas about getting a divorce a week ago. But the scary part was that Roxas approved. He said that if his dad (Leon) didn't care enough about them to even write a letter in twelve years then they should just sever all ties with him.

They watched as Cloud and Roxas curled up together on the couch and started watching a movie.

"You alright?" Leon spoke in a soft voice.

Of course he wasn't alright. He was the only one that knew what Cloud was planning. Sora let out a big sigh, "Dad…Cloud wants to divorce you." He rushed. He felt his father tense up beside him.

"What? What are you talking about? How do you know?" he asked concerned.

"Daddy Cloud was talking about it a week ago to Roxas. And Roxas said that since you don't care enough to even write a letter, that he should just sever all ties with you…with us."

Leon let go of his son and grabbed his jacket. "Are you sure? You're positive?"

"Well yeah, but I don't know if he is actually going to go through with it!" Sora called after his dad.

"Sora get on your jacket. We are taking a trip."

"What? So now that your marriage is in danger you want to go visit them? And not the reason that your own son's desire to see his brother and dad again has been plaguing him for twelve years?"

Leon turned around flustered, "Sora, that had to be done okay? Cloud would never have let you come to live here and learn how to harness your full power even after he found out alright? You have to understand that. And…" Leon looked down at the floor, "Roxas was never supposed to know about any of this. He still doesn't know that your father is a vampire. Or that you and I live in Halloween Town. This is the only place where people like us are accepted Sora. God he probably thinks that he's adopted or something. Shit!" Leon cursed. Roxas knew he had two dads but he didn't know that Cloud was actually the one that had them. Sora on the other hand had the whole situation explained to him by his father when he was fourteen. It all made since once you understood Cloud's situation at that time. Either Roxas thinks he is adopted, or Cloud got some chick pregnant and then married Leon since they looked so much alike.

"But dad why couldn't we just go visit them?"

Leon ran his hand down his face and grabbed his wallet, "What? Just randomly show up throughout Roxas's life with you and then leave the next day? First of all, that would tear him up, and second, if Cloud ever got his hands on you again he would have never let me take you to Halloween Town to raise." He glared. "Sora I love you with all my heart, that's why I took you here okay? It was to be around people who understand you and to not live in fear in the human world."

"But then how can Cloud do that?" Sora asked, following his father outside.

Leon paused, now that he thought about it, Cloud's life in the human realm is a lot less scary than the one that he was living in Halloween Town when they were teenagers. That's probably why he never was afraid in the human world; it was an escape for him to start a new life as a normal person. Or as normal as he ever could be. But hopefully he would never have to tell Sora about Cloud and his past in Halloween Town. It was not a pretty one in the least. "He just can Sora." That seemed like a good enough answer for him right now. "And he has Roxas to take care of. Roxas is living out Cloud's dream of being normal." Leon's eyes lowered. "That's all your father ever wanted, was to just be normal." He grabbed Sora's hand as they made their way to the portal station to take them to the human world. They would just have to eat their pizza cold.

Cloud smiled as he combed his fingers through Roxas's hair. His young boy fell asleep on his chest hours ago while watching the second Jeepers Creepers movie. And Cloud was thankful, because right after Roxas fell asleep Cloud laid him up against the pillows and silently went down the stairs to the basement to get a bag of chilled blood out of the locked freezer. He quickly sank his teeth into the plastic as his fangs indulged in the coppery substance. Cloud licked his lips once the bag was bone dry, not leaving one drop of blood to spare. Cloud locked up the freezer again and threw away the bag in the trashcan that he kept down stairs. Almost every time he finished a meal, he would remember the taste of his favorite blood of all time; Leon's. The first time Cloud tried it his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he couldn't get enough. The taste and smell of Leon's blood was intoxicating, even just the smell and taste of Leon in general. Thinking about that Cloud punched the wall in anger. He hated him. He tried to calm down though so he could go upstairs and put Roxas back in the position that he fell asleep in before Cloud carried him to bed. The older blonde went up the stairs and moved Roxas back on his chest as he continued to watch the rest of the third movie that he put in the DVD player. They were into the second half of the third film when Cloud heard insane knocking at his door.

