Cindy found it offensive that the weather deigned to be so bright and sunny when the state of the world was clearly a thundering mess. She was sitting in her room with a stack of books practically as tall as she was. It was time for AP tests and finals.

"The most wonderful time of the year!" she said aloud to herself with superfluous sarcasm as she reread the same passage in her textbook for the trillionth time. She finally decided to give it a rest for an hour or so. It was Saturday after all.

She broke out her phone, and after enjoying a good mindless scroll on Facebook, she called Libby.

"Hey!" the familiar voice answered.

"Hey. What are you up to?" Cindy asked as she plopped on her bed.

"Nothing right now," Libby answered with a yawn. She had probably just woken up. Cindy reminded herself that most people her age probably didn't wake up at 7 on the weekends to study. "I'm headed over to Sheen's later to take advantage of his pool, though. It's so nice out! Winter lasted waaaay too long this year. How about you?"

"Oh, you know. The Vortex vortex. I'm locked in my room, studying, wishing to be literally anywhere else." Cindy sighed as she glanced at her books.

"Well, you could come to Sheen's with me later."

"As much fun as third-wheeling sounds, I think I'll take my chances with AP Bio."

"You won't be third-wheeling! Sheen said Carl's probably coming anyway." Libby entreated.

"Carl. Just Carl? Or will…" Cindy trailed off. Libby sighed.

"Yes, your highness, the drama queen. Jimmy has also been invited to this event."

"Hey! I have been way better about this lately!" Cindy defended.

"Yes, yes."

"I just like to be warned, is all!"

"Sure. So do you want to come?"

Cindy paused. After glancing between her books and the bright, sunny, sky out her window for a few seconds, she responded.

"No, I should really study."

"CINDY!" Libby exclaimed in exasperation.

"Okay, okay. When are you guys going?"

"Yay! We're going at 2. See you there!"

Cindy hung up the phone, defeated once again by Libby's persuasion. It was the studying that was bothering her anyway. She should be relieved for a break. As she sat down at her desk she looked out her window across the street to the little shed where she was sure he was. She assured herself again, all she needed was a break.


Jimmy sat in his lab on a sunny Saturday, doing a few regular tune-ups on some of the more complex machinery in the lab.

It had been a month. If you counted a month as thirty days, it had been exactly a month and three days. That would make it four weeks and five days. 33 days. Jimmy continued to calculate down to the seconds exactly how long it had been since he had so foolishly decided to confess he had stupid feelings, only for them to be stomped on by an emotionless robot.

Jimmy knew thinking that was a bit unfair to Cindy, but he certainly had the right to mope. Sure, they'd been a bit more cordial as of late, but that didn't make it any less difficult every time he saw her. To make it worse, he had just found a scarf of hers she must have forgotten in the couch cushion. It smelled like her and he hated it. So, naturally, he was wearing it as he worked on mechanical maintenance.

Jimmy would have given anything just to talk to her. Just her. And back the way it used to be, before everything was terrible. He imagined, for what was probably the three-hundredth time, Cindy plopping into the lab and immediately throwing a playful insult at him. He would, of course, come up with some witty retort before they sat together on the couch, their knees touching. As Cindy would flip on the TV, Jimmy would start kissing her cheek, and she'd laugh before kissing him back and…

"Bark!" Goddard pulled Jimmy from his reverie and nodded toward the security camera footage. Carl was approaching, coming to drive Jimmy to Sheen's house to swim, an event he had nearly forgotten all about.

"Sorry Carl," Jimmy said as his friend entered, "I lost track of time. I still have to change."

"Oh, yeah, that's okay. I was a little confused about your outfit choice." Carl replied.

Jimmy looked down to see Cindy's pink striped scarf still hanging on his neck.

"Oh, this?" Jimmy removed it and chuckled nervously. "It's a… science scarf."

"A science scarf?"

"Yeah, you know. A scarf. For science. It uh… helps me think straight and uh… remember… stuff."

"Oh, okay." Carl accepted. Jimmy felt a wave of relief crash over him.

"Anyway, let me grab my trunks. I'll be right back."


Cindy found herself staring at the sunburn on his shoulders as she lounged on the pool steps, halfway submerged. Libby sat with her, drinking lemonade, as the three boys attempted to use the water guns as obnoxiously as possible.