His senses went up immediately. It was twelve forty-five in the morning. Who on earth would be knocking? Unless it was some insane trick formed by some teenagers. He gently laid down Roxas on the couch and pulled a blanket over him while walking over to the door. He looked through the peep hole but saw nothing. He went over to the window and barely lifted open a blind, he saw two figures standing there. But it was so dark out and Cloud's porch light was off so he couldn't see who it was.

The intense knocking happened again, this time Roxas stirred from his sleep and looked up. "Dad? Who the hell is knocking this late?" he asked.

"I'm not sure Roxas." He glared out at the unknown figures. He went up to the door again, and this time he smelled something familiar. It was some cologne mixed with something that he couldn't quite place that burned his nose in a pleasant way. "Roxas stay on the couch okay?"

Roxas sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to be fully awake. "Mhmm." He groaned.

Cloud slowly undid the chain on the front door and unlocked the deadbolt. He opened the door, the moonlight hitting his features and his guests. "Oh my God."

There in the moonlight was Leon, his features hardened, but his eyes had a since of betrayal. Cloud looked at him for a split second until he saw a teenager behind him. Cloud opened up the door even more, and pushed passed his so called husband. The older brunette scowled at him. 'Gee act like I'm not even here!' Although once Leon thought about it, Cloud did have a right to act like that.

"Sora?" he whispered, barely audible, as he walked up to the teenager.

Sora stared up blankly at his dad who he hasn't physically seen in forever. He let out a shy smile.

"Oh God Sora." He took the boy into his arms and picked him up.

"Wh-whoah! Dad please put me down!" Sora wailed.

Cloud just hugged him tighter, tears wetting Sora's jacket. He was sobbing into his shoulder. "Oh God…I'm never going to let you go." Cloud clenched his eyes shut, choking on sobs, his hand resting in Sora's hereditary spikes. "I missed you so much you have no idea."

"Dad…" Sora's voice was lowered as he patted his father's head. He slowly turned to Leon, who's facial expression was hurt.

"Cloud?" Leon spoke up, turning his heartbroken face toward his husband.

"Um excuse me?" A voice said from inside. "Who the hell are you?" Roxas said as he looked at the back of the man's head in the door way. "And where the hell is my dad?" he yelled going outside and pushing past the man in the jacket. Roxas then saw that his dad let down a teenage boy about his height, "Dad? Who is…" Roxas went silent as he stared back into identical eyes and face, only a shade or two darker than his own. "Sora?" he choked out. He wasn't entirely sure, but his twin senses were going haywire. This would sure be embarrassing if it didn't turn out to be him though.

"Roxas." Sora grinned over at his twin. This time Sora was the one that grabbed Roxas and squeezed the life out of him.

"Sora." Came Leon's voice from the front steps and started walking over toward his family that he hasn't touched in years. He put his hand on Sora's shoulder, signaling for him to let his brother go. Sora looked up at his dad and smiled while letting go of his brother. Roxas looked up at the somewhat familiar man on his lawn. He turned toward Cloud, "Dad? Who is he?" Roxas inclined his head toward the taller brunette. Oh man if words were knives Leon's heart would have been mutilated. Not having his own son recognize him was an awful feeling. But then again, he couldn't blame him either. The only memories Roxas has of Leon are the pictures in old photo albums that the younger blonde hardly ever looked at anymore or the pictures on the wall that he never really paid any attention to. Special camera's had to take family photos to capture Cloud due to his condition. Those camera's were the only purchases that Cloud ever had still in his possession from Halloween Town, so he would be able to see himself with his family.

Cloud walked over to Roxas and put both of his hands on his son's shoulders. Sora just looked confused. How could Roxas not know who his own dad was? Until he actually remembered that he has been the one living with Leon looking upon his father and brother through out the years. It was a miracle at all that Cloud could recognize Sora. But if he took a guess it was probably because Cloud recognized his smell or just the fact that there was a sixteen year old that looked like both Leon and himself standing on his front lawn.

"This is your sorry excuse for a father." Cloud hissed over at Leon.

Sora's blood boiled at that statement. He almost spoke out too when Leon beat him to it. "Nice to see you too Cloud." God he was beautiful, even when he was pissed off and wanted to rip his head off. Cloud still carried the same beauty and was still the same vampire that he fell in love with as a teenager.

"Why are you here?" Cloud seethed between his teeth.

"Yeah." Roxas huffed. "Why now of all times are you here?" he approached him cautiously. It was like meeting a stranger almost. Leon looked longingly at Roxas and then back to Cloud. "Cloud…can I-"

"Go ahead. This is one of those situations where I actually know how you feel." He spat.

Leon looked hesitantly down at his blonde son that so much resembled his husband. Roxas looked uneasy as he looked at his other father. Leon knelt down and smiled at Roxas, who in turn had a semi uncomfortable expression on his face. "Hey Roxas." He slowly tucked back a strand of soft blond hair behind his ear. He was still silent.

"Roxas." Came Cloud's stern voice.

"Huh?" he turned toward him.

Cloud looked away, "Be polite."

"Oh um." He looked back to his brunette father, "Hey…dad." He nervously chuckled.

Leon let out a small smile and wrapped him in a strong comforting hug. Roxas was surprised at how safe and warm he felt. It was nice. The smaller blonde slowly gave into the hug and brought his arms up around his father's back, making Leon burry his head into his shoulder. Roxas felt wracking of the elders body in his arms, "Uh dad?" he said skeptically, still getting used to the idea that this was indeed his father, "Are you…crying?" he said softly.

Cloud made a grunting noise in the back of his throat out of concern. Not counting the twelve years that he hasn't seen him, Cloud has only seen Leon cry twice. Once was at their wedding out of happiness…Cloud hoped it was out of happiness anyway. And the other time was when Sora and Roxas were born.

Leon reluctantly pulled back to see his son's unsure eyes, "Oh God I've missed you so much." Leon whispered.

Roxas was weary before speaking up, "Then why did you leave?" his voice was barely above a whisper, though everyone heard it.

Cloud stepped in between them, putting a protective hand on Roxas's shoulder. "Squall." He said sternly.

Leon reached back to his full height, a guarded look over his features.

"We need to talk."

Leon looked down at Sora with a skeptical look on his face.

"Come on in." Cloud deadpanned, gently grabbing Sora's hand in his and walking toward the door.

Leon took up the rear, following his family into his old home.

"Woah!" Sora gaped, seeing his old house again in person. "I haven't been here in forever!" he beamed.

"Roxas." Cloud called, "go upstairs with Sora and catch up. I need to talk to your father."

Roxas slowly nodded as he walked up the stairs with Sora. He pitied Leon. He knew Cloud's moods like the back of his hand, and he would not want to be in Leon's position right now.

Cloud waited until he heard Roxas's door shut before turning around to his husband and punching him square in the stomach.

"What the hell are you doing here Squall?" he snapped.

Leon caught himself on the wall and clutched his stomach. He grunted in pain, he forgot just how strong vampires were. Especially the strength of the pissed off vampire that is his husband.

"Ng, Sora said that you wanted a divorce?" Leon winced out. Damn that punch really knocked the air out of him.

Cloud's eyes went wide, "What?" he went over to Leon, trying to seem bigger than his partner, "How the hell did he know?" Cloud glared. "Have you been spying on me this whole time?"