"I'm glad you came," Libby smiled, "because trying to empty the pool of water using only super soakers would not have been my first activity choice."

"He's going to get skin cancer." Cindy said, barely registering Libby's comment.


"I mean, who doesn't put sunscreen on? Idiot."

Libby rolled her eyes emphatically. Then, at a particularly evil thought, she smirked.

"I bet you wish you could rub some spf 50 all over his scrawny bod." Libby laughed.

"LIBBY!" Cindy splashed her lightly. She was quiet then for a while, and Libby wondered if she had maybe opened a still very tender wound.

"Are you okay, Cin?"

"Yeah, it's great to get out of the house."

"You know what I mean." Libby prompted. Cindy was quiet again. "You miss him."

"What? How can I miss somebody who is literally feet from my face? Speaking of which, maybe this isn't the best time for this conversation." Cindy drifted into a whisper.

"They're busy. They won't notice. And you miss him." Libby declared. Cindy scowled at her before slumping over and moaning into the water, bubbles rising up around her blonde hair. When she emerged, she rested her dripping chin on her hands.

"I hate him, you know." Cindy said, glaring at his increasingly red shoulders.

"I know." Libby laughed.

"Ugh. I… I messed up, Libby. I mean, he clearly messed up first. But I messed up too."

"Why don't you talk to him?"

"Because, I… he…" Cindy searched for words. "Because."

"Great reason."


"Really though," Libby nudged Cindy with her shoulder, "you guys clearly still love each other." Cindy nearly jumped out of the water when Libby mention the L word.

"That's the issue, though. I don't… love him. We're not in some fairy tale rom-com, you know. I can live without him. I don't need anyone that I can pretend to have mystical lovey-dovey feelings for just so I can live out some narrative that society has forced down our throats for centuries. However, the genius here prefers to believe it's all real. He's deluded, and yet he's considered the smart one." Cindy crossed her arms and glared once more at the now lobster-red shoulders of Jimmy Neutron.

"Cynical, much?" Libby laughed again.

"Did you know the original Greek Cynics were founded by a man who acted like a dog all day to live out what he thought was the purest form of living?" Cindy huffed, trying to change the subject. Libby looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "If you consider cynicism to be observance of frank truth, then yes."

"You guys are perfect for each other." Libby shook her head. "And maybe the Hollywood kind of love doesn't exist. But I don't know what else you call what you feel, Cindy. I know you miss him, I know you think about him all the time, and I know you want him to be happy. So why not make him happy and get some happiness for yourself too?"

At this, Cindy grabbed one of the remaining water guns and began firing at the boys as she swam away from Libby. Libby sighed.

"The two biggest idiots in the universe."


In the evening, they had all gotten out of the pool and were drying off in some lawn chairs in Sheen's backyard. Jimmy was surprised at how much he had enjoyed himself – after all, he hadn't expected Cindy to be there. And yet, here he was, unfrazzled and perhaps even having a good time.

"And don't even get me started on Physics." Sheen continued with his tirade against finals. "Jimmy I think I'm going to need a science scarf to pass that one."

"What?" Jimmy snapped, panicked, and now completely frazzled.

"Yeah, Carl told me you were wearing one earlier. I'd prefer mine not to be pink striped though. Now, an Ultra Lord scarf…" Sheen continued rambling, but Jimmy wasn't listening at all. His ears were practically on fire with the heat of his embarrassment. He hoped Cindy wasn't listening, and if she was, he hoped dearly she didn't pick up the fact that Sheen was talking about her scarf. Jimmy took a chance and glanced in her direction. She was looking up, at the sunset presumably, and she didn't seem to have heard anything unusual. Jimmy relaxed and put his focus back on Sheen.

"…and that's why Ultra Lord is so good at accessorizing."

"Fascinating stuff, Sheen." Jimmy responded, pretending to have paid attention.

They all talked for a while longer before Libby suggested they all go out to grab a bit to eat.

"No thanks," Cindy said, standing up and gathering her things, "I told my mother I'd be home for dinner. She wants to keep an eye on me and make sure I study tonight."

"I'm up for it!" Sheen shouted enthusiastically as he grabbed Libby's hand. "Anything to accompany my lovely lady." Libby rolled her eyes, but gave a small smile.

"Actually, I can't either." Jimmy said, not much enjoying the prospect of watching Sheen and Libby get all kissy while he was eating, "I still have some upkeep on my mechanisms I didn't finish earlier."

"Well, I want to go!" Carl said eagerly, never willing to pass up an offer for food.

"But Carl, you're my ride." Jimmy reminded.

"C'mon, Jimmy! We could go to McSpanky's." Carl begged.

"Ah, yes. What an exotic locale." Jimmy said, dejected.

"You know," Cindy said, very hesitantly, "I… I could drive you."

"Um," Jimmy paused for what was probably much too long, "sure. I guess. Thanks."

"Whatever. I mean, you do live right across the street. I'm not going out of my way for you or anything." She clarified.

"No, of course not." Jimmy quickly agreed, "It makes very logical sense."

And so, Jimmy Neutron prepared for the longest ten minute drive of his life. After saying goodbye to the others, Jimmy and Cindy walked out to her car and got in without saying a word. The silence persisted for the next seven minutes, which felt more like seven centuries to Jimmy. He looked and the clock on the dashboard and watched for each passing minute.

"I was wondering where that scarf had gone, you know." Cindy said very quietly. Jimmy flinched in surprise that their silence had been broken.

"Ah," he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, "you heard that, did you?"

"You know you can't get much past me." Cindy offered a small smile, "Smart as a whip, and all."

"Says who?" Jimmy smiled back with a short snicker. Then the silence started to creep back. Quickly, Jimmy attempted to break it again. "I can give it back to you when we get home."

"No, you don't have to." Cindy said very quickly, then backtracked, "I mean, I never really liked it in the first place. Plus, I'm sure it's a great look for you. Better than the one you currently have anyway. Although, it will always look better on me." This time Cindy gave a real smile as she looked out onto the road ahead of them.

"Pfft. In your dreams. You simply can't pull off the level of class that scarf requires. I, however, bring tons of class to the table." They were both laughing and Jimmy hadn't noticed the car was stopped between their houses until it was quiet again. Cindy was looking at him, smirk still on her face, and Jimmy found himself fixated by the freckles on her nose. He had forgotten how much he liked them.

"Well, see you later, Vortex." Jimmy said hastily, realizing they had been staring at each other for far too long. Jimmy heard her mutter a brief goodbye as he rushed out of the car and toward his house.


She wasn't crazy – well, clearly she was for being interested in him – but Cindy Vortex could have sworn that she and Jimmy were just having a moment. But there he went, scrambling out of the car as quickly as his short little legs could take him.

As Cindy pulled into her driveway and went inside her house, she wondered if he ran out because he didn't like her that way anymore, and he didn't want to make-up. Now it certainly hadn't been Cindy's goal to go ahead and get back together right then in the car, but the thought that he might not want to made her feel sick. She got to her room and threw herself on the bed, moaning into the pillow. She had been so upset that Jimmy Neutron loved her, that the thought of him losing his feelings for her and moving on had never crossed her mind. Now that it had, she found herself unreasonably upset.

She did break up with him, after all. She did that specifically because he declared his love for her. And now, she lay here with her stomach in knots because he might not like her anymore.

"Ugggghhhhhhhhh." Cindy let out a long moan and began to shout into her pillow, "I don't know what I want anymore."

Really, she was just lying to herself again. She knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted to go across the stupid street to that dumb lab to see the idiotic boy that she hated. She wanted to yell at him for not using sunscreen, and complain about the DVD choices he had. She wanted to go down there and make fun of his terrible hair while she fixed the mistakes he made on his latest invention. She wanted to have a shouting match over some useless academic article and then laugh about it in between kisses. She wanted to fall asleep next to him watching October Sky and draw a stupid mustache on his face when she woke up first.

She wanted to be with him. Having been apart for exactly 33 days, which she had calculated was 2,851,200 seconds, was practically unbearable. Those few minutes they had just had in the car, they had felt so right and comfortable and natural. And what did that really mean? Cindy searched for any other word to describe it that wasn't the one she feared so much.

"Cynthia! Come downstairs and get your dinner!"