Leon stood up straight, mumbling a healing spell to make his stomach not hurt as much. Leon didn't really know how to tell Cloud that Sora and himself have been watching them all these years. He took a big breath, "We watch over you guys Cloud," he started, "We have a cauldron in the living room that shows you both. We check up on you guys every single day, so don't try to act like I don't give a shit about you or Roxas." He said sternly, "And one day last week Sora overheard you talking to Roxas about wanting to get a divorce."

Cloud's mouth was agape. All of these years and Leon and Sora could see them and check up on them, but himself and Roxas were left guessing as to what happened to their family? "You are so fucking selfish!" Cloud yelled. He raised his fist again; about to smash Leon's face in until he saw a flicker of fear in Leon's eyes. He made the quick decision to punch the wall instead, pulling back slightly bloody knuckles. "I hate you! I fucking hate you!" he screamed, with angry hot tears rising in his eyes, making his vision blurry, "I fucking hate you…" he fell to the ground sobbing in anger, snarling into his hands that covered up his face.

"I hate you." He repeated over and over again. Leon looked down at him, the blonde that he loved so much with all of his heart. In all honesty, he didn't know what to do to comfort his husbands defeated form.

Cloud was hunched over, his face mere inches away from the floor, still shaking and repeating how much he hated Leon.

The brunette kneeled down slowly, hesitantly reaching out to touch Cloud's shoulder. Leon felt Cloud tense as his hand came into contact with his body. He soothingly massaged one of his shoulders, still afraid to touch him anywhere else to comfort him. It surprised him greatly when his blonde angel threw himself into his chest. Leon's breath hitched at the sudden contact from the man who didn't even want to touch him unless it involved severe pain.

Leon brought up his hands and started stroking the blondes head, resting his cheek in Clouds feathery locks.

He heard words resonating from the blond again, his shaking form still clinging to Leon's chest. "What was that?" Leon asked softly in Cloud's ear, trying to comfort him as much as possible, even if the blonde hated him.

"I love you so much." Cloud sobbed out into Leon's shirt, "I love you so fucking much."

Leon shut his eyes and took in a deep breath. Oh God how he wanted to hear those words come from Cloud's lips for so long now. He buried his face even further into Cloud's hair. "God I love you too Cloud." He was letting out shaky breaths.

Cloud unwillingly pulled back away from Leon's chest and looked him in the eyes. "But I hate you so fucking much." He growled out, eyes blood shot from crying so hard.

"I know." Leon nodded, "But Cloud I had to do it." He went back to massaging Cloud's shoulders, who in turn seemed to tense up again at the touch. "Cloud you and I both know that I had to take him. We had to leave." He said soothingly.

"No you didn't" Cloud pathetically hit Leon's chest. "We could have figured something out. We could have at least discussed it first!" Cloud let out the stray tears that didn't escape before. "You took one of my babies away from me Leon. I didn't even get to have a chance to kiss him good bye…or anything." He whimpered. He could feel the anger already rising in his chest again.

"I know." He moved one of his hands around Cloud's neck, "And I'm so deeply sorry for that. I just…didn't know what to do." He gently pushed Cloud's head up against his own to where their foreheads were touching. "So…are you going to do it?" Leon asked hesitantly.

Cloud let out a big sigh, "I don't know Leon." He looked into those stormy eyes, "I will always love you…and I'm not just saying that because I'm mated to you for life…even if you aren't mated to me, but…" He shut his eyes and turned his head, "I missed out on twelve years of my kid's life. Twelve years that as a parent I will never get back."

Leon laid Cloud's head down on his shoulder and stroked his back, because he didn't know what else to do. He wanted to make it up to him somehow but he didn't know how.

"And I'm still pissed." Cloud growled out.

"Well Cloud…" he hesitated. He didn't want to say what was about to come out of his mouth. "If what you want is a divorce…then I can do nothing but just accept that your decision to do so is one that will make you happy." God he just wanted to kill himself by practically handing over his marriage like that. But Cloud's happiness came first compared to his own, and if this was something that the blonde wanted to go through with, then Leon would never find another person to love again. He wouldn't know what to do with himself. He only left to raise their son, not to leave Cloud. He cared about his kids and Cloud more than anything in the world.

"I don't want this Leon…but I feel like it's the only decision right now."

"Well, we'll leave first thing in the morning then." Leon said.

Cloud pulled back away from him, "You'll what?" he yelled.

Leon pulled back, "Cloud, Sora has a life in Halloween Town. And he still has to go to school. All of his friends are there, all of the life that he is used to."

Cloud pushed himself away from him, "I can't believe you even want to suggest that right now! I can't even believe that I'm fucking married to you! Even worse I'm mated to you! Damn it all!"

"Cloud! Look at the one who is being selfish now huh? You aren't letting Sora grow by acting like this! Nor are you letting Roxas grow! Especially Roxas!"

"So what's this now? All of a sudden you are the perfect father?" he snarled.

"I never said that! But you are so protective over our son that you aren't even letting Roxas have a life!"

"It's just on fucking Halloween Leon! Even you should remember how our Halloweens were! I don't want him to EVER live like that!"

"Dad…?" Came both Roxas's and Sora's voice from upstairs. Both of their fathers turned around suddenly at the unexpected company.

"Sora, come on. We're leaving." He glared over at Cloud.

"But-I just got here! And I didn't even get to spend time with dad yet!" He motioned toward Cloud.

"Sora I don't care." Leon turned his whole body toward Cloud, "You know what? I never really realized how lucky I was to not be a vampire until right now Cloud." He chuckled sarcastically. "I can actually see myself in the mirror and I can actually fall in love, get remarried, and fuck someone else in my lifetime, no matter how long I live!"

"What?" Came Roxas's soft whisper, "What...did you just call him?" He quickly moved behind Sora, who was trying to shield him from their parent's rage.

"Oh shit." Leon quickly turned to Roxas, then back to Cloud's hurt face. This was probably one the most hurtful things Leon could ever do to Cloud was expose himself to his son whom he wanted nothing more than to just live a normal life. "Cloud, I'm so sorry." Leon panicked.

Cloud turned away now, not even trying to hide the fact that he was letting loose tears fall in front of his sons and his sorry excuse for a husband. "Get out." Cloud gritted out through his teeth.

Leon frantically shook his head in small movements, "I-I didn't mean to-"

"Get out!" Cloud roared. "I never want to see your fucking face EVER again!"

"Dad…" Sora murmured. He silently looked to Cloud, his eyes spelling out volumes.

"Sora I want you to stay here more than anything." Cloud shook his head, "But…" Cloud's fists clenched opened and closed again with rage, "I -"

"Sora, I said come down here!" Leon bellowed.

Sora gave Roxas a longing look, holding his hand until his hand slipped out of Roxas's desperate grasp. "I'll…be waiting outside." Sora whispered.

"Sora wait!" Roxas called from the top of the stairs, but he was too petrified to move. His parents that have just now been reunited were screaming at each other, quite violently at that, and his brother he could tell did not want to leave. Roxas wanted to go after him, but he was too scared to be caught in the cross fire between his parents, whom the one that he has been living with and considered his 'real' dad for raising him was just accused of being a vampire.

"Sorry Rox…it was nice catching up with you some." He turned out the door.

"Sora…" Cloud choked out. For the second time in his life his baby was being ripped out from his grasp, though this time he had no real control over this situation whatsoever.

Leon gave one last loving look at Roxas before pushing past Cloud's shoulder, not even giving him the satisfaction of a departing glare, he shut the door behind him.