When Jimmy got down to his lab the scarf was laying there on the couch. Taunting him. Groaning aloud, he went and sat next to it. After angrily staring at it for at least two minutes, he grabbed it and hung it on his neck. Jimmy tossed his head back and accepted his terrible fate as ultimate loser and complete sap. Goddard jumped up on the couch and prodded Jimmy's arm.


"Fantastic." Jimmy grumbled.


Jimmy groaned again.


"I don't remember making that adjustment." Jimmy remarked. Goddard panted happily.


"I think I should just accept that everything is awful and I'll probably die wearing this stupid scarf."


"No. She made it very clear that she doesn't have feelings for me. And now, even when we're friendly, I can't stand it because, as was aforementioned, everything is awful."


Jimmy had failed to notice the blinking red lights over the computer, the vestiges of the good old Girl Intruder alarm. Jimmy looked to the security camera to see Cindy walking up to the lab door. Jimmy's current plans were to pretend he wasn't inside, even though she had probably just seen him walk in after he left the car.

"Listen, Nerdtron," Cindy talked to the camera, "I have to make this quick because my mother is serving supper and I told her you accidentally took my phone."

Cindy looked very angry. She was probably about to tell him off for being so friendly in the car. Whatever. That might as well happen. Jimmy noted that she was taking an awfully long pause as she glared at the camera.

"I love you, idiot." Cindy scowled. "Okay, Bye." And with that, she turned and left.

Jimmy sat in shock for a few seconds. Then, he bolted from the couch and out the door. She was stomping, very quickly, across the street.

"HEY, VORTEX!" Jimmy called. She stopped in her tracks and turned around.

"What do you want?" She crossed her arms. Then, noticing something she rolled her eyes. "Are you really wearing that scarf right now? You are such a sentimental freak!"

Jimmy looked down at the stupid thing and then whipped his head up to face her.

"What in the name of Neil DeGrasse Tyson did you just try to pull?" he bellowed.

"What?" Cindy snapped. At this point, Jimmy had reached her on the sidewalk closest to her house.

"Oh, please, Vortex. Smart as a whip, my butt. You just came to my door and told my camera you love me, not very nicely I might add, and then you left!"

"What, and your 'I love you' was so much better timed and more eloquent?"

"ABSOLUTELY!" Jimmy yelled in exasperation.

"Well, that's rich!"

"Would you like me to show you how to actually have feelings, Vortex?"

"Oh, BE MY GUEST!" Cindy put her hands on her hips.



"Oh, for Newton's sake, Cindy! Do you always have to try to one-up me?!" Jimmy shook his head in disbelief.

"What, because you've clearly never tried to one-up me ever in all of history?! Whatever! I have to go in for dinner!"

"Fine! You should come over later!"


And with that, they gave each other a quick kiss and promptly turned to their respective homes.


A few hours later, Cindy stopped by the lab. Upon landing on a suspiciously new cushion, she stood and took the room in.

"It is an absolute mess down here, you know." She grimaced.

"Not as big of a mess as your life, Vortex." Jimmy smiled from the couch.

"Oh, ha ha." Cindy faked her laugh emphatically as she sat down next to him. She picked up the remote to put something on the TV, but Jimmy was preventing her from this simple task by kissing her cheek incessantly. She laughed and playfully shoved him off.

"Ow!" Jimmy said, removing her hand from his shoulder, "sunburn. A bad one." Cindy scoffed.

"I knew it. I'm right again."

"Cin, what are you talking –" before Jimmy could finish his sentence, Cindy was returning his kisses with gusto. They did break apart after a little while, though.

"So," Jimmy said, smirking, "you love me, huh?"

"Shut up."

"Cindy loves Jimmy, Cindy loves Jimmy," Jimmy began the taunting tune.


A/N: And they lived angrily ever after. I had some free time and I'd been meaning to finish this thing forever. I'm not 100% happy with how it ended (one of my other ideas involved the valedictorian and salutatorian making out on stage, which I think may have been funnier), but I think it wraps it up for the most part. Thanks for reading, reviewing, following, and favoriting after all this time. I'm really glad to have found so many people who have enjoyed my work over the years. Thanks again, but I gotta blast!