"Dad." Roxas whimpered. "Are you...are you really a-"

"Just go to sleep Roxas." Cloud covered his face with his hands. Tonight could not get any worse. What Leon said to him broke his heart, how he can fall in love with someone else, and Cloud would be stuck in love with him forever. Cloud physically and emotionally could not fall in love with anyone besides Leon, which was a proven fact in the vampire community. Roxas let out a big sigh, he wanted to argue and get answers about the vampire comment, but let it go before turning back up the stairs to head to his room that was minutes ago occupied by him and his brother. He touched the spot that Sora sat in while they talked, trying not to, but failing at listening to their parents' argument downstairs. He also really wanted to try to get to the bottom of his fathers relationship with his other 'dad'. He let out a grumbling sigh and walked over to his window, looking out through the glass that trapped him in from the outside world covered in darkness. From below he saw his father and brother leaving the driveway walking down the cemented sidewalk. Leon was comforting Sora who was crying in the sleeve of his jacket. They kept walking away.

Roxas sucked in a breath. He had two decisions to make. He put his hands on the window and lifted up the think glass to let in the fresh air, breaking the barrier between him and his long lost family. He swung his legs outside, measuring the distance between the ground and his window. He almost pushed himself off, but then his breath got caught in his throat when he thought of how heart broken his dad would be. He raised him his whole life, always looking out for him. Cloud was the best dad that anyone could ever ask for…but. Roxas looked down at his retreating family. He didn't want his family to fall apart anymore than it already was. If anything, he would try his hardest to fix it.

Grabbing one of the stray vines from outside of his window he slowly guided himself down to the ground, brushing off his shirt as he landed. He snuck on the ground, trying to keep his dad and brother in sight, when he was just out of eye shot of his house, he turned toward it, sticking out his index finger, pinky and thumb, bending down the middle and ring finger of his hand, forming the 'I love you' symbol to his dad that was inside of the house, even though his father couldn't see it.

He returned his full attention back onto the people he was tracking in front of him and paused whenever they stopped at the end of the sidewalk. He saw Leon stick out his hand and mutter something, opening up some type of portal within seconds. Roxas was awe struck. 'Just what the hell is going on here?' he gaped. How the hell was this even possible? He almost screamed out to not go in when Sora took the first step, followed by his father. They were gone and out of his sight. He quickly forced his legs to move up to the mouth of the purple and black swirling image in front of him. He was afraid of what was going to be on the other side, but the thought of finding his family gave him the will power to command his legs to carefully step inside the unfamiliar space. He sucked in a breath, he almost wanted to call out to his dad or Sora, or to anyone to come and show him where they went. He took some cautious steps forward, his arms encircling his waist. "Dad?" he whispered out into the nothingness. "Dad? Sora where are you-oof!" Roxas yelped in surprise as he was sucked into a wirl pool of swirling dark colors. "Ah!" Roxas yelled, "Ow!" he furiously rubbed his head from where he hit it. Of course there was nothing in the spiraling portal type place to hit his head on anyway, so where…? Roxas falteringly blinked open his eyes. This was…a town? He questioned. He continued to rub the sore spot on his head as he slowly got up and looked around. At the first sight he saw he almost yelled out for help. There were headless people, ghosts, wolfmen, even some witches flying through the streets. "Where the hell am I?" He cautiously turned his head from side to side until he spotted a tuff of brown spiky hair, 'Sora!' he ran forward, until he almost ran into the pole that was right in front of him. Inclining his neck, he took in the ancient gothic architecture of the rusted iron poles that formed a bridge of stringy looking cursive writing at the top that spelled out,

"Welcome to Halloween Town?"

A lot will come together and make sense in the next chapter, because most of it is going to be flashbacks. And the flash backs are the main ideas of how this fic started in my head.

And also, when I reread this it kind of reminded me a lot of the movie Halloween Town. Which it might have a slight spin on that movie once it goes along, but that was not my intention when it started. So if there are some scenes that are kind of familiar, then that is probably where I got some of my inspiration for them.

Please Read and Review. I really want to know how this fic is starting out. ^^ geez I'm always so nervous when I start new fanfictions! and please no flames. those really don't make my day. :/